/*! \page page_affinity Block Thread Affinity

\section intro Introduction

In the thread-per-block scheduler, you can set the block's core
affinity. Each block can be pinned to a group cores or be set back
to use the standard kernel scheduler.

The implementation is done by adding new functions to the GRUEL

  gr_thread_t get_current_thread_id();
  void thread_bind_to_processor(unsigned int n);
  void thread_bind_to_processor(const std::vector<unsigned int> &mask);
  void thread_bind_to_processor(gr_thread_t thread, unsigned int n);
  void thread_bind_to_processor(gr_thread_t thread, const std::vector<unsigned int> &mask);
  void thread_unbind();
  void thread_unbind(gr_thread_t thread);

The ability to set a thread's affinity to a core or groups of cores is
not implemented in the Boost thread library, and so we have made our
own portability library. In particular, the gruel::gr_thread_t type is
defined as the thread type for the given system. The other functions
are designed to be portable as well by calling the specific
implementation for the thread affinity for a particular platform.

There are functions to set a thread to a group of cores. If the thread
is not given, the current thread is used. If a single number is
passed, only that core is set (this is equivalent to a core mask with
just a single value).

Similarly, there are functions to unset the affinity. This practically
implements the setting of the thread's affinity to all possible
cores. Again, the function that does not take a thread argument unsets
the affinity for the current thread.

\section affinity_api GNU Radio Block API

Each block has two new data members:

- threaded: a boolean value that is true if the block is attached to a
- thread: a gruel::gr_thread_t handle to the block's thread.

A block can set and unset it's affinity at any time using the
following member functions:

- gr_block::set_processor_affinity(const std::vector<unsigned int> &mask)
- gr_block::unset_processor_affinity()

Where \p mask is a vector of core numbers to set the thread's affinity

The current core affinity can be retrieved using the member function:
- gr_block::processor_affinity()

When set before the flowgraph is started, the scheduler will set the
thread's affinity when it is started. When already running, the
block's affinity will be immediately set.
