Step Inputstep_offsetSourcesfrom gnuradio.input import step_hierblock as step_hierblockstep_hierblock.HierBlock($S,$H_Off,$W_Off)
IO TypetypeenumNum Inputsnum_inputs1intVec Lengthvlen1intstep sizeS1realheight of offsetH_Off0realwidth of offsetW_Off0real$num_inputs > 0$vlen > 0out$(str($type).split('_')[1])$vlen
Step Input block :
Step size is the height of step user wants to generate.
Height of Offset is the height of step user wants to generate as initial signal.
Width of Offset is the length upto which user wants to see the generated offset before starting with the height equivalent to step size.
Default step size is 1 unit.
Default height and width of offset is 1 unit