/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ FILE........: dump.c AUTHOR......: David Rowe DATE CREATED: 25/8/09 Routines to dump data to text files for Octave analysis. \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "defines.h" #include "comp.h" #include "dump.h" #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #ifdef DUMP static int dumpon = 0; static FILE *fsn = NULL; static FILE *fsw = NULL; static FILE *few = NULL; static FILE *fsw_ = NULL; static FILE *fmodel = NULL; static FILE *fqmodel = NULL; static FILE *fpw = NULL; static FILE *flsp = NULL; static FILE *fphase = NULL; static FILE *fphase_ = NULL; static FILE *ffw = NULL; static FILE *fe = NULL; static FILE *fsq = NULL; static FILE *fdec = NULL; static FILE *fsnr = NULL; static FILE *fak = NULL; static FILE *fbg = NULL; static FILE *fE = NULL; static FILE *frk = NULL; static FILE *fres = NULL; static char prefix[MAX_STR]; void dump_on(char p[]) { dumpon = 1; strcpy(prefix, p); } void dump_off(){ if (fsn != NULL) fclose(fsn); if (fsw != NULL) fclose(fsw); if (fsw_ != NULL) fclose(fsw_); if (few != NULL) fclose(few); if (fmodel != NULL) fclose(fmodel); if (fqmodel != NULL) fclose(fqmodel); if (fpw != NULL) fclose(fpw); if (flsp != NULL) fclose(flsp); if (fphase != NULL) fclose(fphase); if (fphase_ != NULL) fclose(fphase_); if (ffw != NULL) fclose(ffw); if (fe != NULL) fclose(fe); if (fsq != NULL) fclose(fsq); if (fdec != NULL) fclose(fdec); if (fsnr != NULL) fclose(fsnr); if (fak != NULL) fclose(fak); if (fbg != NULL) fclose(fbg); if (fE != NULL) fclose(fE); if (frk != NULL) fclose(frk); if (fres != NULL) fclose(fres); } void dump_Sn(float Sn[]) { int i; char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (fsn == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_sn.txt", prefix); fsn = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(fsn != NULL); } /* split across two lines to avoid max line length problems */ /* reconstruct in Octave */ for(i=0; i<M/2; i++) fprintf(fsn,"%f\t",Sn[i]); fprintf(fsn,"\n"); for(i=M/2; i<M; i++) fprintf(fsn,"%f\t",Sn[i]); fprintf(fsn,"\n"); } void dump_Sw(COMP Sw[]) { int i; char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (fsw == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_sw.txt", prefix); fsw = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(fsw != NULL); } for(i=0; i<FFT_ENC/2; i++) fprintf(fsw,"%f\t", 10.0*log10(Sw[i].real*Sw[i].real + Sw[i].imag*Sw[i].imag)); fprintf(fsw,"\n"); } void dump_Sw_(COMP Sw_[]) { int i; char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (fsw_ == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_sw_.txt", prefix); fsw_ = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(fsw_ != NULL); } for(i=0; i<FFT_ENC/2; i++) fprintf(fsw_,"%f\t", 10.0*log10(Sw_[i].real*Sw_[i].real + Sw_[i].imag*Sw_[i].imag)); fprintf(fsw_,"\n"); } void dump_Ew(COMP Ew[]) { int i; char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (few == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_ew.txt", prefix); few = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(few != NULL); } for(i=0; i<FFT_ENC/2; i++) fprintf(few,"%f\t", 10.0*log10(Ew[i].real*Ew[i].real + Ew[i].imag*Ew[i].imag)); fprintf(few,"\n"); } void dump_model(MODEL *model) { int l; char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (fmodel == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_model.txt", prefix); fmodel = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(fmodel != NULL); } fprintf(fmodel,"%f\t%d\t", model->Wo, model->L); for(l=1; l<=model->L; l++) fprintf(fmodel,"%f\t",model->A[l]); for(l=model->L+1; l<MAX_AMP; l++) fprintf(fmodel,"0.0\t"); fprintf(fmodel,"%d\t",model->voiced); fprintf(fmodel,"\n"); } void dump_quantised_model(MODEL *model) { int l; char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (fqmodel == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_qmodel.txt", prefix); fqmodel = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(fqmodel != NULL); } fprintf(fqmodel,"%f\t%d\t", model->Wo, model->L); for(l=1; l<=model->L; l++) fprintf(fqmodel,"%f\t",model->A[l]); for(l=model->L+1; l<MAX_AMP; l++) fprintf(fqmodel,"0.0\t"); fprintf(fqmodel,"\n"); } void dump_resample(float w[], float A[], int n) { int l; char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (fres == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_res.txt", prefix); fres = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(fres != NULL); } fprintf(fres,"%d\t",n); for(l=0; l<n; l++) fprintf(fres,"%f\t",w[l]); for(l=0; l<n; l++) fprintf(fres,"%f\t",A[l]); fprintf(fres,"\n"); } void dump_phase(float phase[], int L) { int l; char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (fphase == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_phase.txt", prefix); fphase = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(fphase != NULL); } for(l=1; l<=L; l++) fprintf(fphase,"%f\t",phase[l]); for(l=L+1; l<MAX_AMP; l++) fprintf(fphase,"%f\t",0.0); fprintf(fphase,"\n"); } void dump_phase_(float phase_[], int L) { int l; char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (fphase_ == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_phase_.txt", prefix); fphase_ = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(fphase_ != NULL); } for(l=1; l<=L; l++) fprintf(fphase_,"%f\t",phase_[l]); for(l=L+1; l<MAX_AMP; l++) fprintf(fphase_,"%f\t",0.0); fprintf(fphase_,"\n"); } void dump_snr(float snr) { char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (fsnr == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_snr.txt", prefix); fsnr = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(fsnr != NULL); } fprintf(fsnr,"%f\n",snr); } void dump_Pw(COMP Pw[]) { int i; char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (fpw == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_pw.txt", prefix); fpw = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(fpw != NULL); } for(i=0; i<FFT_DEC/2; i++) fprintf(fpw,"%f\t",Pw[i].real); fprintf(fpw,"\n"); } void dump_lsp(float lsp[]) { int i; char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (flsp == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_lsp.txt", prefix); flsp = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(flsp != NULL); } for(i=0; i<10; i++) fprintf(flsp,"%f\t",lsp[i]); fprintf(flsp,"\n"); } void dump_ak(float ak[], int order) { int i; char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (fak == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_ak.txt", prefix); fak = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(fak != NULL); } for(i=0; i<=order; i++) fprintf(fak,"%f\t",ak[i]); fprintf(fak,"\n"); } void dump_Fw(COMP Fw[]) { int i; char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (ffw == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_fw.txt", prefix); ffw = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(ffw != NULL); } for(i=0; i<256; i++) fprintf(ffw,"%f\t",Fw[i].real); fprintf(ffw,"\n"); } void dump_e(float e_hz[]) { int i; char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (fe == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_e.txt", prefix); fe = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(fe != NULL); } for(i=0; i<500/2; i++) fprintf(fe,"%f\t",e_hz[i]); fprintf(fe,"\n"); for(i=500/2; i<500; i++) fprintf(fe,"%f\t",e_hz[i]); fprintf(fe,"\n"); } void dump_sq(float sq[]) { int i; char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (fsq == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_sq.txt", prefix); fsq = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(fsq != NULL); } for(i=0; i<M/2; i++) fprintf(fsq,"%f\t",sq[i]); fprintf(fsq,"\n"); for(i=M/2; i<M; i++) fprintf(fsq,"%f\t",sq[i]); fprintf(fsq,"\n"); } void dump_dec(COMP Fw[]) { int i; char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (fdec == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_dec.txt", prefix); fdec = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(fdec != NULL); } for(i=0; i<320/5; i++) fprintf(fdec,"%f\t",Fw[i].real); fprintf(fdec,"\n"); } void dump_bg(float e, float bg_est, float percent_uv) { char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (fbg == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_bg.txt", prefix); fbg = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(fbg != NULL); } fprintf(fbg,"%f\t%f\t%f\n", e, bg_est, percent_uv); } void dump_E(float E) { char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (fE == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_E.txt", prefix); fE = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(fE != NULL); } fprintf(fE,"%f\n", 10.0*log10(E)); } void dump_Rk(float Rk[]) { int i; char s[MAX_STR]; if (!dumpon) return; if (frk == NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s_rk.txt", prefix); frk = fopen(s, "wt"); assert(frk != NULL); } for(i=0; i<P_MAX; i++) fprintf(frk,"%f\t",Rk[i]); fprintf(frk,"\n"); } #endif