Notebooknotebookfrom grc_gnuradio import wxgui as grc_wxgui#set $parent = $notebook() and 'self.%s.GetPage(%s)'%$notebook() or 'self'
self.$(id) = wx.Notebook($(parent).GetWin(), style=$style)
#for $label in $labels()
self.$(id).AddPage(grc_wxgui.Panel(self.$(id)), "$label")
#end for
#if not $grid_pos()
$(parent).GridAdd(self.$(id), $(', '.join(map(str, $grid_pos()))))
#end ifTab Orientationstylewx.NB_TOPenumLabelslabels['tab1', 'tab2', 'tab3']rawGrid Positiongrid_posgrid_posNotebooknotebooknotebookisinstance($labels, (list, tuple))all(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, str), $labels))len($labels) > 0
Use the Grid Position (row, column, row span, column span) to position the graphical element in the window.
Use the Notebook Param (notebook-id, page-index) to place the graphical element inside of a notebook page.