WX GUI Number Sink wxgui_numbersink2 from gnuradio.wxgui import numbersink2 #set $parent = $notebook() and 'self.%s.GetPage(%s)'%$notebook() or 'self' numbersink2.$(type.fcn)( $(parent).GetWin(), unit=$units, minval=$min_value, maxval=$max_value, factor=$factor, decimal_places=$decimal_places, ref_level=$ref_level, sample_rate=$samp_rate, number_rate=$number_rate, average=$average, avg_alpha=#if $avg_alpha() then $avg_alpha else 'None'#, label=$title, peak_hold=$peak_hold, show_gauge=$show_gauge, #if $win_size() size=$win_size, #end if ) #if not $grid_pos() $(parent).Add(self.$(id).win) #else $(parent).GridAdd(self.$(id).win, $(', '.join(map(str, $grid_pos())))) #end if Type type complex enum Title title Number Plot string Units units Units string Sample Rate samp_rate samp_rate real Min Value min_value -100 real Max Value max_value 100 real Factor factor 1.0 real Decimal Places decimal_places 10 int Reference Level ref_level 0 real Number Rate number_rate 15 int Peak Hold peak_hold False enum #if $peak_hold() == 'True' then 'none' else 'part'# Average average False enum part Average Alpha avg_alpha 0 real #if $average() == 'True' then 'none' else 'all'# Show Gauge show_gauge True enum Window Size win_size int_vector #if $win_size() then 'none' else 'part'# Grid Position grid_pos grid_pos Notebook notebook notebook not $win_size or len($win_size) == 2 in $type Set Average Alpha to 0 for automatic setting. Leave the window blank for the default size, otherwise enter a tuple of (width, height) pixels. Use the Grid Position (row, column, row span, column span) to position the graphical element in the window. Use the Notebook Param (notebook-id, page-index) to place the graphical element inside of a notebook page. Incoming numbers are multiplied by the factor, and then added-to by the reference level.