#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2003,2004,2006,2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GNU Radio # # GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # from gnuradio import gr, gru, eng_notation from gnuradio.wxgui import stdgui2 import wx import gnuradio.wxgui.plot as plot import Numeric import threading import struct default_scopesink_size = (640, 240) default_v_scale = 1000 default_frame_decim = gr.prefs().get_long('wxgui', 'frame_decim', 1) class scope_sink_f(gr.hier_block2): def __init__(self, parent, title='', sample_rate=1, size=default_scopesink_size, frame_decim=default_frame_decim, v_scale=default_v_scale, t_scale=None): gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, "scope_sink_f", gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_float), gr.io_signature(0,0,0)) msgq = gr.msg_queue(2) # message queue that holds at most 2 messages self.guts = gr.oscope_sink_f(sample_rate, msgq) self.define_component("guts", self.guts) self.connect("self", 0, "guts", 0) self.win = scope_window(win_info (msgq, sample_rate, frame_decim, v_scale, t_scale, self.guts, title), parent) def set_sample_rate(self, sample_rate): self.guts.set_sample_rate(sample_rate) self.win.info.set_sample_rate(sample_rate) class scope_sink_c(gr.hier_block2): def __init__(self, parent, title='', sample_rate=1, size=default_scopesink_size, frame_decim=default_frame_decim, v_scale=default_v_scale, t_scale=None): gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, "scope_sink_c", gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex), gr.io_signature(0,0,0)) msgq = gr.msg_queue(2) # message queue that holds at most 2 messages self.define_component("c2f", gr.complex_to_float()) self.guts = gr.oscope_sink_f(sample_rate, msgq) self.define_component("guts", self.guts) self.connect("self", 0, "c2f", 0) self.connect("c2f", 0, "guts", 0) self.connect("c2f", 1, "guts", 1) self.win = scope_window(win_info(msgq, sample_rate, frame_decim, v_scale, t_scale, self.guts, title), parent) def set_sample_rate(self, sample_rate): self.guts.set_sample_rate(sample_rate) self.win.info.set_sample_rate(sample_rate) # ======================================================================== time_base_list = [ # time / division 1.0e-7, # 100ns / div 2.5e-7, 5.0e-7, 1.0e-6, # 1us / div 2.5e-6, 5.0e-6, 1.0e-5, # 10us / div 2.5e-5, 5.0e-5, 1.0e-4, # 100us / div 2.5e-4, 5.0e-4, 1.0e-3, # 1ms / div 2.5e-3, 5.0e-3, 1.0e-2, # 10ms / div 2.5e-2, 5.0e-2 ] v_scale_list = [ # counts / div, LARGER gains are SMALLER /div, appear EARLIER 2.0e-3, # 2m / div, don't call it V/div it's actually counts/div 5.0e-3, 1.0e-2, 2.0e-2, 5.0e-2, 1.0e-1, 2.0e-1, 5.0e-1, 1.0e+0, 2.0e+0, 5.0e+0, 1.0e+1, 2.0e+1, 5.0e+1, 1.0e+2, 2.0e+2, 5.0e+2, 1.0e+3, 2.0e+3, 5.0e+3, 1.0e+4 # 10000 /div, USRP full scale is -/+ 32767 ] wxDATA_EVENT = wx.NewEventType() def EVT_DATA_EVENT(win, func): win.Connect(-1, -1, wxDATA_EVENT, func) class DataEvent(wx.PyEvent): def __init__(self, data): wx.PyEvent.__init__(self) self.SetEventType (wxDATA_EVENT) self.data = data def Clone (self): self.__class__ (self.GetId()) class win_info (object): __slots__ = ['msgq', 'sample_rate', 'frame_decim', 'v_scale', 'scopesink', 'title', 'time_scale_cursor', 'v_scale_cursor', 'marker', 'xy', 'autorange', 'running'] def __init__ (self, msgq, sample_rate, frame_decim, v_scale, t_scale, scopesink, title = "Oscilloscope"): self.msgq = msgq self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.frame_decim = frame_decim self.scopesink = scopesink self.title = title; self.time_scale_cursor = gru.seq_with_cursor(time_base_list, initial_value = t_scale) self.v_scale_cursor = gru.seq_with_cursor(v_scale_list, initial_value = v_scale) self.marker = 'line' self.xy = False if v_scale == None: # 0 and None are both False, but 0 != None self.autorange = True else: self.autorange = False # 0 is a valid v_scale self.running = True def get_time_per_div (self): return self.time_scale_cursor.current () def get_volts_per_div (self): return self.v_scale_cursor.current () def set_sample_rate(self, sample_rate): self.sample_rate = sample_rate def get_sample_rate (self): return self.sample_rate def get_decimation_rate (self): return 1.0 def set_marker (self, s): self.marker = s def get_marker (self): return self.marker class input_watcher (threading.Thread): def __init__ (self, msgq, event_receiver, frame_decim, **kwds): threading.Thread.__init__ (self, **kwds) self.setDaemon (1) self.msgq = msgq self.event_receiver = event_receiver self.frame_decim = frame_decim self.iscan = 0 self.keep_running = True self.start () def run (self): # print "input_watcher: pid = ", os.getpid () while (self.keep_running): msg = self.msgq.delete_head() # blocking read of message queue if self.iscan == 0: # only display at frame_decim self.iscan = self.frame_decim nchan = int(msg.arg1()) # number of channels of data in msg nsamples = int(msg.arg2()) # number of samples in each channel s = msg.to_string() # get the body of the msg as a string bytes_per_chan = nsamples * gr.sizeof_float records = [] for ch in range (nchan): start = ch * bytes_per_chan chan_data = s[start:start+bytes_per_chan] rec = Numeric.fromstring (chan_data, Numeric.Float32) records.append (rec) # print "nrecords = %d, reclen = %d" % (len (records),nsamples) de = DataEvent (records) wx.PostEvent (self.event_receiver, de) records = [] del de # end if iscan == 0 self.iscan -= 1 class scope_window (wx.Panel): def __init__ (self, info, parent, id = -1, pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize, name = ""): wx.Panel.__init__ (self, parent, -1) self.info = info vbox = wx.BoxSizer (wx.VERTICAL) self.graph = graph_window (info, self, -1) vbox.Add (self.graph, 1, wx.EXPAND) vbox.Add (self.make_control_box(), 0, wx.EXPAND) vbox.Add (self.make_control2_box(), 0, wx.EXPAND) self.sizer = vbox self.SetSizer (self.sizer) self.SetAutoLayout (True) self.sizer.Fit (self) self.set_autorange(self.info.autorange) # second row of control buttons etc. appears BELOW control_box def make_control2_box (self): ctrlbox = wx.BoxSizer (wx.HORIZONTAL) self.inc_v_button = wx.Button (self, 1101, " < ", style=wx.BU_EXACTFIT) self.inc_v_button.SetToolTipString ("Increase vertical range") wx.EVT_BUTTON (self, 1101, self.incr_v_scale) # ID matches button ID above self.dec_v_button = wx.Button (self, 1100, " > ", style=wx.BU_EXACTFIT) self.dec_v_button.SetToolTipString ("Decrease vertical range") wx.EVT_BUTTON (self, 1100, self.decr_v_scale) self.v_scale_label = wx.StaticText (self, 1002, "None") # vertical /div self.update_v_scale_label () self.autorange_checkbox = wx.CheckBox (self, 1102, "Autorange") self.autorange_checkbox.SetToolTipString ("Select autorange on/off") wx.EVT_CHECKBOX(self, 1102, self.autorange_checkbox_event) ctrlbox.Add ((5,0) ,0) # left margin space ctrlbox.Add (self.inc_v_button, 0, wx.EXPAND) ctrlbox.Add (self.dec_v_button, 0, wx.EXPAND) ctrlbox.Add (self.v_scale_label, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) ctrlbox.Add ((20,0) ,0) # spacer ctrlbox.Add (self.autorange_checkbox, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) return ctrlbox def make_control_box (self): ctrlbox = wx.BoxSizer (wx.HORIZONTAL) tb_left = wx.Button (self, 1001, " < ", style=wx.BU_EXACTFIT) tb_left.SetToolTipString ("Increase time base") wx.EVT_BUTTON (self, 1001, self.incr_timebase) tb_right = wx.Button (self, 1000, " > ", style=wx.BU_EXACTFIT) tb_right.SetToolTipString ("Decrease time base") wx.EVT_BUTTON (self, 1000, self.decr_timebase) self.time_base_label = wx.StaticText (self, 1002, "") self.update_timebase_label () ctrlbox.Add ((5,0) ,0) # ctrlbox.Add (wx.StaticText (self, -1, "Horiz Scale: "), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) ctrlbox.Add (tb_left, 0, wx.EXPAND) ctrlbox.Add (tb_right, 0, wx.EXPAND) ctrlbox.Add (self.time_base_label, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) ctrlbox.Add ((10,0) ,1) # stretchy space ctrlbox.Add (wx.StaticText (self, -1, "Trig: "), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.trig_chan_choice = wx.Choice (self, 1004, choices = ['Ch1', 'Ch2', 'Ch3', 'Ch4']) self.trig_chan_choice.SetToolTipString ("Select channel for trigger") wx.EVT_CHOICE (self, 1004, self.trig_chan_choice_event) ctrlbox.Add (self.trig_chan_choice, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.trig_mode_choice = wx.Choice (self, 1005, choices = ['Auto', 'Pos', 'Neg']) self.trig_mode_choice.SetToolTipString ("Select trigger slope or Auto (untriggered roll)") wx.EVT_CHOICE (self, 1005, self.trig_mode_choice_event) ctrlbox.Add (self.trig_mode_choice, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) trig_level50 = wx.Button (self, 1006, "50%") trig_level50.SetToolTipString ("Set trigger level to 50%") wx.EVT_BUTTON (self, 1006, self.set_trig_level50) ctrlbox.Add (trig_level50, 0, wx.EXPAND) run_stop = wx.Button (self, 1007, "Run/Stop") run_stop.SetToolTipString ("Toggle Run/Stop mode") wx.EVT_BUTTON (self, 1007, self.run_stop) ctrlbox.Add (run_stop, 0, wx.EXPAND) ctrlbox.Add ((10, 0) ,1) # stretchy space ctrlbox.Add (wx.StaticText (self, -1, "Fmt: "), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.marker_choice = wx.Choice (self, 1002, choices = self._marker_choices) self.marker_choice.SetToolTipString ("Select plotting with lines, pluses or dots") wx.EVT_CHOICE (self, 1002, self.marker_choice_event) ctrlbox.Add (self.marker_choice, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.xy_choice = wx.Choice (self, 1003, choices = ['X:t', 'X:Y']) self.xy_choice.SetToolTipString ("Select X vs time or X vs Y display") wx.EVT_CHOICE (self, 1003, self.xy_choice_event) ctrlbox.Add (self.xy_choice, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) return ctrlbox _marker_choices = ['line', 'plus', 'dot'] def update_timebase_label (self): time_per_div = self.info.get_time_per_div () s = ' ' + eng_notation.num_to_str (time_per_div) + 's/div' self.time_base_label.SetLabel (s) def decr_timebase (self, evt): self.info.time_scale_cursor.prev () self.update_timebase_label () def incr_timebase (self, evt): self.info.time_scale_cursor.next () self.update_timebase_label () def update_v_scale_label (self): volts_per_div = self.info.get_volts_per_div () s = ' ' + eng_notation.num_to_str (volts_per_div) + '/div' # Not V/div self.v_scale_label.SetLabel (s) def decr_v_scale (self, evt): self.info.v_scale_cursor.prev () self.update_v_scale_label () def incr_v_scale (self, evt): self.info.v_scale_cursor.next () self.update_v_scale_label () def marker_choice_event (self, evt): s = evt.GetString () self.set_marker (s) def set_autorange(self, on): if on: self.v_scale_label.SetLabel(" (auto)") self.info.autorange = True self.autorange_checkbox.SetValue(True) self.inc_v_button.Enable(False) self.dec_v_button.Enable(False) else: if self.graph.y_range: (l,u) = self.graph.y_range # found by autorange self.info.v_scale_cursor.set_index_by_value((u-l)/8.0) self.update_v_scale_label() self.info.autorange = False self.autorange_checkbox.SetValue(False) self.inc_v_button.Enable(True) self.dec_v_button.Enable(True) def autorange_checkbox_event(self, evt): if evt.Checked(): self.set_autorange(True) else: self.set_autorange(False) def set_marker (self, s): self.info.set_marker (s) # set info for drawing routines i = self.marker_choice.FindString (s) assert i >= 0, "Hmmm, set_marker problem" self.marker_choice.SetSelection (i) def set_format_line (self): self.set_marker ('line') def set_format_dot (self): self.set_marker ('dot') def set_format_plus (self): self.set_marker ('plus') def xy_choice_event (self, evt): s = evt.GetString () self.info.xy = s == 'X:Y' def trig_chan_choice_event (self, evt): s = evt.GetString () ch = int (s[-1]) - 1 self.info.scopesink.set_trigger_channel (ch) def trig_mode_choice_event (self, evt): sink = self.info.scopesink s = evt.GetString () if s == 'Pos': sink.set_trigger_mode (gr.gr_TRIG_POS_SLOPE) elif s == 'Neg': sink.set_trigger_mode (gr.gr_TRIG_NEG_SLOPE) elif s == 'Auto': sink.set_trigger_mode (gr.gr_TRIG_AUTO) else: assert 0, "Bad trig_mode_choice string" def set_trig_level50 (self, evt): self.info.scopesink.set_trigger_level_auto () def run_stop (self, evt): self.info.running = not self.info.running class graph_window (plot.PlotCanvas): channel_colors = ['BLUE', 'RED', 'CYAN', 'MAGENTA', 'GREEN', 'YELLOW'] def __init__ (self, info, parent, id = -1, pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = (640, 240), style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name = ""): plot.PlotCanvas.__init__ (self, parent, id, pos, size, style, name) self.SetXUseScopeTicks (True) self.SetEnableGrid (True) self.SetEnableZoom (True) self.SetEnableLegend(True) # self.SetBackgroundColour ('black') self.info = info; self.y_range = None self.x_range = None self.avg_y_min = None self.avg_y_max = None self.avg_x_min = None self.avg_x_max = None EVT_DATA_EVENT (self, self.format_data) self.input_watcher = input_watcher (info.msgq, self, info.frame_decim) def channel_color (self, ch): return self.channel_colors[ch % len(self.channel_colors)] def format_data (self, evt): if not self.info.running: return if self.info.xy: self.format_xy_data (evt) return info = self.info records = evt.data nchannels = len (records) npoints = len (records[0]) objects = [] Ts = 1.0 / (info.get_sample_rate () / info.get_decimation_rate ()) x_vals = Ts * Numeric.arrayrange (-npoints/2, npoints/2) # preliminary clipping based on time axis here, instead of in graphics code time_per_window = self.info.get_time_per_div () * 10 n = int (time_per_window / Ts + 0.5) n = n & ~0x1 # make even n = max (2, min (n, npoints)) self.SetXUseScopeTicks (True) # use 10 divisions, no labels for ch in range(nchannels): r = records[ch] # plot middle n points of record lb = npoints/2 - n/2 ub = npoints/2 + n/2 # points = zip (x_vals[lb:ub], r[lb:ub]) points = Numeric.zeros ((ub-lb, 2), Numeric.Float64) points[:,0] = x_vals[lb:ub] points[:,1] = r[lb:ub] m = info.get_marker () if m == 'line': objects.append (plot.PolyLine (points, colour=self.channel_color (ch), legend=('Ch%d' % (ch+1,)))) else: objects.append (plot.PolyMarker (points, marker=m, colour=self.channel_color (ch), legend=('Ch%d' % (ch+1,)))) graphics = plot.PlotGraphics (objects, title=self.info.title, xLabel = '', yLabel = '') time_per_div = info.get_time_per_div () x_range = (-5.0 * time_per_div, 5.0 * time_per_div) # ranges are tuples! volts_per_div = info.get_volts_per_div () if not self.info.autorange: self.y_range = (-4.0 * volts_per_div, 4.0 * volts_per_div) self.Draw (graphics, xAxis=x_range, yAxis=self.y_range) self.update_y_range () # autorange to self.y_range def format_xy_data (self, evt): info = self.info records = evt.data nchannels = len (records) npoints = len (records[0]) if nchannels < 2: return objects = [] # points = zip (records[0], records[1]) points = Numeric.zeros ((len(records[0]), 2), Numeric.Float32) points[:,0] = records[0] points[:,1] = records[1] self.SetXUseScopeTicks (False) m = info.get_marker () if m == 'line': objects.append (plot.PolyLine (points, colour=self.channel_color (0))) else: objects.append (plot.PolyMarker (points, marker=m, colour=self.channel_color (0))) graphics = plot.PlotGraphics (objects, title=self.info.title, xLabel = 'I', yLabel = 'Q') self.Draw (graphics, xAxis=self.x_range, yAxis=self.y_range) self.update_y_range () self.update_x_range () def update_y_range (self): alpha = 1.0/25 graphics = self.last_draw[0] p1, p2 = graphics.boundingBox () # min, max points of graphics if self.avg_y_min: # prevent vertical scale from jumping abruptly --? self.avg_y_min = p1[1] * alpha + self.avg_y_min * (1 - alpha) self.avg_y_max = p2[1] * alpha + self.avg_y_max * (1 - alpha) else: # initial guess self.avg_y_min = p1[1] # -500.0 workaround, sometimes p1 is ~ 10^35 self.avg_y_max = p2[1] # 500.0 self.y_range = self._axisInterval ('auto', self.avg_y_min, self.avg_y_max) # print "p1 %s p2 %s y_min %s y_max %s y_range %s" \ # % (p1, p2, self.avg_y_min, self.avg_y_max, self.y_range) def update_x_range (self): alpha = 1.0/25 graphics = self.last_draw[0] p1, p2 = graphics.boundingBox () # min, max points of graphics if self.avg_x_min: self.avg_x_min = p1[0] * alpha + self.avg_x_min * (1 - alpha) self.avg_x_max = p2[0] * alpha + self.avg_x_max * (1 - alpha) else: self.avg_x_min = p1[0] self.avg_x_max = p2[0] self.x_range = self._axisInterval ('auto', self.avg_x_min, self.avg_x_max) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Stand-alone test application # ---------------------------------------------------------------- class test_top_block (stdgui2.std_top_block): def __init__(self, frame, panel, vbox, argv): stdgui2.std_top_block.__init__ (self, frame, panel, vbox, argv) if len(argv) > 1: frame_decim = int(argv[1]) else: frame_decim = 1 if len(argv) > 2: v_scale = float(argv[2]) # start up at this v_scale value else: v_scale = None # start up in autorange mode, default if len(argv) > 3: t_scale = float(argv[3]) # start up at this t_scale value else: t_scale = None # old behavior print "frame decim %s v_scale %s t_scale %s" % (frame_decim,v_scale,t_scale) input_rate = 1e6 # Generate a complex sinusoid self.define_component("src0", gr.sig_source_c (input_rate, gr.GR_SIN_WAVE, 25.1e3, 1e3)) # We add this throttle block so that this demo doesn't suck down # all the CPU available. You normally wouldn't use it... self.define_component("throttle", gr.throttle(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, input_rate)) scope = scope_sink_c (panel,"Secret Data",sample_rate=input_rate, frame_decim=frame_decim, v_scale=v_scale, t_scale=t_scale) self.define_component("scope", scope) vbox.Add (scope.win, 1, wx.EXPAND) # Ultimately this will be # self.connect("src0 throttle scope") self.connect("src0", 0, "throttle", 0) self.connect("throttle", 0, "scope", 0) def main (): app = stdgui2.stdapp (test_top_block, "O'Scope Test App") app.MainLoop () if __name__ == '__main__': main () # ----------------------------------------------------------------