<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- ################################################### ##Simple XMLRPC Client ################################################### --> <block> <name>XMLRPC Client</name> <key>xmlrpc_client</key> <import>import xmlrpclib</import> <make>xmlrpclib.Server('http://$(addr()):$(port)')</make> <callback>$(callback())($variable)</callback> <param> <name>Address</name> <key>addr</key> <value>localhost</value> <type>string</type> </param> <param> <name>Port</name> <key>port</key> <value>8080</value> <type>int</type> </param> <param> <name>Callback</name> <key>callback</key> <value>set_</value> <type>string</type> </param> <param> <name>Variable</name> <key>variable</key> <type>raw</type> </param> <doc> This block will create an XMLRPC client. \ The client will execute the callback on the server when the variable is changed. \ The callback should be a the name of a function registered on the server. \ The variable should be an expression containing a the name of a variable in flow graph. </doc> </block>