<?xml version="1.0"?>
##Variable Label Text:
##	a gui static text form
	<name>QT GUI Label</name>
	<category>QT GUI Widgets</category>
	<import>from PyQt4 import Qt</import>
	<import>from gnuradio import eng_notation</import>
	<var_make>self.$(id) = $(id) = $value</var_make>
	<make>#set $win = 'self._%s_tool_bar'%$id
$win = Qt.QToolBar(self)
#if not $label()
	#set $label = '"%s"'%$id
#end if
$(win).addWidget(Qt.QLabel($label+": "))
self._$(id)_label = Qt.QLabel(str(self.$id))
		<hide>#if $label() then 'none' else 'part'#</hide>
		<name>Default Value</name>
		<name>GUI Hint</name>
This block creates a variable with a label widget for text. \
Leave the label blank to use the variable id as the label.

The GUI hint can be used to position the widget within the application. \
The hint is of the form [tab_id@tab_index]: [row, col, row_span, col_span]. \
Both the tab specification and the grid position are optional.