# # Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GNU Radio # # GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # ################################################## # Imports ################################################## import plotter import common import wx import numpy import math import pubsub from constants import * ################################################## # Constants ################################################## SLIDER_STEPS = 200 ALPHA_MIN_EXP, ALPHA_MAX_EXP = -6, -0.301 GAIN_MU_MIN_EXP, GAIN_MU_MAX_EXP = -6, -0.301 DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE = 5 DEFAULT_WIN_SIZE = (500, 400) DEFAULT_CONST_SIZE = 2048 CONST_PLOT_COLOR_SPEC = (0, 0, 1) MARKER_TYPES = ( ('Dot Small', 1.0), ('Dot Medium', 2.0), ('Dot Large', 3.0), ('Line Link', None), ) DEFAULT_MARKER_TYPE = 2.0 ################################################## # Constellation window control panel ################################################## class control_panel(wx.Panel): """! A control panel with wx widgits to control the plotter. """ def __init__(self, parent): """! Create a new control panel. @param parent the wx parent window """ self.parent = parent wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1, style=wx.SUNKEN_BORDER) control_box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.marker_index = 2 #begin control box control_box.AddStretchSpacer() control_box.Add(common.LabelText(self, 'Options'), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) #marker control_box.AddStretchSpacer() self.marker_chooser = common.DropDownController(self, 'Marker', MARKER_TYPES, parent, MARKER_KEY) control_box.Add(self.marker_chooser, 0, wx.EXPAND) #alpha control_box.AddStretchSpacer() self.alpha_slider = common.LogSliderController( self, 'Alpha', ALPHA_MIN_EXP, ALPHA_MAX_EXP, SLIDER_STEPS, parent.ext_controller, parent.alpha_key, ) control_box.Add(self.alpha_slider, 0, wx.EXPAND) #gain_mu control_box.AddStretchSpacer() self.gain_mu_slider = common.LogSliderController( self, 'Gain Mu', GAIN_MU_MIN_EXP, GAIN_MU_MAX_EXP, SLIDER_STEPS, parent.ext_controller, parent.gain_mu_key, ) control_box.Add(self.gain_mu_slider, 0, wx.EXPAND) #run/stop control_box.AddStretchSpacer() self.run_button = common.ToggleButtonController(self, parent, RUNNING_KEY, 'Stop', 'Run') control_box.Add(self.run_button, 0, wx.EXPAND) #set sizer self.SetSizerAndFit(control_box) ################################################## # Constellation window with plotter and control panel ################################################## class const_window(wx.Panel, pubsub.pubsub, common.prop_setter): def __init__( self, parent, controller, size, title, msg_key, alpha_key, beta_key, gain_mu_key, gain_omega_key, ): pubsub.pubsub.__init__(self) #setup self.ext_controller = controller self.alpha_key = alpha_key self.beta_key = beta_key self.gain_mu_key = gain_mu_key self.gain_omega_key = gain_omega_key #init panel and plot wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1, style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) self.plotter = plotter.channel_plotter(self) self.plotter.SetSize(wx.Size(*size)) self.plotter.set_title(title) self.plotter.set_x_label('Inphase') self.plotter.set_y_label('Quadrature') self.plotter.enable_point_label(True) #setup the box with plot and controls self.control_panel = control_panel(self) main_box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) main_box.Add(self.plotter, 1, wx.EXPAND) main_box.Add(self.control_panel, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizerAndFit(main_box) #alpha and gain mu 2nd orders def set_beta(alpha): self.ext_controller[self.beta_key] = .25*alpha**2 self.ext_controller.subscribe(self.alpha_key, set_beta) def set_gain_omega(gain_mu): self.ext_controller[self.gain_omega_key] = .25*gain_mu**2 self.ext_controller.subscribe(self.gain_mu_key, set_gain_omega) #initial setup self.ext_controller[self.alpha_key] = self.ext_controller[self.alpha_key] self.ext_controller[self.gain_mu_key] = self.ext_controller[self.gain_mu_key] self._register_set_prop(self, RUNNING_KEY, True) self._register_set_prop(self, X_DIVS_KEY, 8) self._register_set_prop(self, Y_DIVS_KEY, 8) self._register_set_prop(self, MARKER_KEY, DEFAULT_MARKER_TYPE) #register events self.ext_controller.subscribe(msg_key, self.handle_msg) for key in ( X_DIVS_KEY, Y_DIVS_KEY, ): self.subscribe(key, self.update_grid) #initial update self.update_grid() def handle_msg(self, msg): """! Plot the samples onto the complex grid. @param msg the array of complex samples """ if not self[RUNNING_KEY]: return #convert to complex floating point numbers samples = numpy.fromstring(msg, numpy.complex64) real = numpy.real(samples) imag = numpy.imag(samples) #plot self.plotter.set_waveform( channel=0, samples=(real, imag), color_spec=CONST_PLOT_COLOR_SPEC, marker=self[MARKER_KEY], ) #update the plotter self.plotter.update() def update_grid(self): #grid parameters x_divs = self[X_DIVS_KEY] y_divs = self[Y_DIVS_KEY] #update the x axis x_max = 2.0 self.plotter.set_x_grid(-x_max, x_max, common.get_clean_num(2.0*x_max/x_divs)) #update the y axis y_max = 2.0 self.plotter.set_y_grid(-y_max, y_max, common.get_clean_num(2.0*y_max/y_divs)) #update plotter self.plotter.update()