The process of updating and exporting the Doxygen document strings into Python consists of a few steps. 1. Make sure the 'docs' component will be built, which requires Doxygen. 2. Build the project like normal, which will run Doxygen and store the XML files into $(top_builddir). 3. In $(top_srcdir)/docs/doxygen, run the command: $ python \ $(top_builddir)/docstrings/docs/doxygen/xml \ $(top_srcdir)/gnuradio-core/src/lib/swig/swig_doc.i This uses the XML output of Doxygen to to rebuild a SWIG file that contains all of the current Doxygen markups. 4. Rebuild the GNU Radio libraries. Since gnuradio.i is included in all of the GNU Radio components, and gnuradio.i includes swig_doc.i, when the libraries are rebuilt, they will now include the documentation strings in Python. 5. Install GNU Radio. Now, when you run help() in Python on a GNU Radio block, you will get the full documentation.