#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Radio GNU Radio Companion is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Radio Companion is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA """ MAIN_TMPL = """\ UHD: Single USRP $sourk.title() uhd_single_usrp_$(sourk) from gnuradio import uhd uhd.single_usrp_$(sourk)( device_addr=\$dev_addr, io_type=uhd.io_type_t.\$type.type, num_channels=\$nchan, ) \#if \$sd_spec() self.\$(id).set_subdev_spec(\$sd_spec) \#end if self.\$(id).set_samp_rate(\$samp_rate) #for $n in range($max_nchan) \#if \$nchan() > $n self.\$(id).set_center_freq(\$center_freq$(n), $n) self.\$(id).set_gain(\$gain$(n), $n) \#if \$ant$(n)() self.\$(id).set_antenna(\$ant$(n), $n) \#end if \#end if #end for set_samp_rate(\$samp_rate) #for $n in range($max_nchan) set_center_freq(\$center_freq$(n), $n) set_gain(\$gain$(n), $n) set_antenna(\$ant$(n), $n) #end for Input Type type enum Num Channels nchan 1 int part Device Addr dev_addr addr= string \#if \$dev_addr() none \#else part \#end if Subdev Spec sd_spec string \#if \$sd_spec() none \#else part \#end if Samp Rate (Sps) samp_rate samp_rate real $params $max_nchan >= \$nchan \$nchan > 0 (len((\$sd_spec).split()) or 1) == \$nchan <$sourk> $direction \$type \$type.vlen \$nchan The UHD Single USRP $sourk.title() Block: Device Address: The device address is a delimited string used to locate UHD devices on your system. \\ If left blank, the first UHD device found will be used. \\ Used args to specify a specfic device. USRP2 Example: addr= USRP1 Example: serial=12345678 Sample rate: The sample rate is the number of samples per second input by this block. \\ The UHD device driver will try its best to match the requested sample rate. \\ If the requested rate is not possible, the UHD block will print an error at runtime. Subdevice specification: Select the subdevice or subdevices for each channel using a markup string. \\ The markup string consists of a list of dboard_slot:subdev_name pairs (one pair per channel). \\ If left blank, the UHD will try to select the first subdevice on your system. \\ See the application notes for further details. Single channel example: A:AB Dual channel example: A:AB B:0 Antenna: For subdevices/daughterboards with only one antenna, this may be left blank. \\ Otherwise, the user should specify one of the possible antenna choices. \\ See the daughterboard application notes for the possible antenna choices. """ PARAMS_TMPL = """ Ch$(n): Center Freq (Hz) center_freq$(n) 0 real \#if \$nchan() > $n then 'none' else 'all'# Ch$(n): Gain (dB) gain$(n) 0 real \#if \$nchan() > $n then 'none' else 'all'# Ch$(n): Antenna ant$(n) string \#if not \$nchan() > $n all \#elif \$ant$(n)() none \#else part \#end if """ def parse_tmpl(_tmpl, **kwargs): from Cheetah import Template return str(Template.Template(_tmpl, kwargs)) max_num_channels = 4 if __name__ == '__main__': import sys for file in sys.argv[1:]: if 'source' in file: sourk = 'source' direction = 'out' elif 'sink' in file: sourk = 'sink' direction = 'in' else: raise Exception, 'is %s a source or sink?'%file params = ''.join([parse_tmpl(PARAMS_TMPL, n=n) for n in range(max_num_channels)]) open(file, 'w').write(parse_tmpl(MAIN_TMPL, max_nchan=max_num_channels, params=params, sourk=sourk, direction=direction, ))