#include <waterfallGlobalData.h>

#include <Waterfall3DDisplayPlot.h>

WaterfallData::WaterfallData(const double minimumFrequency, const double maximumFrequency, const uint64_t fftPoints, const unsigned int historyExtent):
  QwtRasterData(QwtDoubleRect(minimumFrequency /* X START */,  0 /* Y START */, maximumFrequency - minimumFrequency /* WIDTH */,  static_cast<double>(historyExtent)/* HEIGHT */))

  _intensityRange = QwtDoubleInterval(-200.0, 0.0);
  _fftPoints = fftPoints;
  _historyLength = historyExtent;

  _spectrumData = new double[_fftPoints * _historyLength];


  delete[] _spectrumData;

void WaterfallData::Reset(){
  memset(_spectrumData, 0x0, _fftPoints*_historyLength*sizeof(double));

  _numLinesToUpdate = -1;

void WaterfallData::Copy(const WaterfallData* rhs){
  if((_fftPoints != rhs->GetNumFFTPoints()) ||
     (boundingRect() != rhs->boundingRect()) ){
    _fftPoints = rhs->GetNumFFTPoints();
    delete[] _spectrumData;
    _spectrumData = new double[_fftPoints * _historyLength];

void WaterfallData::ResizeData(const double startFreq, const double stopFreq, const uint64_t fftPoints){
  if((fftPoints != GetNumFFTPoints()) ||
     (boundingRect().width() != (stopFreq - startFreq)) ||
     (boundingRect().left() != startFreq)){

    setBoundingRect(QwtDoubleRect(startFreq, 0, stopFreq-startFreq, boundingRect().height()));
    _fftPoints = fftPoints;
    delete[] _spectrumData;
    _spectrumData = new double[_fftPoints * _historyLength];

QwtRasterData *WaterfallData::copy() const{
  WaterfallData* returnData =  new WaterfallData(boundingRect().left(), boundingRect().right(), _fftPoints, _historyLength);
  return returnData;

QwtDoubleInterval WaterfallData::range() const{
  return _intensityRange;

void WaterfallData::setRange(const QwtDoubleInterval& newRange){
  _intensityRange = newRange;

double WaterfallData::value(double x, double y) const{
  double returnValue = 0.0;

  const unsigned int intY = static_cast<unsigned int>((1.0 - (y/boundingRect().height())) * 
						      static_cast<double>(_historyLength - 1));
  const unsigned int intX = static_cast<unsigned int>((((x - boundingRect().left()) / boundingRect().width()) * 
						       static_cast<double>(_fftPoints-1)) + 0.5);

  const int location = (intY * _fftPoints) + intX;
  if((location > -1) && (location < static_cast<int64_t>(_fftPoints * _historyLength))){
    returnValue = _spectrumData[location];

  return returnValue;

uint64_t WaterfallData::GetNumFFTPoints()const{
  return _fftPoints;

void WaterfallData::addFFTData(const double* fftData, const uint64_t fftDataSize, const int droppedFrames){
  if(fftDataSize == _fftPoints){
    int64_t heightOffset = _historyLength - 1 - droppedFrames;
    uint64_t drawingDroppedFrames = droppedFrames;

    // Any valid data rolled off the display so just fill in zeros and write new data
    if(heightOffset < 0){
      heightOffset = 0;
      drawingDroppedFrames = static_cast<uint64_t>(_historyLength-1);
    // Copy the old data over if any available
    if(heightOffset > 0){
      memmove( _spectrumData, &_spectrumData[(drawingDroppedFrames+1) * _fftPoints], heightOffset * _fftPoints * sizeof(double)) ;

    if(drawingDroppedFrames > 0){
      // Fill in zeros data for dropped data
      memset(&_spectrumData[heightOffset * _fftPoints], 0x00, static_cast<int64_t>(drawingDroppedFrames) * _fftPoints * sizeof(double));

    // add the new buffer
    memcpy(&_spectrumData[(_historyLength - 1) * _fftPoints], fftData, _fftPoints*sizeof(double));


double* WaterfallData::GetSpectrumDataBuffer()const{
  return _spectrumData;

void WaterfallData::SetSpectrumDataBuffer(const double* newData){
  memcpy(_spectrumData, newData, _fftPoints * _historyLength * sizeof(double));

int WaterfallData::GetNumLinesToUpdate()const{
  return _numLinesToUpdate;

void WaterfallData::SetNumLinesToUpdate(const int newNum){
  _numLinesToUpdate = newNum;

void WaterfallData::IncrementNumLinesToUpdate(){

Waterfall3DData::Waterfall3DData(const double minimumFrequency, const double maximumFrequency, const uint64_t fftPoints, const unsigned int historyExtent):
  WaterfallData(minimumFrequency,  maximumFrequency, fftPoints, historyExtent), Qwt3D::Function(){

  _floorValue = 0.0;

  // Create the dummy mesh data until _ResizeMesh is called
  data = new double*[1];
  data[0] = new double[1];


  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < umesh_p; i++){
    delete[] data[i];
  delete[] data;


void Waterfall3DData::ResizeData(const double startFreq, const double stopFreq, const uint64_t fftPoints){
  if((fftPoints != GetNumFFTPoints()) ||
     (boundingRect().width() != (stopFreq - startFreq)) ||
     (boundingRect().left() != startFreq)){
    WaterfallData::ResizeData(startFreq, stopFreq, fftPoints);

bool Waterfall3DData::create()
  if ((umesh_p<=2) || (vmesh_p<=2) || !plotwidget_p)
    return false;

  // Almost the same as the old create, except that here we store our own data buffer in the class rather than re-creating it each time...

  unsigned i,j;

  /* get the data */
  double dx = (maxu_p - minu_p) / (umesh_p - 1);
  double dy = (maxv_p - minv_p) / (vmesh_p - 1);
  for (i = 0; i < umesh_p; ++i) 
      for (j = 0; j < vmesh_p; ++j) 
	  data[i][j] = operator()(minu_p + i*dx, minv_p + j*dy);
	  if (data[i][j] > range_p.maxVertex.z)
	    data[i][j] = range_p.maxVertex.z;
	  else if (data[i][j] < range_p.minVertex.z)
	    data[i][j] = range_p.minVertex.z;
  if (!plotwidget_p)
      fprintf(stderr,"Function: no valid Plot3D Widget assigned");
      ((Waterfall3DDisplayPlot*)plotwidget_p)->loadFromData(data, umesh_p, vmesh_p, minu_p, maxu_p, minv_p, maxv_p);
  return true;

double Waterfall3DData::operator()(double x, double y){
  return value(x,y) - _floorValue;

double Waterfall3DData::GetFloorValue()const{
  return _floorValue;

void Waterfall3DData::SetFloorValue(const double newValue){
  _floorValue = newValue;

double Waterfall3DData::minZ()const{
  return range_p.minVertex.z;

double Waterfall3DData::maxZ()const{
  return range_p.maxVertex.z;

void Waterfall3DData::setMesh(unsigned int, unsigned int){
  // Do Nothing
  printf("Should Not Reach this Function\n");

void Waterfall3DData::_ResizeMesh(){
  // Clear out the old mesh
  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < umesh_p; i++){
    delete[] data[i];
  delete[] data;
  Qwt3D::Function::setMesh(static_cast<int>(boundingRect().width()/20.0), _historyLength);
  setDomain( boundingRect().left(), static_cast<int>(boundingRect().right()), 0, _historyLength);

  /* allocate some space for the mesh */
  unsigned i;
  data         = new double* [umesh_p] ;
  for ( i = 0; i < umesh_p; i++) 
      data[i]         = new double [vmesh_p];