USRP2 Sink usrp2_sink_xxxx USRP from gnuradio import usrp2 #if not $interface() and not $mac_addr() usrp2.sink_$(type.fcn)() #elif not $mac_addr() usrp2.sink_$(type.fcn)($interface) #else usrp2.sink_$(type.fcn)($interface, $mac_addr) #end if self.$(id).set_interp($interpolation) #if $lo_offset() != float('inf') self.$(id).set_lo_offset($lo_offset) #end if self.$(id).set_center_freq($frequency) self.$(id).set_gain($gain) self.$(id).config_mimo($usrp2_clock_src) set_interp($interpolation) #if $lo_offset() != float('inf') self.$(id).set_lo_offset($lo_offset) #end if self.$(id).set_center_freq($frequency) set_gain($gain) Output Type type enum Interface interface string MAC Addr mac_addr string Interpolation interpolation int Frequency (Hz) frequency real LO Offset (Hz) lo_offset float('inf') real #if $lo_offset() == float('inf') then 'part' else 'none'# Gain (dB) gain 0 real Clock Source usrp2_clock_src usrp2.MC_WE_DONT_LOCK enum in $type $type.vlen The USRP2 sink inputs 100 Megasamples per second / interpolation. Input amplitude should be between 0.0 and 1.0. To use the default ethernet device, leave interface blank. \ For systems with only 1 USRP2, you may leave the mac address blank. \ For multi-USRP2 systems, specify the mac address in the form 00:50:C2:85:3x:xx.