#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GNU Radio # # GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # import wx from gnuradio.wxgui import form, slider, gui import usrp2_siggen import sys, math class app_gui(object): def __init__(self, frame, panel, vbox, top_block, options, args): self.frame = frame # Use for top-level application window frame self.panel = panel # Use as parent class for created windows self.vbox = vbox # Use as sizer for created windows self.tb = top_block # GUI-unaware flowgraph class self.options = options # Supplied command-line options self.args = args # Supplied command-line arguments freq_range = self.tb.freq_range() self.min_freq = freq_range[0] self.max_freq = freq_range[1] self.freq_step = (self.max_freq-self.min_freq)/100.0 self._types = dict([v, k] for k, v in usrp2_siggen.waveforms.items()) self.build_gui() # TODO: turn these into listeners self.myform['ifc'].set_value(self.tb.interface_name()) self.myform['mac'].set_value(self.tb.mac_addr()) dbid = self.tb.daughterboard_id() self.myform['dbid'].set_value("%04x" % (dbid,)) w = usrp2_siggen.waveforms[self.tb.waveform_type()] self.myform['type'].set_value(w) self.myform['w1freq'].set_value(self.tb.waveform_freq()) self.myform['w2freq'].set_value(self.tb.waveform2_freq()) freq = self.tb.freq() if freq is None: self.evt_set_status_msg("Failed to set initial frequency") else: self.myform['freq'].set_value(freq) self.myform['freq_slider'].set_value(self.tb.freq()) amp = self.tb.amplitude() if (amp > 0.0): db = 20*math.log10(amp) else: db = -100.0 self.myform['amp'].set_value(amp) self.myform['amp_slider'].set_value(db) self.myform['eth'].set_value(self.tb.eth_rate()) self.myform['gbe'].set_value(self.tb.eth_rate()*32) self.myform['interp'].set_value(self.tb.interp_rate()) self.myform['DDC'].set_value(self.tb.ddc_freq()) self.myform['analog'].set_value(self.tb.baseband_freq()) # Event response handlers def evt_set_status_msg(self, msg): self.frame.SetStatusText(msg, 0) def evt_set_freq1(self, kv): return self.tb.set_waveform_freq(kv['w1freq']) def evt_set_freq2(self, kv): return self.tb.set_waveform2_freq(kv['w2freq']) def evt_set_freq(self, kv): if type(kv) == type(0.0): # Set from slider tr = self.tb.set_freq(kv) if tr is not None: self.myform['freq'].set_value(kv) else: # Set from edit box f = kv['freq'] tr = self.tb.set_freq(f) if tr is not None: self.myform['freq_slider'].set_value(f) if tr is not None: self.myform['DDC'].set_value(tr.dxc_freq) self.myform['analog'].set_value(tr.baseband_freq) return (tr is not None) def evt_set_amplitude(self, kv): if type(kv) == type(0.0): # Set from slider amp = math.pow(10, kv/20.0) self.myform['amp'].set_value(amp) return self.tb.set_amplitude(amp) else: # Set from edit box amp = kv['amp'] if amp < 0.0 or amp > 1.0: return False if amp == 0.0: db = -100.0 else: db = 20*math.log10(amp) self.myform['amp_slider'].set_value(db) return self.tb.set_amplitude(amp) def evt_set_interp(self): interp = self.myform['interp'].get_value() if self.tb.set_interp(interp): eth_rate = self.tb.eth_rate() self.myform['eth'].set_value(eth_rate) self.myform['gbe'].set_value(eth_rate*32) return True return False def evt_set_waveform_type(self, type): # TODO: update frequency labels return self.tb.set_waveform(self._types[type]) # GUI construction def build_gui(self): self.myform = myform = form.form() # Baseband controls bb_sbox = wx.StaticBox(parent=self.panel, label="Baseband Modulation") bb_vbox = wx.StaticBoxSizer(bb_sbox, wx.VERTICAL) # Holds all baseband controls as unit # First row of baseband controls (modulation type) mod_hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) mod_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) myform['type'] = form.radiobox_field( parent=self.panel, label="Type", sizer=mod_hbox, value=None, callback=self.evt_set_waveform_type, weight=1, major_dimension=0, choices=usrp2_siggen.waveforms.values() ) bb_vbox.Add((0,10), 0, 0) bb_vbox.Add(mod_hbox, 0, wx.EXPAND) # Second row of baseband controls (frequencies) bbf_hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) bbf_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) myform['w1freq'] = form.float_field( parent=self.panel, sizer=bbf_hbox, label="Frequency 1 (Hz)", weight=1, callback=myform.check_input_and_call(self.evt_set_freq1, self.evt_set_status_msg) ) bbf_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) myform['w2freq'] = form.float_field( parent=self.panel, sizer=bbf_hbox, label="Frequency 2 (Hz)", weight=1, callback=myform.check_input_and_call(self.evt_set_freq2, self.evt_set_status_msg) ) bbf_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) bb_vbox.Add((0,10), 0, 0) bb_vbox.Add(bbf_hbox, 0, wx.EXPAND) # Add baseband controls to top window sizer self.vbox.Add((0,10), 0, 0) self.vbox.Add(bb_vbox, 0, wx.EXPAND) # Frequency controls fc_sbox = wx.StaticBox(parent=self.panel, label="Center Frequency") fc_vbox = wx.StaticBoxSizer(fc_sbox, wx.VERTICAL) # Holds all frequency controls as unit # First row of frequency controls (center frequency) freq_hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) freq_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) myform['freq'] = form.float_field( parent=self.panel, sizer=freq_hbox, label=None, weight=1, callback=myform.check_input_and_call(self.evt_set_freq, self.evt_set_status_msg) ) freq_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) myform['freq_slider'] = form.quantized_slider_field( parent=self.panel, sizer=freq_hbox, label="Min-Max", weight=4, range = (self.min_freq, self.max_freq, self.freq_step), callback=self.evt_set_freq) freq_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) fc_vbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) fc_vbox.Add(freq_hbox, 0, wx.EXPAND) # Second row of frequency controls (results) tr_hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) tr_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) myform['analog'] = form.static_float_field( parent=self.panel, sizer=tr_hbox, label="Daughterboard: (Hz)", weight=1) tr_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) myform['DDC'] = form.static_float_field( parent=self.panel, sizer=tr_hbox, label="USRP2 DDC (Hz)", weight=1) tr_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) fc_vbox.Add(tr_hbox, 0, wx.EXPAND) # Add frequency controls to top window sizer self.vbox.Add((0,10), 0, 0) self.vbox.Add(fc_vbox, 0, wx.EXPAND) # Amplitude row amp_sbox = wx.StaticBox(parent=self.panel, label="Amplitude") amp_hbox = wx.StaticBoxSizer(amp_sbox, wx.HORIZONTAL) amp_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) myform['amp'] = form.float_field( parent=self.panel, sizer=amp_hbox, label="Linear\n(0.0-1.0)", weight=1, callback=myform.check_input_and_call(self.evt_set_amplitude, self.evt_set_status_msg) ) amp_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) myform['amp_slider'] = form.quantized_slider_field( parent=self.panel, sizer=amp_hbox, label="dB Full Scale\n(-100-0)", weight=4, range=(-100.0, 0.0, 1), callback=self.evt_set_amplitude) amp_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) self.vbox.Add((0,10), 0, 0) self.vbox.Add(amp_hbox, 0, wx.EXPAND) # Sample rate row sam_sbox = wx.StaticBox(parent=self.panel, label="Sample Rate") sam_hbox = wx.StaticBoxSizer(sam_sbox, wx.HORIZONTAL) sam_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) myform['interp'] = form.int_field( parent=self.panel, sizer=sam_hbox, label="Interpolation", weight=1, callback=self.evt_set_interp) sam_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) myform['eth'] = form.static_float_field( parent=self.panel, sizer=sam_hbox, label="Sample Rate (sps)", weight=1) sam_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) myform['gbe'] = form.static_float_field( parent=self.panel, sizer=sam_hbox, label="GbE Rate (bits/sec)", weight=1) sam_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) self.vbox.Add((0,10), 0, 0) self.vbox.Add(sam_hbox, 0, wx.EXPAND) # USRP2 row u2_sbox = wx.StaticBox(parent=self.panel, label="USRP2 Hardware") u2_hbox = wx.StaticBoxSizer(u2_sbox, wx.HORIZONTAL) u2_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) myform['ifc'] = form.static_text_field(parent=self.panel, sizer=u2_hbox, label="Interface", weight=2) u2_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) myform['mac'] = form.static_text_field(parent=self.panel, sizer=u2_hbox, label="MAC Address", weight=2) u2_hbox.Add((10,0), 0, 0) myform['dbid'] = form.static_text_field(parent=self.panel, sizer=u2_hbox, label="Daughterboard ID", weight=1) self.vbox.Add((0,10), 0, 0) self.vbox.Add(u2_hbox, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.vbox.Add((0,20), 0, 0) if __name__ == "__main__": try: # Get command line parameters (options, args) = usrp2_siggen.get_options() # Create the top block using these tb = usrp2_siggen.top_block(options, args) # Create the GUI application app = gui.app(top_block=tb, # Constructed top block gui=app_gui, # User interface class options=options, # Command line options args=args, # Command line args title="USRP2 Signal Generator", # Top window title nstatus=1, # Number of status lines start=True, # Whether to start flowgraph realtime=True) # Whether to set realtime priority # And run it app.MainLoop() except RuntimeError, e: print e sys.exit(1)