Variable Config variable_config import ConfigParser self._$(id)_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self._$(id)$config_file) if not self._$(id)_config.has_section($section): self._$(id)_config.add_section($section) try: $(id) = self._$(id)_config.$(type.get)($section, $option) except: $(id) = $value self.$(id) = $(id) self.set_$(id)($value) self._$(id)_config.set($section, $option, str($writeback)) self._$(id)_config.write(open($config_file, 'w')) Default Value value 0 $type Type type real enum Config File config_file default file_open Section section main string Option option key string WriteBack writeback None raw This block represents a variable that can be read from a config file. To save the value back into the config file: \ enter the name of another variable into the writeback param. \ When the other variable is changed at runtime, the config file will be re-written.