AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2008-08-18Make gl selection more robust for testingjcorgan cleanup to remove dnl messagen4hy cleanupn4hy
2008-08-18gr_msdd6000 includes fixed upn4hy
2008-08-15dont import plotterjblum
2008-08-15Trial fix for ticket:258 / integer overflow undefined / phaseeb
2008-08-14constsink in scope wrapper (backwards compadible)jblum
2008-08-14more backwards compadibility, marker for scope/xy plotterjblum
2008-08-14changed glcanvas test (fedora fix)jblum
2008-08-14Merged changeset r9241:9289 from jblum/glwxgui into trunk. Adds OpenGL versi...jcorgan
2008-08-12Refactored unique vector functionality into template.jcorgan
2008-08-12Make gr_basic_block sort deterministic (Martin Dvh)jcorgan
2008-08-06set decimjblum
2008-08-06added cpuid for sse3,ssse3,sse4.1, and sse4.2jcoy
2008-08-06dial_tone c++ example top block pointer fixjcoy
2008-08-03Better fix for race in logpwrfft.pyjcorgan
2008-08-01replaced tabs, added sample_rate, fixed average=True bugjblum
2008-07-31wrong signeb
2008-07-31removed FIXMEeb
2008-07-27Move libgruel configuration checks into config directoryjcorgan
2008-07-27Merged gr-msdd6000 portability fix to trunk (eb/msdd -r8940:9027)eb
2008-07-25Fix ignores.jcorgan
2008-07-25Adds alternative integrate and dump decimator to gr-gpio.jcorgan
2008-07-24Allow odd decimation if halfband filter is disabled. Thanks Firas!eb
2008-07-24first cut at iq imbalance compensationmatt
2008-07-22Add gr_costas_loop_cc setters and gettersjcorgan
2008-07-21efficient moving average filters, should speed up OFDM significantlymatt
2008-07-18disabled gr-msdd6000 until ticket:252 is resolvedeb
2008-07-13Clean up of comments and removal of a broken piece of test code that no longe...n4hy
2008-07-10Add lookup by serial number.jcorgan
2008-07-10Adds lsusrp to gr-utils, obsoletes usrp_print_db.pyjcorgan
2008-07-09Merged jcorgan/ptrfix -r8827:8843 into the trunk.eb
2008-07-09Add some getter methodsjcorgan
2008-07-09fix for ticket:250eb
2008-07-05Fix block names.jcorgan
2008-07-05Fix block name.jcorgan
2008-07-05Adds blks2.logpwrfft_c,f blocks.jcorgan
2008-07-05Adds blks2.stream_to_vector_decimator block.jcorgan
2008-07-04fixed broken link in filterbank commentn4hy
2008-07-04Fixed distcheck failure and cleaned up ignores.jcorgan
2008-07-04This completes the msdd6000 update with all example code and other utilitiesn4hy
2008-07-04Disable gr-msdd6000 component until it passes distcheck.jcorgan
2008-07-04lots of example and other useful code for use with the softronics msdd6000n4hy
2008-07-04forgot msdd.in4hy
2008-07-04msdd6000 source upgraded and enabledn4hy
2008-07-04temporary disabling of msdd6000 while under reconstructionn4hy
2008-07-04cleaning up and putting much better code in. Step 1 of 2n4hy
2008-06-26Fixed spelling error: s/writeable/writable/geb
2008-06-25distcheck fixeb
2008-06-25Reverted changeset r8180, r8181, and r8184 on trunk.jcorgan