<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- ################################################### ##Simple XMLRPC Server ################################################### --> <block> <name>XMLRPC Server</name> <key>xmlrpc_server</key> <import>import SimpleXMLRPCServer</import> <import>import threading</import> <make>SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer(($addr, $port), allow_none=True) self.$(id).register_instance(self) threading.Thread(target=self.$(id).serve_forever).start()</make> <param> <name>Address</name> <key>addr</key> <value>localhost</value> <type>string</type> </param> <param> <name>Port</name> <key>port</key> <value>8080</value> <type>int</type> </param> <doc> This block will start an XMLRPC server. \ The server provides access to the run, start, stop, wait functions of the flow graph. \ The server also provides access to the variable callbacks in the flow graph. \ Ex: If the variable is called freq, the function provided by the server will be called set_freq(new_freq). Example client in python: import xmlrpclib s = xmlrpclib.Server('http://localhost:8080') s.set_freq(5000) </doc> </block>