dsimcontrols_dsimcontrolsimport gnuradio.controls.controls_dsim as controls_dsimcontrols_dsim.dsim()
self.$(id).set_parameters($P, $I, $D, $n0, $n1, $step, $d0, $d1, $window)
IO TypetypeenumNum Inputsnum_inputs1intVec Lengthvlen1intController Gain(P)P0realTau_I(I)I0realTau_D(D)D0realn0n00realn1n10realstepstep0reald0d00reald1d10realwindowwindow0real$num_inputs > 0$vlen > 0in$(str($type).split('_')[0])$vlen$num_inputsout$(str($type).split('_')[1])$vlen
Discrete time simulation
out[i] = in0[i] + in1[i] + in2[i]
The math block adds an arbitrary number of input streams element by element, \
and produces and single output stream. Elements may be single numbers, \
or vectors of numbers, depending upon the value of the vec length parameter.
The preload parameter allows users to implement feedback loops with this math block. \
For example, to enable a feedback of 1 on the 2nd port, set preload to [0, 0, 1]. \