Decoding ATSC using 19.2MSps rate over 5 processes -------------------------------------------------- 1) Verify signal, adjust antenna and find best gain setting using, station frequency from the fcc video database, and sample rate to 6.4e6. 2) Capture data - adjust gain (-g) frequency (-f) and which side the tvrx is on to fit your local setup: -s --samp-rate=6.4e6 -g 65 -f 503e6 atsc_data_6-4m_complex You probably still need fast disks to take the data, like a raid-0 set of striped sata drives. Make sure there are no or very few Ou overruns. Saving the raw usrp data in 'short' form halves the disk space/bus bandwidth that the usual complex form uses. 3) Make pipes: mkfifo /tmp/atsc_pipe_1 mkfifo /tmp/atsc_pipe_2 mkfifo /tmp/atsc_pipe_3 mkfifo /tmp/atsc_pipe_4 mkfifo /tmp/atsc_pipe_5 4) In seperate windows run processes: ./ <input rf data at 6.4Msps> ./ ./ ./ ./ <output mpeg transport stream>