/*! \mainpage \image html gnuradio-logo.png Welcome to GNU Radio! For details about GNU Radio and using it, please see the <a href="http://gnuradio.org" target="_blank"><b>main project page</b></a>. Other information about the project and discussion about GNU Radio, software radio, and communication theory in general can be found at the <a href="http://gnuradio.squarespace.com" target="_blank"><b>GNU Radio blog</b></a>. \section build Building GNU Radio See the \ref page_build page for details about the project's dependencies and build process. \section blocks GNU Radio Blocks GNU Radio uses discrete signal processing blocks that are connected together to perform your signal processing application. This manual contain a list of all GNU Radio <a href="modules.html"><b>C++ Blocks</b></a>. Please note that at this time, we haven't found an acceptable way to provide unified documentation for the C++ parts of the system and the parts written in Python (mostly hierarchical blocks). Until this gets worked out, please bear with us, or better yet, solve it for us! \section toc Manual Contents More details on packages in GNU Radio: \li \ref page_audio \li \ref page_digital \li \ref page_qtgui \li \ref page_uhd \li \ref page_vocoder \li \ref page_pfb */