#include #include #include #include "qwt_painter.h" #include "qwt_double_interval.h" #include "qwt_scale_map.h" #include "qwt_color_map.h" #include "plot_waterfall.h" #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 typedef Q3ValueVector QwtColorTable; #else typedef QVector QwtColorTable; #endif class PlotWaterfallImage: public QImage { // This class hides some Qt3/Qt4 API differences public: PlotWaterfallImage(const QSize &size, QwtColorMap::Format format): #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 QImage(size, format == QwtColorMap::RGB ? 32 : 8) #else QImage(size, format == QwtColorMap::RGB ? QImage::Format_ARGB32 : QImage::Format_Indexed8 ) #endif { } PlotWaterfallImage(const QImage &other): QImage(other) { } void initColorTable(const QImage& other) { #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 const unsigned int numColors = other.numColors(); setNumColors(numColors); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < numColors; i++ ) setColor(i, other.color(i)); #else setColorTable(other.colorTable()); #endif } #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 void setColorTable(const QwtColorTable &colorTable) { setNumColors(colorTable.size()); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < colorTable.size(); i++ ) setColor(i, colorTable[i]); } QwtColorTable colorTable() const { QwtColorTable table(numColors()); for ( int i = 0; i < numColors(); i++ ) table[i] = color(i); return table; } #endif }; class PlotWaterfall::PrivateData { public: PrivateData() { data = NULL; colorMap = new QwtLinearColorMap(); } ~PrivateData() { delete colorMap; } WaterfallData *data; QwtColorMap *colorMap; }; /*! Sets the following item attributes: - QwtPlotItem::AutoScale: true - QwtPlotItem::Legend: false The z value is initialized by 8.0. \param title Title \sa QwtPlotItem::setItemAttribute(), QwtPlotItem::setZ() */ PlotWaterfall::PlotWaterfall(WaterfallData* data, const QString &title): QwtPlotRasterItem(title) { d_data = new PrivateData(); d_data->data = data; // setCachePolicy(QwtPlotRasterItem::PaintCache); setItemAttribute(QwtPlotItem::AutoScale, true); setItemAttribute(QwtPlotItem::Legend, false); setZ(8.0); } //! Destructor PlotWaterfall::~PlotWaterfall() { delete d_data; } const WaterfallData* PlotWaterfall::data()const{ return d_data->data; } //! \return QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotSpectrogram int PlotWaterfall::rtti() const { return QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotSpectrogram; } /*! Change the color map Often it is useful to display the mapping between intensities and colors as an additional plot axis, showing a color bar. \param colorMap Color Map \sa colorMap(), QwtScaleWidget::setColorBarEnabled(), QwtScaleWidget::setColorMap() */ void PlotWaterfall::setColorMap(const QwtColorMap &colorMap) { delete d_data->colorMap; d_data->colorMap = colorMap.copy(); invalidateCache(); itemChanged(); } /*! \return Color Map used for mapping the intensity values to colors \sa setColorMap() */ const QwtColorMap &PlotWaterfall::colorMap() const { return *d_data->colorMap; } /*! \return Bounding rect of the data \sa QwtRasterData::boundingRect */ QwtDoubleRect PlotWaterfall::boundingRect() const { return d_data->data->boundingRect(); } /*! \brief Returns the recommended raster for a given rect. F.e the raster hint is used to limit the resolution of the image that is rendered. \param rect Rect for the raster hint \return data().rasterHint(rect) */ QSize PlotWaterfall::rasterHint(const QwtDoubleRect &rect) const { return d_data->data->rasterHint(rect); } /*! \brief Render an image from the data and color map. The area is translated into a rect of the paint device. For each pixel of this rect the intensity is mapped into a color. \param xMap X-Scale Map \param yMap Y-Scale Map \param area Area that should be rendered in scale coordinates. \return A QImage::Format_Indexed8 or QImage::Format_ARGB32 depending on the color map. \sa QwtRasterData::intensity(), QwtColorMap::rgb(), QwtColorMap::colorIndex() */ QImage PlotWaterfall::renderImage( const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap, const QwtDoubleRect &area) const { if ( area.isEmpty() ) return QImage(); QRect rect = transform(xMap, yMap, area); QwtScaleMap xxMap = xMap; QwtScaleMap yyMap = yMap; const QSize res = d_data->data->rasterHint(area); if ( res.isValid() ) { /* It is useless to render an image with a higher resolution than the data offers. Of course someone will have to scale this image later into the size of the given rect, but f.e. in case of postscript this will done on the printer. */ rect.setSize(rect.size().boundedTo(res)); int px1 = rect.x(); int px2 = rect.x() + rect.width(); if ( xMap.p1() > xMap.p2() ) qSwap(px1, px2); double sx1 = area.x(); double sx2 = area.x() + area.width(); if ( xMap.s1() > xMap.s2() ) qSwap(sx1, sx2); int py1 = rect.y(); int py2 = rect.y() + rect.height(); if ( yMap.p1() > yMap.p2() ) qSwap(py1, py2); double sy1 = area.y(); double sy2 = area.y() + area.height(); if ( yMap.s1() > yMap.s2() ) qSwap(sy1, sy2); xxMap.setPaintInterval(px1, px2); xxMap.setScaleInterval(sx1, sx2); yyMap.setPaintInterval(py1, py2); yyMap.setScaleInterval(sy1, sy2); } PlotWaterfallImage image(rect.size(), d_data->colorMap->format()); const QwtDoubleInterval intensityRange = d_data->data->range(); if ( !intensityRange.isValid() ) return image; d_data->data->initRaster(area, rect.size()); if ( d_data->colorMap->format() == QwtColorMap::RGB ) { for ( int y = rect.top(); y <= rect.bottom(); y++ ) { const double ty = yyMap.invTransform(y); QRgb *line = (QRgb *)image.scanLine(y - rect.top()); for ( int x = rect.left(); x <= rect.right(); x++ ) { const double tx = xxMap.invTransform(x); *line++ = d_data->colorMap->rgb(intensityRange, d_data->data->value(tx, ty)); } } } else if ( d_data->colorMap->format() == QwtColorMap::Indexed ) { image.setColorTable(d_data->colorMap->colorTable(intensityRange)); for ( int y = rect.top(); y <= rect.bottom(); y++ ) { const double ty = yyMap.invTransform(y); unsigned char *line = image.scanLine(y - rect.top()); for ( int x = rect.left(); x <= rect.right(); x++ ) { const double tx = xxMap.invTransform(x); *line++ = d_data->colorMap->colorIndex(intensityRange, d_data->data->value(tx, ty)); } } } d_data->data->discardRaster(); // Mirror the image in case of inverted maps const bool hInvert = xxMap.p1() > xxMap.p2(); const bool vInvert = yyMap.p1() < yyMap.p2(); if ( hInvert || vInvert ) { #ifdef __GNUC__ #endif #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 image = image.mirror(hInvert, vInvert); #else image = image.mirrored(hInvert, vInvert); #endif } return image; } /*! \brief Draw the spectrogram \param painter Painter \param xMap Maps x-values into pixel coordinates. \param yMap Maps y-values into pixel coordinates. \param canvasRect Contents rect of the canvas in painter coordinates \sa setDisplayMode, renderImage, QwtPlotRasterItem::draw, drawContourLines */ void PlotWaterfall::draw(QPainter *painter, const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap, const QRect &canvasRect) const { QwtPlotRasterItem::draw(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect); }