#!/usr/bin/python from socket import * import string import time import struct; import random; import array; import cmath; from numpy import *; from numpy.fft import *; from pylab import *; myport = random.randint(1025,65535); filename = "output.dat"; port = 10000 host = "" #host = "" myaddr = ('',myport); buf = 100000; TCPSock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM); TCPSock.bind(myaddr); TCPSock.connect((host,port)); #f_mhz = 2647; # roof ofdm if(len(sys.argv)!= 3): print "usage: %s fc_ghz decim_pow2_exponent"%(sys.argv[0]); sys.exit(-1); f_mhz = float(sys.argv[1])*1000; decim = int(sys.argv[2]); #f_mhz = 3500; #f_mhz = 2600; f_hz = 0; # offset gain = 0; window = 3; #0=rect, 1=hanning, 2=hamming, 3=blackman samples = 65536; #samples = 16777216; samples = samples*4; #bytes of data we are requesting samples=samples*2; #decim = 2; #0-8 (3 => 2^3 = 8) decim = decim+16; # +16 to use 16bit floats instead of 32 bit floats mode = 0; #0=IQ, 1=MAG, 2=MAGDB sets = 1; raw_data = struct.pack("<IIIIIIII", 0x01, 0x18, f_mhz, f_hz, gain, samples, decim, sets); data = raw_data; TCPSock.send(data); print "sent" count = 0; total_data = []; state = 0; vals = []; mags = []; re = []; sample_count = 0; IQ_bytes=0; while(TCPSock): if(state==0): data = TCPSock.recv(4); [opcode] = struct.unpack("<I", data); print "Opcode = %d"%(opcode); if(opcode==1): state = 1; elif(state==1): data = TCPSock.recv(7*4); args = struct.unpack("<IIIIIII", data); print ["reply_len", "freq_mhz", "offset_hz", "gain", "sample_bytes", "decim", "sets_remain"]; print args; IQ_bytes = args[0] - 7*4; state =2; elif(state==2): data = TCPSock.recv(4); [i,q] = struct.unpack("<hh", data); tmp = complex(i,q); re.append(i); vals.append(tmp); mags.append(abs(tmp)); sample_count = sample_count + 1; # print "sample count %d"%(sample_count) IQ_bytes = IQ_bytes - 4; if(IQ_bytes < 4): print "got all data (total %d)"%(sample_count); print "remaining: %d"%(IQ_bytes); break; TCPSock.close(); print "done" nmags = [] for i in mags: if i == 0: i=1; nmags.append(i); subplot(2,1,1); plot(nmags); #plot(10*log10(nmags)); dlen = len(vals); fftlen = (dlen-1024)/1024; fft_data = [] for i in range(1, dlen-1025, 1024): t_in = []; for ind in range(i, i+1024): t_in.append(vals[ind]); #tmp = 20*log10(fftshift(fft(t_in))); tmp = (fftshift(fft(t_in))); if(len(fft_data) == 0): for ind in range(0,1024): fft_data.append( tmp[ind] ); else: for ind in range(0,1024): fft_data[ind] = fft_data[ind] + tmp[ind]; #fft_data = 20*log10(fftshift(fft(vals))); subplot(2,1,2); plot(fft_data); show(); f = open(filename, "w"); for sample in vals: binchunk = struct.pack("<ff",float(sample.real), float(sample.imag) ); f.write(binchunk); f.close();