/* -*- c++ -*- */ /* * Copyright 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GNU Radio * * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "time_series.h" #include "simulation.h" static const double C = 3e8; // sped of light, m/s // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class delay_line { std::vector d_z; const int d_mask; int d_newest; public: delay_line(unsigned int max_delay) : d_z(gr_rounduppow2(max_delay)), d_mask(d_z.size()-1), d_newest(0) { } void push_item(gr_complex x) { d_newest = (d_newest - 1) & d_mask; d_z[d_newest] = x; } gr_complex ref_item(int delay) const { return d_z[(d_newest + delay) & d_mask]; } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class aux_state { public: dyn_object *d_obj; double d_last_slant_range; gr_fxpt_nco d_nco; aux_state(dyn_object *obj) : d_obj(obj) {} }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class my_sim : public simulation { FILE *d_output; time_series &d_ref; unsigned long long d_pos; // position in time series delay_line d_z; dyn_object *d_tx; // transmitter (not moving) dyn_object *d_rx0; // receiver (not moving) std::vector d_target; double d_baseline; // length of baseline in meters double d_range_bin; // meters/range_bin float d_tx_lambda; // wavelength of tx signals in meters float d_sample_rate; float d_gain; // linear scale factor void adjust_for_start_time(double start_time); bool write_output(gr_complex x) { return fwrite(&x, sizeof(x), 1, d_output) == 1; } public: my_sim(FILE *output, time_series &ref, double timestep, float sample_rate, double start_time, double tx_freq, double gain_db); ~my_sim(); bool update(); bool run(long long nsteps); }; my_sim::my_sim(FILE *output, time_series &ref, double timestep, float sample_rate, double start_time, double tx_freq, double gain_db) : simulation(timestep), d_output(output), d_ref(ref), d_pos(0), d_z(1024), d_range_bin(C * timestep), d_tx_lambda(C/tx_freq), d_sample_rate(sample_rate), d_gain(exp10(gain_db/10)) { d_tx = new dyn_object(point(0,0), point(0,0), "Tx"); d_rx0 = new dyn_object(point(45e3,0), point(0,0), "Rx0"); add_object(d_tx); add_object(d_rx0); d_baseline = dyn_object::distance(*d_tx, *d_rx0); { // add targets float aircraft_speed; float aircraft_angle; point aircraft_pos; dyn_object *ac; // target 1 aircraft_speed = 135; // m/s aircraft_angle = 240 * M_PI/180; aircraft_pos = point(55e3, 20e3); ac = new dyn_object(aircraft_pos, point(aircraft_speed * cos(aircraft_angle), aircraft_speed * sin(aircraft_angle)), "Ac0"); add_object(ac); d_target.push_back(new aux_state(ac)); // target 2 aircraft_speed = 350; // m/s aircraft_angle = 0 * M_PI/180; aircraft_pos = point(-20e3, 60e3); ac = new dyn_object(aircraft_pos, point(aircraft_speed * cos(aircraft_angle), aircraft_speed * sin(aircraft_angle)), "Ac1"); add_object(ac); d_target.push_back(new aux_state(ac)); } adjust_for_start_time(start_time); for (unsigned i = 0; i < d_target.size(); i++) d_target[i]->d_last_slant_range = (dyn_object::distance(*d_tx, *d_target[i]->d_obj) + dyn_object::distance(*d_target[i]->d_obj, *d_rx0)); } my_sim::~my_sim() { } void my_sim::adjust_for_start_time(double start_time) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < d_obj.size(); i++){ // Adjust initial starting positions depending on simulation // start time. FIXME Assumes velocity is constant point p = d_obj[i]->pos(); point v = d_obj[i]->vel(); p.set_x(p.x() + v.x() * start_time); p.set_y(p.y() + v.y() * start_time); d_obj[i]->set_pos(p); } } bool my_sim::update() { // std::cout << *d_ac0 << std::endl; // grab new item from input and insert it into delay line const gr_complex *in = (const gr_complex *) d_ref.seek(d_pos++, 1); if (in == 0) return false; d_z.push_item(*in); gr_complex s = 0; // output sample // FIXME ought to add in attenuated direct path input // for each target, compute slant_range and slant_range' for (unsigned i = 0; i < d_target.size(); i++){ aux_state *t = d_target[i]; double slant_range = (dyn_object::distance(*d_tx, *t->d_obj) + dyn_object::distance(*t->d_obj, *d_rx0)); // meters double delta_slant_range = slant_range - t->d_last_slant_range; t->d_last_slant_range = slant_range; double deriv_slant_range_wrt_time = delta_slant_range / timestep(); // m/sec //fprintf(stdout, "%10.3f\t%10.3f\n", slant_range, deriv_slant_range_wrt_time); // FIXME, may want to interpolate between two bins. int int_delay = lrint((slant_range - d_baseline) / d_range_bin); gr_complex x = d_z.ref_item(int_delay); // scale amplitude (this includes everything: RCS, antenna gain, losses, etc...) x = x * d_gain; if (1){ // compute doppler and apply it float f_doppler = -deriv_slant_range_wrt_time / d_tx_lambda; t->d_nco.set_freq(f_doppler / d_sample_rate); gr_complex phasor(t->d_nco.cos(), t->d_nco.sin()); x = x * phasor; t->d_nco.step(); } s += x; // add in this target's contribution } write_output(s); return simulation::update(); // run generic update } bool my_sim::run(long long nsteps) { //fprintf(stdout, "<%12.2f, %12.2f>\n", d_ac0->pos().x(), d_ac0->pos().y()); //std::cout << *d_ac0 << std::endl; bool ok = simulation::run(nsteps); //std::cout << *d_ac0 << std::endl; //fprintf(stdout, "<%12.2f, %12.2f>\n", d_ac0->pos().x(), d_ac0->pos().y()); return ok; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ static void usage(const char *argv0) { const char *progname; const char *t = std::strrchr(argv0, '/'); if (t != 0) progname = t + 1; else progname = argv0; fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [options] ref_file\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, " -o OUTPUT_FILENAME [default=sim.dat]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -n NSAMPLES_TO_PRODUCE [default=+inf]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -s NSAMPLES_TO_SKIP [default=0]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -g reflection gain in dB (should be <= 0) [default=0]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -f transmitter freq in Hz [default=100MHz]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -r sample rate in Hz [default=250kHz]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -S simulation start time in seconds [default=0]\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ch; const char *output_filename = "sim.dat"; const char *ref_filename = 0; long long int nsamples_to_skip = 0; long long int nsamples_to_produce = std::numeric_limits::max(); double sample_rate = 250e3; double gain_db = 0; double tx_freq = 100e6; double start_time = 0; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "o:s:n:g:f:S:")) != -1){ switch (ch){ case 'o': output_filename = optarg; break; case 's': nsamples_to_skip = (long long) strtof(optarg, 0); if (nsamples_to_skip < 0){ usage(argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " nsamples_to_skip must be >= 0\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'n': nsamples_to_produce = (long long) strtof(optarg, 0); if (nsamples_to_produce < 0){ usage(argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " nsamples_to_produce must be >= 0\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'g': gain_db = strtof(optarg, 0); break; case 'f': tx_freq = strtof(optarg, 0); break; case 'r': sample_rate = strtof(optarg, 0); break; case 'S': start_time = strtof(optarg, 0); break; case '?': case 'h': default: usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } } // while getopt if (argc - optind != 1){ usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } ref_filename = argv[optind++]; double timestep = 1.0/sample_rate; FILE *output = fopen(output_filename, "wb"); if (output == 0){ perror(output_filename); exit(1); } unsigned long long ref_starting_offset = 0; ref_starting_offset += nsamples_to_skip; try { time_series ref(sizeof(gr_complex), ref_filename, ref_starting_offset, 0); my_sim simulator(output, ref, timestep, sample_rate, start_time, tx_freq, gain_db); simulator.run(nsamples_to_produce); } catch (std::string &s){ std::cerr << s << std::endl; exit(1); } return 0; }