This program is used to take spectra and total power measurements.
  It records spectral and total-power data to external datalogging

The program takes the following options:

  --rx-subdev-spec     which USRP Rx side?  A or B

  --decim              USRP decimation rate: 8, 16, 32, and 64 are good
                       (8Mhz, 4Mhz, 2Mhz, and 1Mhz bandwidth)

  --freq               USRP daughtercard frequency

  --observing          Actual observing frequency (default is to use the
                       setting for --freq)

  --avg                Averaging setting for spectral display--higher numbers
                       equal more averaging.  25 to 40 is typical.

  --integ              Total power integration time: seconds

  --gain               USRP daughtercard gain control

  --reflevel           Reference level on pulse profile display

  --longitude          Observer longitude: West is negative

  --latitude           Observer latitude:  South is negative

  --fft_size           Size of FFT for post-detector spectrum: default is 1024

  --prefix             Filename prefix to use for data logging files
                       Default is ./

  --divbase            The base of the Y/Div menu in pulsar display

  --division           The initial Y/Div in pulsar display

  --ylabel             Y axis label

  --cfunc              The function name prefix for the spectral and
                       calibrator functions

  --waterfall          Use waterfall, rather than regular spectral display
                       NOT TESTED IN THIS APPLICATION

  --stripsize          Size of the total-power stripchart, in samples

There are two windows--a spectral window, and the total-power window.
  Moving the cursor around in the spectral window shows you the
  corresponding frequency and doppler shift.  Left clicking in this
  window sets an interference marker, which sets a "zero" in the
  interference filter.  Use the "clear interference" button to clear this.

The total power window is updated at a fixed 2Hz rate, and grows from
  the left of the display.

If latitude and longitude are set correctly, and system time is correct,
  then the current LMST is displayed, updated once per second.

Averaging parameters, gain, and frequency can all be set from the GUI using
  the appropriate controls.  You can also enter the current declination, which
  will appear in the datalogging files.  This is useful both for mapping,
  and housekeeping purposes, particularly when you haven't looked at a datafile
  for quite some time.

There are two datalog files produced by this program:

     YYYYMMDDHH.tpdat      Total power data

     The date/time portion of the filename is referred to local time,
     rather than UTC or sidereal.

     First field is sidereal time when sample was taken
     Second field is total power datum
     Third field is declination in decimal degrees

     Samples are written once per second

     YYYYMMDDHH.sdat       Spectral data

     The date/time portion of the filename is referred to local time,
     rather than UTC or sidereal.

     First field is sidereal time when spectrum was taken
     Second field is declination in decimal degrees
     Third field is complex spectral data--in the same order that FFTW3 library
         places bins:  DC to bandwidth/2, followed by -bandwidth/2 to DC.

     Spectral snapshots are written once every 5 seconds