Histo Sink wxgui_histosink2 from gnuradio.wxgui import histosink_gl histosink_gl.histo_sink_f( self.GetWin(), title=$title, num_bins=$num_bins, frame_size=$frame_size, ) #set $grid_pos = $grid_pos.eval #if not grid_pos self.Add(self.$(id).win) #else self.GridAdd(self.$(id).win, $grid_pos[0], $grid_pos[1], $grid_pos[2], $grid_pos[3]) #end if set_num_bins($num_bins) set_frame_size($frame_size) Title title Histogram Plot string Num Bins num_bins 27 int Frame Size frame_size 1000 int Grid Position grid_pos grid_pos in float Use the Grid Position (row, column, row span, column span) to position the graphical element in the window.