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diff --git a/gr-trellis/doc/gr-trellis.xml b/gr-trellis/doc/gr-trellis.xml
index 9aacaeab3..f34ba78e3 100644
--- a/gr-trellis/doc/gr-trellis.xml
+++ b/gr-trellis/doc/gr-trellis.xml
@@ -102,12 +102,12 @@ in how the outside world interprets these input and output
integer symbols.
Here is an example of an FSM describing the (2,1) CC
with constraint length 3 and generator polynomial matrix
-(1+D+D<superscript>2</superscript> 1+D<superscript>2</superscript>)
+(1+D+D<superscript>2</superscript> , 1+D<superscript>2</superscript>)
from Proakis-Salehi pg. 779.
-<example id="cc_ex"><title>(2,1) CC with generator polynomials (1+D+D<superscript>2</superscript> 1+D<superscript>2</superscript>)</title>
+<example id="cc_ex"><title>(2,1) CC with generator polynomials (1+D+D<superscript>2</superscript> , 1+D<superscript>2</superscript>)</title>
This CC accepts 1 bit at a time, and outputs 2 bits at a time.
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ s<subscript>k</subscript> x<subscript>k</subscript> s<subscript>k+1</subscript>
The "output-symbol" function OS(,) can be given by
-s<subscript>k</subscript> x<subscript>k</subscript> y<subscript>k</subscript>
+s<subscript>k</subscript> x<subscript>k</subscript> y<subscript>k</subscript>
0 0 0
0 1 3
1 0 3
@@ -213,7 +213,8 @@ ways to construct an FSM.
fsm(const char *name);
-<para>This information has to be in the following format</para>
+This information has to be in the following format:
@@ -227,7 +228,9 @@ OS(1,0) OS(1,1) ... OS(1,I-1)
OS(S-1,0) OS(S-1,1) ... OS(S-1,I-1)
-<para>For instance, the file containing the information for the example mentioned above is of the form</para>
+For instance, the file containing the information for the example mentioned above is of the form:
2 4 4
@@ -241,6 +244,7 @@ OS(S-1,0) OS(S-1,1) ... OS(S-1,I-1)
1 2
2 1
@@ -324,7 +328,6 @@ import fsm_utils
def run_test (f,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,N0,seed):
fg = gr.flow_graph ()
# TX
src = gr.lfsr_32k_source_s()
src_head = gr.head (gr.sizeof_short,Kb/16) # packet size in shorts
@@ -332,25 +335,21 @@ def run_test (f,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,N0,seed):
enc = trellis.encoder_ss(f,0) # initial state = 0
mod = gr.chunks_to_symbols_sf(constellation,dimensionality)
add = gr.add_ff()
noise = gr.noise_source_f(gr.GR_GAUSSIAN,math.sqrt(N0/2),seed)
# RX
metrics = trellis.metrics_f(f.O(),dimensionality,constellation,trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN) # data preprocessing to generate metrics for Viterbi
va = trellis.viterbi_s(f,K,0,-1) # Put -1 if the Initial/Final states are not set.
fsmi2s = gr.unpacked_to_packed_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # pack FSM input symbols to shorts
dst = gr.check_lfsr_32k_s();
fg.connect (src,src_head,s2fsmi,enc,mod)
fg.connect (mod,(add,0))
fg.connect (noise,(add,1))
fg.connect (add,metrics)
fg.connect (metrics,va,fsmi2s,dst)
@@ -365,8 +364,6 @@ def run_test (f,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,N0,seed):
return (ntotal,ntotal-nright)
def main(args):
nargs = len (args)
if nargs == 3:
@@ -394,8 +391,6 @@ def main(args):
Es = Es + constellation[i]**2
Es = Es / (len(constellation)/dimensionality)
N0=Es/pow(10.0,esn0_db/10.0); # noise variance
@@ -531,6 +526,7 @@ For each transmitted symbol c_k=(ck1,ck2,...,ckN) we receive a noisy version
add = gr.add_ff()
noise = gr.noise_source_f(gr.GR_GAUSSIAN,math.sqrt(N0/2),seed)
@@ -592,7 +588,7 @@ The function returns the number of shorts and the number of shorts in error. Obs
16-bit-symbol error rate.
-return (ntotal,ntotal-nright)
+ return (ntotal,ntotal-nright)
@@ -631,6 +627,7 @@ Optimize the VA code.
Provide implementation of soft-input soft-output (SISO) decoders for
potential use in concatenated systems. Also a host of suboptimal
decoders, eg, sphere decoding, M- and T- algorithms, sequential decoding, etc.
+can be implemented.
@@ -638,8 +635,8 @@ decoders, eg, sphere decoding, M- and T- algorithms, sequential decoding, etc.
Although turbo decoding is rediculously slow in software,
-we can design it in pronciple. The question is, should
-we use the FSM and SISO abstractions and cnnect them
+we can design it in principle. One question is, whether we should
+use the encoder, and SISO blocks and connect them
through GNU radio or should we implement turbo-decoding
as a single block (issues with buffering between blocks).