path: root/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests')
7 files changed, 1330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/00_runtime_basics.test b/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/00_runtime_basics.test
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18b298f22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/00_runtime_basics.test
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+;;; -*- Scheme -*-
+;;; Copyright 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;; This file is part of GNU Radio
+;;; GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;;; any later version.
+;;; GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; If you're using Emacs's Scheme mode:
+;;; (put 'with-test-prefix 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+;;; See the comments in gnuradio/test-suite/lib.scm for info on writing tests.
+;;; See also the very end of the file, where the test-equal, test-eqv
+;;; and test-eq macros are defined.
+(use-modules (gnuradio test-suite lib))
+(use-modules (gnuradio core))
+(use-modules (oop goops))
+(define (vector-map f v)
+ (list->vector (map f (vector->list v))))
+(with-test-prefix "connect-1"
+ (let* ((src-data #(-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5))
+ (expected-result (vector-map (lambda (x) (* x 2)) src-data))
+ (tb (gr:top-block-swig "QA top block"))
+ (src (gr:vector-source-i src-data #f))
+ (op (gr:multiply-const-ii 2))
+ (dst (gr:vector-sink-i)))
+ ;; using gr:ep to create endpoints
+ (gr:connect tb (gr:ep src 0) (gr:ep op 0))
+ (gr:connect tb (gr:ep op 0) (gr:ep dst 0))
+ (gr:run tb)
+ ;;(pass-if (equal? expected-result (gr:data dst)))
+ (test-equal expected-result (gr:data dst))
+ ))
+(with-test-prefix "connect-2"
+ (let* ((src-data #(-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5))
+ (expected-result (vector-map (lambda (x) (* x 2)) src-data))
+ (tb (gr:top-block-swig "QA top block"))
+ (src (gr:vector-source-i src-data #f))
+ (op (gr:multiply-const-ii 2))
+ (dst (gr:vector-sink-i)))
+ ;; using just blocks
+ (gr:connect tb src op)
+ (gr:connect tb op dst)
+ (gr:run tb)
+ (test-equal expected-result (gr:data dst))))
+(with-test-prefix "connect-3"
+ (let* ((src-data #(-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5))
+ (expected-result (vector-map (lambda (x) (* x 2)) src-data))
+ (tb (gr:top-block-swig "QA top block"))
+ (src (gr:vector-source-i src-data #f))
+ (op (gr:multiply-const-ii 2))
+ (dst (gr:vector-sink-i)))
+ ;; using lists to represent endpoints
+ (gr:connect tb `(,src 0) `(,op 0))
+ (gr:connect tb `(,op 0) `(,dst 0))
+ (gr:run tb)
+ (test-equal expected-result (gr:data dst))))
+(with-test-prefix "connect-4"
+ (let* ((src-data #(-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5))
+ (expected-result (vector-map (lambda (x) (* x 2)) src-data))
+ (tb (gr:top-block-swig "QA top block"))
+ (src (gr:vector-source-i src-data #f))
+ (op (gr:multiply-const-ii 2))
+ (dst (gr:vector-sink-i)))
+ ;; using multiple endpoints
+ (gr:connect tb src op dst)
+ (gr:run tb)
+ (test-equal expected-result (gr:data dst))))
+(with-test-prefix "connect-5"
+ (let* ((src-data #(-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5))
+ (expected-result (vector-map (lambda (x) (* x 2)) src-data))
+ (tb (gr:top-block-swig "QA top block"))
+ (src (gr:vector-source-i src-data #f))
+ (op (gr:multiply-const-ii 2))
+ (dst (gr:vector-sink-i)))
+ (pass-if-throw "bad port exception" 'swig-exception
+ (gr:connect tb src op (gr:ep dst 1)))
+ ))
+(with-test-prefix "gr_top_block::start throw"
+ (let* ((src-data #(-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5))
+ (expected-result (vector-map (lambda (x) (* x 2)) src-data))
+ (tb (gr:top-block-swig "QA top block"))
+ (src (gr:vector-source-i src-data #f))
+ (op (gr:multiply-const-ii 2))
+ (dst (gr:vector-sink-i)))
+ ;; We deliberately don't connect op's output
+ (gr:connect tb src op)
+ ;; Which will lead to an exception here...
+ (pass-if-throw "throws std::runtime_error" 'swig-exception
+ (gr:run tb))
+ ))
+(with-test-prefix "io-signature-1"
+ (let ((ios1 (gr:io-signature 1 2 8))
+ (ios2 (gr:io-signature2 1 2 16 32))
+ (ios3 (gr:io-signature3 1 -1 14 32 48))
+ (iosv (gr:io-signaturev 1 4 '(1 2 3))))
+ (test-equal 1 (gr:min-streams ios1))
+ (test-equal 2 (gr:max-streams ios1))
+ (test-equal 8 (gr:sizeof-stream-item ios1 0))
+ (test-equal 8 (gr:sizeof-stream-item ios1 1))
+ (test-equal 1 (gr:min-streams ios2))
+ (test-equal 2 (gr:max-streams ios2))
+ (test-equal 16 (gr:sizeof-stream-item ios2 0))
+ (test-equal 32 (gr:sizeof-stream-item ios2 1))
+ (test-equal 1 (gr:min-streams ios3))
+ (test-equal -1 (gr:max-streams ios3))
+ (test-equal 14 (gr:sizeof-stream-item ios3 0))
+ (test-equal 32 (gr:sizeof-stream-item ios3 1))
+ (test-equal 48 (gr:sizeof-stream-item ios3 2))
+ (test-equal '#(14 32 48) (gr:sizeof-stream-items ios3))
+ (test-equal 1 (gr:min-streams iosv))
+ (test-equal 4 (gr:max-streams iosv))
+ (test-equal 1 (gr:sizeof-stream-item iosv 0))
+ (test-equal 2 (gr:sizeof-stream-item iosv 1))
+ (test-equal 3 (gr:sizeof-stream-item iosv 2))
+ (test-equal 3 (gr:sizeof-stream-item iosv 3))
+ (test-equal '#(1 2 3) (gr:sizeof-stream-items iosv))
+ ))
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/00_runtime_ctors.test b/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/00_runtime_ctors.test
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..966d8c909
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/00_runtime_ctors.test
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+;;; -*- Scheme -*-
+;;; Copyright 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;; This file is part of GNU Radio
+;;; GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;;; any later version.
+;;; GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; If you're using Emacs's Scheme mode:
+;;; (put 'with-test-prefix 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+;;; See the comments in gnuradio/test-suite/lib.scm for info on writing tests.
+;;; See also the very end of the file where the test-equal, test-eqv
+;;; and test-eq macros are defined.
+(use-modules (gnuradio test-suite lib))
+(use-modules (gnuradio core))
+(use-modules (oop goops))
+;;; Add test code for all constructors in these files
+;;; ./runtime/gr_hier_block2.h
+;;; ./runtime/gr_msg_queue.h
+(define (equal-message? a b)
+ (equal? (gr:to-string a) (gr:to-string b)))
+(with-test-prefix "gr:message/gr:msg-queue"
+ (let ((msg1 (gr:message-from-string "Hello"))
+ (msg2 (gr:message-from-string "World!"))
+ (q (gr:msg-queue)))
+ (pass-if (equal? "Hello" (gr:to-string msg1)))
+ (pass-if (equal? "World!" (gr:to-string msg2)))
+ (pass-if (gr:empty-p q))
+ (gr:insert-tail q msg1)
+ (pass-if (not (gr:empty-p q)))
+ (gr:insert-tail q msg2)
+ (let ((r1 (gr:delete-head q))
+ (r2 (gr:delete-head q)))
+ (pass-if (equal-message? r1 msg1))
+ (pass-if (equal-message? r2 msg2)))))
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/filter_ctors.test b/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/filter_ctors.test
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4dd0bc187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/filter_ctors.test
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+;;; -*- Scheme -*-
+;;; Copyright 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;; This file is part of GNU Radio
+;;; GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;;; any later version.
+;;; GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; If you're using Emacs's Scheme mode:
+;;; (put 'with-test-prefix 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+;;; See the comments in gnuradio/test-suite/lib.scm for info on writing tests.
+;;; See also the very end of the file, where the test-equal, test-eqv
+;;; and test-eq macros are defined.
+(use-modules (gnuradio test-suite lib))
+(use-modules (gnuradio core))
+(use-modules (oop goops))
+;;; Add test code for all constructors in these files
+;;; ./filter/gr_adaptive_fir_ccf.h WONTFIX: not wrapped
+;; gr_adaptive_fir_ccf(char *name, int decimation, const std::vector<float> &taps);
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:adaptive-fir-ccf "foo" 0 #(1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_cma_equalizer_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:cma-equalizer-cc 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fft_filter_ccc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:fft-filter-ccc 0 #(1+3i 23+5i))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fft_filter_fff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:fft-filter-fff 0 #(1.0 2.0))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_filter_delay_fc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:filter-delay-fc #(1.0 2.0))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_ccc_generic. FIXME: Unbound variable: ~S" (gr:fir-ccc-generic) #f))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-ccc-generic)))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-ccc-generic #(1+3i 23+5i))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_ccc_simd.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-ccc-simd)))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-ccc-simd #(1+3i 23+5i))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_ccc_x86.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-ccc-x86)))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-ccc-x86 #(1+3i 23+5i))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_ccf_generic.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-ccf-generic)))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-ccf-generic #(1+3i 23+5i))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_ccf_simd.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-ccf-simd 0 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_ccf_x86.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-ccf-x86)))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-ccf-x86 #(1.0 2.0))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_fcc_generic.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-fcc-generic)))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-fcc-generic #(1+3i 23+5i))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_fcc_simd.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-fcc-simd 0 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_fcc_x86.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-fcc-x86)))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-fcc-x86 #(1+3i 23+5i))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_fff_altivec.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-fff-altivec)))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-fff-altivec #(1.0 2.0))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_fff_armv7_a.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-fff-armv7-a)))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-fff-armv7-a #(1.0 2.0))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_fff_generic.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-fff-generic)))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-fff-generic #(1.0 2.0))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_fff_simd.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-fff-simd 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_fff_x86.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-fff-x86)))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-fff-x86 #(1.0 2.0))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_filter_ccc.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-filter-ccc 1 #(1+3i 23+5i))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_filter_ccf.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:fir-filter-ccf 1 #(1.0 2.0))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_filter_fcc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:fir-filter-fcc 1 #(1+3i 23+5i))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_filter_fff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:fir-filter-fff 1 #(1.0 2.0))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_filter_fsf.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:fir-filter-fsf 1 #(1.0 2.0))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_filter_scc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:fir-filter-scc 1 #(1+3i 23+5i))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_fsf_generic.h FIXME: "Unbound variable: ~S" (gr:fir-fsf-generic) #f))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-fsf-generic)))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-fsf-generic #(1.0 2.0))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_fsf_simd.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-fsf-simd 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_fsf_x86.h FIXME: "Unbound variable: ~S" (gr:fir-fsf-x86) #f))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-fsf-x86)))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-fsf-x86 #(1.0 2.0))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_scc_generic.h FIXME: file not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-scc-generic)))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-scc-generic #(1+3i 23+5i))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_scc_simd.h FIXME: Unbound variable: ~S" (gr:fir-scc-simd) #f))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-scc-simd)))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-scc-simd #(1+3i 23+5i))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_scc_x86.h FIXME: "Unbound variable: ~S" (gr:fir-scc-x86) #f))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-scc-x86)))
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-scc-x86 #(1+3i 23+5i))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_sysconfig_armv7_a.h FIXME: virtual methods
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-sysconfig-armv7-a )))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_sysconfig_generic.h FIXME: virtual methods
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-sysconfig-generic )))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_sysconfig_powerpc.h FIXME: virtual methods
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-sysconfig-powerpc )))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fir_sysconfig_x86.h FIXME: virtual methods
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:fir-sysconfig-x86 #(1+3i 23+5i))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fractional_interpolator_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:fractional-interpolator-cc 1.0 1.0)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_fractional_interpolator_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:fractional-interpolator-ff 1.0 1.0)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_freq_xlating_fir_filter_ccc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:freq-xlating-fir-filter-ccc 1 #(1+3i 23+5i) 1.0 1.0)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_freq_xlating_fir_filter_ccf.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:freq-xlating-fir-filter-ccf 1 #(1.0 2.0) 1.0 1.0)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_freq_xlating_fir_filter_fcc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:freq-xlating-fir-filter-fcc 1 #(1.0 2.0) 1.0 1.0)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_freq_xlating_fir_filter_fcf.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:freq-xlating-fir-filter-fcf 1 #(1.0 2.0) 1.0 1.0)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_freq_xlating_fir_filter_scc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:freq-xlating-fir-filter-scc 1 #(1.0 2.0) 1.0 1.0)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_freq_xlating_fir_filter_scf.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:freq-xlating-fir-filter-scf 1 #(1.0 2.0) 1.0 1.0)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_goertzel_fc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:goertzel-fc 1 1 1)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_hilbert_fc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:hilbert-fc 1)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_iir_filter_ffd.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:iir-filter-ffd #(1.0 2.0) #(1.0 2.0))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_interp_fir_filter_ccc.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:interp-fir-filter-ccc #(1+3i 23+5i))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_interp_fir_filter_ccf.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:interp-fir-filter-ccf )))
+;;; ./filter/gr_interp_fir_filter_fcc.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:interp-fir-filter-fcc )))
+;;; ./filter/gr_interp_fir_filter_fff.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:interp-fir-filter-fff )))
+;;; ./filter/gr_interp_fir_filter_fsf.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:interp-fir-filter-fsf )))
+;;; ./filter/gr_interp_fir_filter_scc.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:interp-fir-filter-scc )))
+;;; ./filter/gr_pfb_arb_resampler_ccf.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:pfb-arb-resampler-ccf 1.0 #(1.0 2.0) 32)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:pfb-channelizer-ccf 1 #(1.0 2.0) 1)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_pfb_clock_sync_ccf.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:pfb-clock-sync-ccf 1.0 1.0 #(1.0 2.0) 32 0 1.5)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_pfb_clock_sync_fff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:pfb-clock-sync-fff 1.0 1.0 #(1.0 2.0) 32 0 1.5)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_pfb_decimator_ccf.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:pfb-decimator-ccf 1 #(1.0 2.0) 0)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_pfb_interpolator_ccf.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:pfb-interpolator-ccf 1 #(1.0 2.0))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_rational_resampler_base_ccc.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:rational-resampler-base-ccc 1 1 #(1+3i 23+5i))))
+;;; ./filter/gr_rational_resampler_base_ccf.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:rational-resampler-base-ccf )))
+;;; ./filter/gr_rational_resampler_base_fcc.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:rational-resampler-base-fcc )))
+;;; ./filter/gr_rational_resampler_base_fff.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:rational-resampler-base-fff )))
+;;; ./filter/gr_rational_resampler_base_fsf.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:rational-resampler-base-fsf )))
+;;; ./filter/gr_rational_resampler_base_scc.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:rational-resampler-base-scc )))
+;;; ./filter/gr_single_pole_iir_filter_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:single-pole-iir-filter-cc 1.0 1)))
+;;; ./filter/gr_single_pole_iir_filter_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:single-pole-iir-filter-ff 1.0 1)))
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/general_ctors.test b/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/general_ctors.test
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..244249dd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/general_ctors.test
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+;;; -*- Scheme -*-
+;;; Copyright 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;; This file is part of GNU Radio
+;;; GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;;; any later version.
+;;; GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; If you're using Emacs's Scheme mode:
+;;; (put 'with-test-prefix 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+;;; See the comments in gnuradio/test-suite/lib.scm for info on writing tests.
+;;; See also the very end of the file, where the test-equal, test-eqv
+;;; and test-eq macros are defined.
+(use-modules (gnuradio test-suite lib))
+(use-modules (gnuradio core))
+(use-modules (oop goops))
+(use-modules (ice-9 format))
+;;; Test complex<float> scalars
+(pass-if (equal? 5.0+5.0i (gr:complex-scalar-test0)))
+(pass-if (equal? 1.5+0.5i (gr:complex-scalar-test1 1+1i)))
+;;; Test complex<float> vectors
+(pass-if (verbose-equal? #(0+0i 1+1i 2+2i 3+3i 4+4i)
+ (gr:complex-vec-test0)))
+(pass-if (verbose-equal? #(1.5+0.5i 2.5+1.5i 3.5+2.5i)
+ (gr:complex-vec-test1 #(1+1i 2+2i 3+3i))))
+;;; Add test code for all constructors in these files
+;;; ./general/gr_additive_scrambler_bb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:additive-scrambler-bb 0 0 0 0)))
+;; Here's one that will throw if its arg is 0
+(pass-if (true? (gr:unpack-k-bits-bb 10)))
+(pass-if-throw "confirm throw gr:unpack-k-bits-bb" #t (true? (gr:unpack-k-bits-bb 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_agc2_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:agc2-cc 1e-1 1e-2 1.0 1.0 0.0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_agc2_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:agc2-ff 0 0 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_agc_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:agc-cc 0 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_agc_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:agc-ff 0 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_align_on_samplenumbers_ss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:align-on-samplenumbers-ss 2 128)))
+(pass-if-throw "confirm throw gr:align-on-samplenumbers-ss" #t (true? (gr:align-on-samplenumbers-ss 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_bin_statistics_f.h WONTFIX: requires gr_feval_dd & swig directors
+;;;(pass-if (true? (gr:bin-statistics-f 1 (gr:msg-queue) 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_binary_slicer_fb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:binary-slicer-fb)))
+;;; ./general/gr_bytes_to_syms.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:bytes-to-syms)))
+;;; ./general/gr_char_to_float.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:char-to-float)))
+;;; ./general/gr_check_counting_s.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:check-counting-s #f)))
+;;; ./general/gr_check_lfsr_32k_s.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:check-lfsr-32k-s)))
+;;; ./general/gr_clock_recovery_mm_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:clock-recovery-mm-cc 1 1 1 1 1)))
+(pass-if-throw "confirm throw gr:clock-recovery-mm-cc" #t (true? (gr:clock-recovery-mm-cc -1 1 1 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_clock_recovery_mm_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:clock-recovery-mm-ff 1 1 1 1 1)))
+(pass-if-throw "confirm throw gr:clock-recovery-mm-ff" #t (true? (gr:clock-recovery-mm-ff -1 1 1 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_complex_to_interleaved_short.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:complex-to-interleaved-short)))
+;;; ./general/gr_complex_to_xxx.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:complex-to-float 1)))
+(pass-if (true? (gr:complex-to-real 1)))
+(pass-if (true? (gr:complex-to-imag 1)))
+(pass-if (true? (gr:complex-to-mag 1)))
+(pass-if (true? (gr:complex-to-mag-squared 1)))
+(pass-if (true? (gr:complex-to-arg 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_conjugate_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:conjugate-cc)))
+;;; ./general/gr_constellation_decoder_cb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:constellation-decoder-cb #(2+3i 23+5i) #(0 1))))
+;;; ./general/gr_copy.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:copy 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_correlate_access_code_bb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:correlate-access-code-bb "foo" 0)))
+(pass-if-throw "confirm throw correlate-access-code-bb" #t
+ (true? (gr:correlate-access-code-bb
+ "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_costas_loop_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:costas-loop-cc 0 0 0 0 2)))
+(pass-if-throw "confirm throw gr:costas-loop-cc" #t (true? (gr:costas-loop-cc 0 0 0 0 3)))
+;;; ./general/gr_cpfsk_bc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:cpfsk-bc 1 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_ctcss_squelch_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:ctcss-squelch-ff 0 0 0 0 0 #t)))
+;;; ./general/gr_decode_ccsds_27_fb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:decode-ccsds-27-fb)))
+;;; ./general/gr_deinterleave.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:deinterleave 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_delay.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:delay 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_descrambler_bb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:descrambler-bb 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_diff_decoder_bb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:diff-decoder-bb 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_diff_encoder_bb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:diff-encoder-bb 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_diff_phasor_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:diff-phasor-cc)))
+;;; ./general/gr_dpll_bb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:dpll-bb 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_encode_ccsds_27_bb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:encode-ccsds-27-bb)))
+;;; ./general/gr_fake_channel_coder_pp.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:fake-channel-encoder-pp 1 1)))
+(pass-if-throw "confirm throw" #t (true? (gr:fake-channel-encoder-pp -1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_feedforward_agc_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:feedforward-agc-cc 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_fft_vcc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:fft-vcc 1 #f #(1.0 2.0) #t)))
+;;; ./general/gr_fft_vfc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:fft-vfc 4 #t #(1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0))))
+(pass-if-throw "confirm throw gr:fft-vfc" #t (true? (gr:fft-vfc 4 #f #(1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0))))
+;;; ./general/gr_fll_band_edge_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:fll-band-edge-cc 0 0 0 0 0)))
+;; ;;; ./general/gr_float_to_char.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:float-to-char)))
+;; ;;; ./general/gr_float_to_complex.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:float-to-complex 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_float_to_short.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:float-to-short)))
+;;; ./general/gr_float_to_uchar.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:float-to-uchar)))
+;;; ./general/gr_fmdet_cf.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:fmdet-cf 0 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_framer_sink_1.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:framer-sink-1 (gr:msg-queue))))
+;;; ./general/gr_frequency_modulator_fc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:frequency-modulator-fc 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_glfsr_source_b.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:glfsr-source-b 1 #t 0 1)))
+(pass-if-throw "confirm throw" #t (true? (gr:glfsr_source_b 33 #t 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_glfsr_source_f.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:glfsr-source-f 1 #t 1 1)))
+(pass-if-throw "confirm throw" #t (true? (gr:glfsr_source_f 33 #t 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_head.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:head 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_interleave.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:interleave 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_interleaved_short_to_complex.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:interleaved-short-to-complex)))
+;;; ./general/gr_keep_one_in_n.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:keep-one-in-n 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_kludge_copy.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:kludge-copy 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_lfsr_32k_source_s.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:lfsr-32k-source-s)))
+;;; ./general/gr_lms_dfe_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:lms-dfe-ff 1 1 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_lms_dfe_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:lms-dfe-ff 1 1 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_map_bb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:map-bb #(1 2))))
+;;; ./general/gr_mpsk_receiver_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:mpsk-receiver-cc 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_nlog10_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:nlog10-ff 1 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_nop.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:nop 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_null_sink.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:null-sink 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_null_source.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:null-source 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_ofdm_cyclic_prefixer.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:ofdm-cyclic-prefixer 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_ofdm_frame_acquisition.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:ofdm-frame-acquisition 1 1 1 #(1+3i 23+5i) 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_ofdm_frame_sink.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:ofdm-frame-sink #(1+3i 23+5i) #(0 1) (gr:msg-queue) 128 0.25 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_ofdm_insert_preamble.h FIXME: "Wrong type argument in position ~A: ~S"
+;;; WONTFIX: Need vector<vector<complex<float>>>
+;;(pass-if (true? (gr:ofdm-insert-preamble 2 #(#(1+3i 23+5i) #(1+3i 23+5i)))))
+;;; ./general/gr_ofdm_mapper_bcv.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:ofdm-mapper-bcv #(0+1i 0-1i) 1 100 128)))
+(pass-if-throw "confirm throw gr:ofdm-mapper-bcv" #t
+ (true? (gr:ofdm-mapper-bcv #(0+1i 0-1i) 1 10 128)))
+;;; ./general/gr_ofdm_sampler.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:ofdm-sampler 1 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_pa_2x2_phase_combiner.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:pa-2x2-phase-combiner)))
+;;; ./general/gr_packet_sink.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:packet-sink #(1 2) (gr:msg-queue) -1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_peak_detector2_fb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:peak-detector2-fb 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_phase_modulator_fc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:phase-modulator-fc 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_pll_carriertracking_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:pll-carriertracking-cc 0 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_pll_freqdet_cf.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:pll-freqdet-cf 0 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_pll_refout_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:pll-refout-cc 0 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_pn_correlator_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:pn-correlator-cc 1 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:probe-avg-mag-sqrd-c 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_cf.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:probe-avg-mag-sqrd-cf 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_f.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:probe-avg-mag-sqrd-f 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_probe_density_b.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:probe-density-b 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_probe_mpsk_snr_c.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:probe-mpsk-snr-c 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_probe_signal_f.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:probe-signal-f)))
+;;; ./general/gr_pwr_squelch_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:pwr-squelch-cc 0 0 0 #f)))
+;;; ./general/gr_pwr_squelch_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:pwr-squelch-ff 0.0 0.0 0 #f)))
+;;; ./general/gr_quadrature_demod_cf.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:quadrature-demod-cf 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_rail_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:rail-ff 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_regenerate_bb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:regenerate-bb 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_repeat.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:repeat 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_rms_cf.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:rms-cf 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_rms_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:rms-ff 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_scrambler_bb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:scrambler-bb 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_short_to_float.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:short-to-float)))
+;;; ./general/gr_simple_correlator.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:simple-correlator 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_simple_framer.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:simple-framer 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_simple_squelch_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:simple-squelch-cc 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_skiphead.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:skiphead 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_squash_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:squash-ff #(1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0) #(1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0))))
+;;; ./general/gr_squelch_base_cc.h WONTFIX: not wrapped
+;;; (pass-if (true? (gr:squelch-base-cc "foo" 0 #f)))
+;;; ./general/gr_squelch_base_ff.h WONTFIX: not wrapped
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:squelch-base-ff "foo" 0 #f)))
+;;; ./general/gr_stream_mux.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:stream-mux 1 #(1 2))))
+;;; ./general/gr_stream_to_streams.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:stream-to-streams 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_stream_to_vector.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:stream-to-vector 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_streams_to_stream.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:streams-to-stream 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_streams_to_vector.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:streams-to-vector 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_stretch_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:stretch-ff 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_test.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:test "foo" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_threshold_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:threshold-ff 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_throttle.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:throttle 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_uchar_to_float.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:uchar-to-float)))
+;;; ./general/gr_vco_f.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:vco-f 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./general/gr_vector_to_stream.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:vector-to-stream 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_vector_to_streams.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:vector-to-streams 1 1)))
+;;; ./general/gr_wavelet_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:wavelet-ff 1024 20 #t)))
+;;; ./general/gr_wvps_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:wvps-ff 2)))
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/gengen_ctors.test b/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/gengen_ctors.test
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e1213c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/gengen_ctors.test
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+;;; -*- Scheme -*-
+;;; Copyright 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;; This file is part of GNU Radio
+;;; GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;;; any later version.
+;;; GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; If you're using Emacs's Scheme mode:
+;;; (put 'with-test-prefix 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+;;; See the comments in gnuradio/test-suite/lib.scm for info on writing tests.
+;;; See also the very end of the file, where the test-equal, test-eqv
+;;; and test-eq macros are defined.
+(use-modules (gnuradio test-suite lib))
+(use-modules (gnuradio core))
+(use-modules (oop goops))
+;;; Add test code for all constructors in these files
+;;; ./gengen/gr_add_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:add-cc 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_add_const_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:add-const-cc 0)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_add_const_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:add-const-ff 0)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_add_const_ii.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:add-const-ii 0)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_add_const_sf.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:add-const-sf 0)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_add_const_ss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:add-const-ss 0)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_add_const_vcc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:add-const-vcc #(1+3i 23+5i))))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_add_const_vff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:add-const-vff #(1.0 2.0))))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_add_const_vii.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:add-const-vii #(1 2))))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_add_const_vss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:add-const-vss #(1 2))))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_add_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:add-ff 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_add_ii.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:add-ii 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_add_ss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:add-ss 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_and_bb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:and-bb)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_and_const_bb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:and-const-bb 0)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_and_const_ii.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:and-const-ii 0)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_and_const_ss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:and-const-ss 0)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_and_ii.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:and-ii)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_and_ss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:and-ss)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_argmax_fs.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:argmax-fs 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_argmax_is.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:argmax-is 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_argmax_ss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:argmax-ss 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_chunks_to_symbols_bc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:chunks-to-symbols-bc #(1+3i 23+5i) 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_chunks_to_symbols_bf.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:chunks-to-symbols-bf #(1.0 2.0) 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_chunks_to_symbols_ic.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:chunks-to-symbols-ic #(1+3i 23+5i) 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_chunks_to_symbols_if.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:chunks-to-symbols-if #(1.0 2.0) 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_chunks_to_symbols_sc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:chunks-to-symbols-sc #(1.0 2.0) 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_chunks_to_symbols_sf.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:chunks-to-symbols-sf #(1.0 2.0) 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_divide_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:divide-cc 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_divide_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:divide-ff 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_divide_ii.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:divide-ii 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_divide_ss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:divide-ss 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_integrate_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:integrate-cc 0)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_integrate_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:integrate-ff 0)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_integrate_ii.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:integrate-ii 0)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_integrate_ss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:integrate-ss 0)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_max_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:max-ff 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_max_ii.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:max-ii 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_max_ss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:max-ss 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_moving_average_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:moving-average-cc 1 1+3i 4096)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_moving_average_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:moving-average-ff 1 0 4096)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_moving_average_ii.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:moving-average-ii 1 0 4096)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_moving_average_ss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:moving-average-ss 1 0 4096)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_multiply_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:multiply-cc 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_multiply_const_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:multiply-const-cc 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_multiply_const_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:multiply-const-ff 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_multiply_const_ii.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:multiply-const-ii 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_multiply_const_ss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:multiply-const-ss 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_multiply_const_vcc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:multiply-const-vcc #(1+3i 23+5i))))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_multiply_const_vff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:multiply-const-vff #(1.0 2.0))))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_multiply_const_vii.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:multiply-const-vii #(1 2))))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_multiply_const_vss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:multiply-const-vss #(1 2))))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_multiply_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:multiply-ff 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_multiply_ii.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:multiply-ii 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_multiply_ss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:multiply-ss 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_mute_cc.h FIXME: not found
+(pass-if (true? (gr:mute-cc #f)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_mute_ff.h FIXME: not found
+(pass-if (true? (gr:mute-ff #f)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_mute_ii.h FIXME: not found
+(pass-if (true? (gr:mute-ii #f)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_mute_ss.h FIXME: not found
+(pass-if (true? (gr:mute-ss #f)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_noise_source_c.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:noise-source-c 1 0 3021)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_noise_source_f.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:noise-source-f 1 0 3021)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_noise_source_i.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:noise-source-i 1 0 3021)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_noise_source_s.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:noise-source-s 1 0 3021)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_not_bb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:not-bb)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_not_ii.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:not-ii)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_not_ss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:not-ss)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_or_bb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:or-bb)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_or_ii.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:or-ii)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_or_ss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:or-ss)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_packed_to_unpacked_bb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:packed-to-unpacked-bb 1 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_packed_to_unpacked_ii.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:packed-to-unpacked-ii 1 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_packed_to_unpacked_ss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:packed-to-unpacked-ss 1 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_peak_detector_fb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:peak-detector-fb 0.25 0.40 10 0.001)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_peak_detector_ib.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:peak-detector-ib 0.25 0.40 10 0.001)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_peak_detector_sb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:peak-detector-sb 0.25 0.40 10 0.001)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_sample_and_hold_bb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:sample-and-hold-bb)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_sample_and_hold_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:sample-and-hold-ff)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_sample_and_hold_ii.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:sample-and-hold-ii)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_sample_and_hold_ss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:sample-and-hold-ss)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_sig_source_c.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:sig-source-c 0 0 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_sig_source_f.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:sig-source-f 0 0 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_sig_source_i.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:sig-source-i 0 0 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_sig_source_s.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:sig-source-s 0 0 0 0 0)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_sub_cc.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:sub-cc 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_sub_ff.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:sub-ff 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_sub_ii.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:sub-ii 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_sub_ss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:sub-ss 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_unpacked_to_packed_bb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:unpacked-to-packed-bb 1 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_unpacked_to_packed_ii.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:unpacked-to-packed-ii 1 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_unpacked_to_packed_ss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:unpacked-to-packed-ss 1 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_vector_sink_b.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:vector-sink-b 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_vector_sink_c.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:vector-sink-c 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_vector_sink_f.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:vector-sink-f 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_vector_sink_i.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:vector-sink-i 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_vector_sink_s.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:vector-sink-s 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_vector_source_b.h
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:vector-source-b #(1 2) #f 1)))
+;; ;;; ./gengen/gr_vector_source_c.h
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:vector-source-c #(1+3i 23+5i) #f 1)))
+;; ;;; ./gengen/gr_vector_source_f.h
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:vector-source-f #(1.0 2.0) #f 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_vector_source_i.h
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:vector-source-i #(1 2) #f 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_vector_source_s.h FIXME: not found
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:vector-source-s #(1 2) #f 1)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_xor_bb.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:xor-bb)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_xor_ii.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:xor-ii)))
+;;; ./gengen/gr_xor_ss.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:xor-ss)))
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/hier_ctors.test b/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/hier_ctors.test
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b79ee0f15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/hier_ctors.test
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+;;; -*- Scheme -*-
+;;; Copyright 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;; This file is part of GNU Radio
+;;; GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;;; any later version.
+;;; GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; If you're using Emacs's Scheme mode:
+;;; (put 'with-test-prefix 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+;;; See the comments in gnuradio/test-suite/lib.scm for info on writing tests.
+;;; See also the very end of the file, where the test-equal, test-eqv
+;;; and test-eq macros are defined.
+(use-modules (gnuradio test-suite lib))
+(use-modules (gnuradio core))
+(use-modules (oop goops))
+;;; Add test code for all constructors in these files
+;;; ./hier/gr_channel_model.h FIXME: Unbound variable: ~S" (gr:channel_model) #f))
+;; gr_make_channel_model(double noise_voltage=0.0, double frequency_offset=0.0,
+;; double epsilon=1.0,
+;; const std::vector<gr_complex> &taps=std::vector<gr_complex>(1, 1),
+;; double noise_seed=3021);
+;; (pass-if (true? (gr:channel_model 0.0 0.0 1.0 #(1 1) 3021)))
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/io_ctors.test b/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/io_ctors.test
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f40d321c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/guile/tests/io_ctors.test
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+;;; -*- Scheme -*-
+;;; Copyright 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;; This file is part of GNU Radio
+;;; GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;;; any later version.
+;;; GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; If you're using Emacs's Scheme mode:
+;;; (put 'with-test-prefix 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+;;; See the comments in gnuradio/test-suite/lib.scm for info on writing tests.
+;;; See also the very end of the file, where the test-equal, test-eqv
+;;; and test-eq macros are defined.
+(use-modules (gnuradio test-suite lib))
+(use-modules (gnuradio core))
+(use-modules (oop goops))
+(define (rm-foo)
+ (false-if-exception (delete-file "foo")))
+;;; Add test code for all constructors in these files
+;;; ./io/gr_file_descriptor_sink.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:file-descriptor-sink 1 (dup 1))))
+;;; ./io/gr_file_descriptor_source.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:file-descriptor-source 1 (dup 0) #f)))
+;;; ./io/gr_file_sink.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:file-sink 1 "foo")))
+;;; ./io/gr_file_source.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:file-source 1 "foo" #f)))
+;;; ./io/gr_histo_sink_f.h
+;; gr_make_histo_sink_f (gr_msg_queue_sptr msgq);
+(pass-if (true? (gr:histo-sink-f (gr:msg-queue))))
+;;; ./io/gr_message_sink.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:message-sink 1 (gr:msg-queue) #f)))
+;;; ./io/gr_message_source.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:message-source 1 1)))
+(pass-if (true? (gr:message-source 1 (gr:msg-queue))))
+;;; ./io/gr_oscope_sink_f.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:oscope-sink-f 1000 (gr:msg-queue))))
+;;; ./io/gr_udp_sink.h
+;;(pass-if (true? (gr:udp-sink 4 "localhost" 80 1472 #f)))
+;;(pass-if-throw "confirm throw gr:udp-sink" #t
+;; (true? (gr:udp-sink 4 "localhostx" 80 1472 #f)))
+;;; ./io/gr_udp_source.h
+;;(pass-if (true? (gr:udp-source 4 "localhost" 0 1472 #f #t)))
+;;(pass-if-throw "confirm throw gr:udp-source" #t
+;; (true? (gr:udp-source 4 "localhostx" 0 1472 #f #t)))
+;;; ./io/gr_wavfile_sink.h
+(pass-if (true? (gr:wavfile-sink "foo" 2 48000 16)))
+;;; ./io/gr_wavfile_source.h WONTFIX: buggy source won't accept file
+;;; created immediately above.
+;;(pass-if (true? (gr:wavfile-source "foo" #f)))