Overall: * VPATH builds fail. This is now part of ticket 10. * Change a Makefile.am in a subdir, must manually go back up and re-run configure. Otherwise it gets run somehow incorrectly. * Fix overuse of LIBS vs. LIBADD, LDADD, or LDFLAGS, allong with xxx_ * Make distcheck is failing, logged as ticket 10. * Use common run_tests.in file. This is now ticket 3. dtools: * No checking or testing done in this directory. gnuradio-core/doc: * Make in this directory fails, logged as ticket 8. gnuradio-core/src/gen_interpolator_taps: * Make hasn't been tested yet in this directory. gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter: * README is stale. gnuradio-core/src/lib/general: * README is stale. gnuradio-core/src/lib/tests: * Cleanup libgnuradio-core variable, try to refer to something in Makefile.common gnuradio-core/src/lib/utils: * Not all *.m files are referenced in Makefile.am for distribution. Is this correct? gnuradio-examples: * Some directories don't have Makefile.am's gnuradio-examples/python/gmsk2: * Not all examples are in Makefile.am usrp/doc: * Make not tested in this directory All: