Error Rateblks2_error_ratefrom grc_gnuradio import blks2 as grc_blks2grc_blks2.error_rate(
)TypetypeenumWindow Sizewin_size1000intBits per Symbolbits_per_symbol2int$type.hide_bpsrefbyteinbyteoutfloat
Calculate the bit error rate (BER) or the symbol error rate (SER) over a number of samples given by the window size. \
The actual window size will start at size one and grow to the full window size as new samples arrive. \
Once the window has reached full size, old samples are shifted out of the window and new samples shfited in.
The error block compares the input byte stream to the reference byte stream. \
For example, the reference byte stream could be the input to a modulator, \
and the input byte stream could be the output of a modulator.
Each byte in the incoming stream represents one symbol. \
The bits per symbol parameter is only useful for calculating the BER.