/* -*- c++ -*- */
 * Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * This file is part of GNU Radio
 * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


#include <gr_runtime_types.h>
#include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>

class gr_vmcircbuf;

 * \brief Allocate a buffer that holds at least \p nitems of size \p sizeof_item.
 * The total size of the buffer will be rounded up to a system
 * dependent boundary.  This is typically the system page size, but
 * under MS windows is 64KB.
 * \param nitems is the minimum number of items the buffer will hold.
 * \param sizeof_item is the size of an item in bytes.
 * \param link is the block that writes to this buffer.
gr_buffer_sptr gr_make_buffer (int nitems, size_t sizeof_item, gr_block_sptr link=gr_block_sptr());

 * \brief Single writer, multiple reader fifo.
 * \ingroup internal
class gr_buffer {

  typedef boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>  scoped_lock;

  virtual ~gr_buffer ();

   * \brief return number of items worth of space available for writing
  int space_available ();

   * \brief return size of this buffer in items
  int bufsize() const { return d_bufsize; }

   * \brief return pointer to write buffer.
   * The return value points at space that can hold at least
   * space_available() items.
  void *write_pointer ();

   * \brief tell buffer that we wrote \p nitems into it
  void update_write_pointer (int nitems);

  void set_done (bool done);
  bool done () const { return d_done; }

   * \brief Return the block that writes to this buffer.
  gr_block_sptr link() { return gr_block_sptr(d_link); }

  size_t nreaders() const { return d_readers.size(); }
  gr_buffer_reader* reader(size_t index) { return d_readers[index]; }

  boost::mutex *mutex() { return &d_mutex; }

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------


  friend class gr_buffer_reader;
  friend gr_buffer_sptr gr_make_buffer (int nitems, size_t sizeof_item, gr_block_sptr link);
  friend gr_buffer_reader_sptr gr_buffer_add_reader (gr_buffer_sptr buf, int nzero_preload, gr_block_sptr link);

  char				       *d_base;		// base address of buffer
  unsigned int	 			d_bufsize;	// in items
  gr_vmcircbuf			       *d_vmcircbuf;
  size_t	 			d_sizeof_item;	// in bytes
  std::vector<gr_buffer_reader *>	d_readers;
  boost::weak_ptr<gr_block>		d_link;		// block that writes to this buffer

  // The mutex protects d_write_index, d_done and the d_read_index's in the buffer readers.
  boost::mutex				d_mutex;
  unsigned int				d_write_index;	// in items [0,d_bufsize)
  bool					d_done;
  index_add (unsigned a, unsigned b)
    unsigned s = a + b;

    if (s >= d_bufsize)
      s -= d_bufsize;

    assert (s < d_bufsize);
    return s;

  index_sub (unsigned a, unsigned b)
    int s = a - b;

    if (s < 0)
      s += d_bufsize;

    assert ((unsigned) s < d_bufsize);
    return s;

  virtual bool allocate_buffer (int nitems, size_t sizeof_item);

   * \brief constructor is private.  Use gr_make_buffer to create instances.
   * Allocate a buffer that holds at least \p nitems of size \p sizeof_item.
   * \param nitems is the minimum number of items the buffer will hold.
   * \param sizeof_item is the size of an item in bytes.
   * \param link is the block that writes to this buffer.
   * The total size of the buffer will be rounded up to a system
   * dependent boundary.  This is typically the system page size, but
   * under MS windows is 64KB.
  gr_buffer (int nitems, size_t sizeof_item, gr_block_sptr link);

   * \brief disassociate \p reader from this buffer
  void drop_reader (gr_buffer_reader *reader);


 * \brief create a new gr_buffer_reader and attach it to buffer \p buf
 * \param nzero_preload -- number of zero items to "preload" into buffer.
 * \param link is the block that reads from the buffer using this gr_buffer_reader.
gr_buffer_add_reader (gr_buffer_sptr buf, int nzero_preload, gr_block_sptr link=gr_block_sptr());

//! returns # of gr_buffers currently allocated
long gr_buffer_ncurrently_allocated ();

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * \brief How we keep track of the readers of a gr_buffer.
 * \ingroup internal

class gr_buffer_reader {

  typedef gr_buffer::scoped_lock scoped_lock;

  ~gr_buffer_reader ();

   * \brief Return number of items available for reading.
  int items_available () const;

   * \brief Return buffer this reader reads from.
  gr_buffer_sptr buffer () const { return d_buffer; }

   * \brief Return maximum number of items that could ever be available for reading.
   * This is used as a sanity check in the scheduler to avoid looping forever.
  int max_possible_items_available () const { return d_buffer->d_bufsize - 1; }

   * \brief return pointer to read buffer.
   * The return value points to items_available() number of items
  const void *read_pointer ();

   * \brief tell buffer we read \p items from it
  void update_read_pointer (int nitems);

  void set_done (bool done)   { d_buffer->set_done (done); }
  bool done () const { return d_buffer->done (); }

  boost::mutex *mutex() { return d_buffer->mutex(); }

   * \brief Return the block that reads via this reader.
  gr_block_sptr link() { return gr_block_sptr(d_link); }

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------


  friend class gr_buffer;
  friend gr_buffer_reader_sptr 
  gr_buffer_add_reader (gr_buffer_sptr buf, int nzero_preload, gr_block_sptr link);

  gr_buffer_sptr		d_buffer;
  unsigned int			d_read_index;	// in items [0,d->buffer.d_bufsize)
  boost::weak_ptr<gr_block>	d_link;		// block that reads via this buffer reader

  //! constructor is private.  Use gr_buffer::add_reader to create instances
  gr_buffer_reader (gr_buffer_sptr buffer, unsigned int read_index, gr_block_sptr link);

//! returns # of gr_buffer_readers currently allocated
long gr_buffer_reader_ncurrently_allocated ();