/* -*- c++ -*- */ /* * Copyright 2004,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GNU Radio * * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) * any later version. * * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ %feature("autodoc", "1"); // generate python docstrings %import "gnuradio.i" // the common stuff %{ #include "gnuradio_swig_bug_workaround.h" // mandatory bug fix #include "msdd_source_s.h" #include "msdd_source_c.h" #include "msdd_source_simple.h" %} // ================================================================ // abstract classes // ================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------- class msdd_source_base : public gr_sync_block { protected: msdd_source_base (const std::string &name, gr_io_signature_sptr output_signature, int which_board, msdd_source_base::msdd_command_type_t opp_mode, const char *src, unsigned short port_src ) throw (std::runtime_error); /*! * \brief number of bytes in a low-level sample */ unsigned int sizeof_basic_sample() const; /*! * \brief convert between native msdd format and output item format * * \param output_items[out] stream(s) of output items * \param output_index[in] starting index in output_items * \param output_items_available[in] number of empty items available at item[index] * \param output_items_produced[out] number of items produced by copy * \param msdd_buffer[in] source buffer * \param msdd_buffer_length[in] number of bytes available in \p msdd_buffer * \param bytes_read[out] number of bytes read from \p msdd_buffer * * The copy must consume all bytes available. That is, \p bytes_read must equal * \p msdd_buffer_length. */ virtual void copy_from_msdd_buffer (gr_vector_void_star &output_items, int output_index, int output_items_available, int &output_items_produced, const void *msdd_buffer, int msdd_buffer_length, int &bytes_read) = 0; int readsock(int sockfd, unsigned char* buf, int nbytes); void* make_request_packet(unsigned int& size, unsigned int number_samples); public: //! magic value used on alternate register read interfaces static const int READ_FAILED = -99999; ~msdd_source_base (); int work (int noutput_items, gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items, gr_vector_void_star &output_items); bool start(); bool stop(); /*! * \brief Set Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) * * \param which which D/A [0,3] * \param gain_in_db gain value (linear in dB) * * gain is rounded to closest setting supported by hardware. * Note that DAC 0 and DAC 1 share a gain setting as do DAC 2 and DAC 3. * Setting DAC 0 affects DAC 1 and vice versa. Same with DAC 2 and DAC 3. * * \returns true iff sucessful. * * \sa pga_min(), pga_max(), pga_db_per_step() */ bool set_pga (int which, double gain_in_db); /*! * \brief Return programmable gain amplifier gain in dB. * * \param which which D/A [0,3] */ double pga (int which) const; /*! * \brief Return minimum legal PGA gain in dB. */ double pga_min () const; /*! * \brief Return maximum legal PGA gain in dB. */ double pga_max () const; /*! * \brief Return hardware step size of PGA (linear in dB). */ double pga_db_per_step () const; /*! * \brief open a socket specified by the port and ip address info * * Opens a socket, binds to the address, and waits for a connection * over UDP. If any of these fail, the fuction retuns the error and exits. */ bool open(); /*! * \brief Close current socket. * * Shuts down read/write on the socket */ bool close(); /*! * \brief Set decimator rate. \p rate must be EVEN and in [8, 256]. * * The final complex sample rate across the USB is * adc_freq () / decim_rate () */ bool set_decim_rate (unsigned int rate); /*! * \brief set the center frequency of the digital down converter. * * \p channel must be 0. \p freq is the center frequency in Hz. * It must be in the range [-FIXME, FIXME]. The frequency specified is * quantized. Use rx_freq to retrieve the actual value used. */ bool set_rx_freq (int channel, double freq); void set_verbose (bool verbose); // ACCESSORS unsigned int decim_rate () const; double rx_freq (int channel) const; int noverruns () const { return d_noverruns; } /*! * \brief return the msdd's serial number. * * \returns non-zero length string iff successful. */ std::string serial_number(); bool set_desired_packet_size (int which, unsigned long packet_size); unsigned long desired_packet_size (int which) const; }; // ================================================================ // concrete sources // ================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------- GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC(msdd,source_s) msdd_source_s_sptr msdd_make_source_s (int which_board, unsigned int decim_rate, unsigned int fft_points, double initial_rx_freq, int opp_mode, const char *src, unsigned short port_src ) throw (std::runtime_error); class msdd_source_s : public msdd_source_base { protected: msdd_source_s (int which_board, unsigned int decim_rate, unsigned int fft_points, double initial_rx_freq, int opp_mode, const char *src, unsigned short port_src ) throw (std::runtime_error); public: ~msdd_source_s (); }; GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC(msdd,source_c) msdd_source_c_sptr msdd_make_source_c (int which_board, int opp_mode, const char *src, unsigned short port_src ) throw (std::runtime_error); class msdd_source_c : public msdd_source_base { protected: msdd_source_c (int which_board, int opp_mode, const char *src, unsigned short port_src ) throw (std::runtime_error); public: ~msdd_source_c (); }; GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC(msdd,source_simple) msdd_source_simple_sptr msdd_make_source_simple ( const char *src, unsigned short port_src ); class msdd_source_simple : public gr_sync_block { protected: msdd_source_simple( const char *src, unsigned short port_src ); public: ~msdd_source_c(); int work (int noutput_items, gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items, gr_vector_void_star &output_items); bool start(); bool stop(); long adc_freq(); int decim_rate(); gr_vector_int gain_range(); gr_vector_float freq_range(); bool set_decim_rate(unsigned int); bool set_rx_freq(int,double); bool set_pga(int,double); };