path: root/grc/gui/
diff options
authormanojgudi2013-10-07 14:26:59 +0530
committermanojgudi2013-10-07 14:26:59 +0530
commit6bc92d66be9975d618ac4cd104e7f5ff6e8605f2 (patch)
tree3a77657667b4ef037f712ee68a5ec86c86cba5c5 /grc/gui/
parent452defdb4a78e9e826740ddf4b9673e926c568a4 (diff)
parente9576e44ef8f0ad67d8cd8a4e025a0f8da0727f8 (diff)
merge from gr36_ni branch
Diffstat (limited to 'grc/gui/')
1 files changed, 524 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/grc/gui/ b/grc/gui/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6af4bcb62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grc/gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+Copyright 2007-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GNU Radio
+GNU Radio Companion is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+GNU Radio Companion is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+import Actions
+import Colors
+import Utils
+from Element import Element
+import pygtk
+import gtk
+import random
+import Messages
+class FlowGraph(Element):
+ """
+ FlowGraph is the data structure to store graphical signal blocks,
+ graphical inputs and outputs,
+ and the connections between inputs and outputs.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ FlowGraph contructor.
+ Create a list for signal blocks and connections. Connect mouse handlers.
+ """
+ Element.__init__(self)
+ #when is the flow graph selected? (used by keyboard event handler)
+ self.is_selected = lambda: bool(self.get_selected_elements())
+ #important vars dealing with mouse event tracking
+ self.element_moved = False
+ self.mouse_pressed = False
+ self.unselect()
+ self.press_coor = (0, 0)
+ #selected ports
+ self._old_selected_port = None
+ self._new_selected_port = None
+ #context menu
+ self._context_menu = gtk.Menu()
+ for action in [
+ Actions.BLOCK_CUT,
+ Actions.BLOCK_COPY,
+ Actions.BLOCK_PASTE,
+ Actions.OPEN_HIER,
+ ]: self._context_menu.append(action.create_menu_item())
+ ###########################################################################
+ # Access Drawing Area
+ ###########################################################################
+ def get_drawing_area(self): return self.drawing_area
+ def queue_draw(self): self.get_drawing_area().queue_draw()
+ def get_size(self): return self.get_drawing_area().get_size_request()
+ def set_size(self, *args): self.get_drawing_area().set_size_request(*args)
+ def get_scroll_pane(self): return self.drawing_area.get_parent()
+ def get_ctrl_mask(self): return self.drawing_area.ctrl_mask
+ def new_pixmap(self, *args): return self.get_drawing_area().new_pixmap(*args)
+ def add_new_block(self, key, coor=None):
+ """
+ Add a block of the given key to this flow graph.
+ @param key the block key
+ @param coor an optional coordinate or None for random
+ """
+ id = self._get_unique_id(key)
+ #calculate the position coordinate
+ h_adj = self.get_scroll_pane().get_hadjustment()
+ v_adj = self.get_scroll_pane().get_vadjustment()
+ if coor is None: coor = (
+ int(random.uniform(.25, .75)*h_adj.page_size + h_adj.get_value()),
+ int(random.uniform(.25, .75)*v_adj.page_size + v_adj.get_value()),
+ )
+ #get the new block
+ block = self.get_new_block(key)
+ block.set_coordinate(coor)
+ block.set_rotation(0)
+ block.get_param('id').set_value(id)
+ return id
+ ###########################################################################
+ # Copy Paste
+ ###########################################################################
+ def copy_to_clipboard(self):
+ """
+ Copy the selected blocks and connections into the clipboard.
+ @return the clipboard
+ """
+ #get selected blocks
+ blocks = self.get_selected_blocks()
+ if not blocks: return None
+ #calc x and y min
+ x_min, y_min = blocks[0].get_coordinate()
+ for block in blocks:
+ x, y = block.get_coordinate()
+ x_min = min(x, x_min)
+ y_min = min(y, y_min)
+ #get connections between selected blocks
+ connections = filter(
+ lambda c: c.get_source().get_parent() in blocks and c.get_sink().get_parent() in blocks,
+ self.get_connections(),
+ )
+ clipboard = (
+ (x_min, y_min),
+ [block.export_data() for block in blocks],
+ [connection.export_data() for connection in connections],
+ )
+ return clipboard
+ def paste_from_clipboard(self, clipboard):
+ """
+ Paste the blocks and connections from the clipboard.
+ @param clipboard the nested data of blocks, connections
+ """
+ selected = set()
+ (x_min, y_min), blocks_n, connections_n = clipboard
+ old_id2block = dict()
+ #recalc the position
+ h_adj = self.get_scroll_pane().get_hadjustment()
+ v_adj = self.get_scroll_pane().get_vadjustment()
+ x_off = h_adj.get_value() - x_min + h_adj.page_size/4
+ y_off = v_adj.get_value() - y_min + v_adj.page_size/4
+ #create blocks
+ for block_n in blocks_n:
+ block_key = block_n.find('key')
+ if block_key == 'options': continue
+ block = self.get_new_block(block_key)
+ selected.add(block)
+ #set params
+ params_n = block_n.findall('param')
+ for param_n in params_n:
+ param_key = param_n.find('key')
+ param_value = param_n.find('value')
+ #setup id parameter
+ if param_key == 'id':
+ old_id2block[param_value] = block
+ #if the block id is not unique, get a new block id
+ if param_value in [block.get_id() for block in self.get_blocks()]:
+ param_value = self._get_unique_id(param_value)
+ #set value to key
+ block.get_param(param_key).set_value(param_value)
+ #move block to offset coordinate
+ block.move((x_off, y_off))
+ #update before creating connections
+ self.update()
+ #create connections
+ for connection_n in connections_n:
+ source = old_id2block[connection_n.find('source_block_id')].get_source(connection_n.find('source_key'))
+ sink = old_id2block[connection_n.find('sink_block_id')].get_sink(connection_n.find('sink_key'))
+ self.connect(source, sink)
+ #set all pasted elements selected
+ for block in selected: selected = selected.union(set(block.get_connections()))
+ self._selected_elements = list(selected)
+ ###########################################################################
+ # Modify Selected
+ ###########################################################################
+ def type_controller_modify_selected(self, direction):
+ """
+ Change the registered type controller for the selected signal blocks.
+ @param direction +1 or -1
+ @return true for change
+ """
+ return any([sb.type_controller_modify(direction) for sb in self.get_selected_blocks()])
+ def port_controller_modify_selected(self, direction):
+ """
+ Change port controller for the selected signal blocks.
+ @param direction +1 or -1
+ @return true for changed
+ """
+ return any([sb.port_controller_modify(direction) for sb in self.get_selected_blocks()])
+ def enable_selected(self, enable):
+ """
+ Enable/disable the selected blocks.
+ @param enable true to enable
+ @return true if changed
+ """
+ changed = False
+ for selected_block in self.get_selected_blocks():
+ if selected_block.get_enabled() != enable:
+ selected_block.set_enabled(enable)
+ changed = True
+ return changed
+ def move_selected(self, delta_coordinate):
+ """
+ Move the element and by the change in coordinates.
+ @param delta_coordinate the change in coordinates
+ """
+ for selected_block in self.get_selected_blocks():
+ selected_block.move(delta_coordinate)
+ self.element_moved = True
+ def rotate_selected(self, rotation):
+ """
+ Rotate the selected blocks by multiples of 90 degrees.
+ @param rotation the rotation in degrees
+ @return true if changed, otherwise false.
+ """
+ if not self.get_selected_blocks(): return False
+ #initialize min and max coordinates
+ min_x, min_y = self.get_selected_block().get_coordinate()
+ max_x, max_y = self.get_selected_block().get_coordinate()
+ #rotate each selected block, and find min/max coordinate
+ for selected_block in self.get_selected_blocks():
+ selected_block.rotate(rotation)
+ #update the min/max coordinate
+ x, y = selected_block.get_coordinate()
+ min_x, min_y = min(min_x, x), min(min_y, y)
+ max_x, max_y = max(max_x, x), max(max_y, y)
+ #calculate center point of slected blocks
+ ctr_x, ctr_y = (max_x + min_x)/2, (max_y + min_y)/2
+ #rotate the blocks around the center point
+ for selected_block in self.get_selected_blocks():
+ x, y = selected_block.get_coordinate()
+ x, y = Utils.get_rotated_coordinate((x - ctr_x, y - ctr_y), rotation)
+ selected_block.set_coordinate((x + ctr_x, y + ctr_y))
+ return True
+ def remove_selected(self):
+ """
+ Remove selected elements
+ @return true if changed.
+ """
+ changed = False
+ for selected_element in self.get_selected_elements():
+ self.remove_element(selected_element)
+ changed = True
+ return changed
+ def draw(self, gc, window):
+ """
+ Draw the background and grid if enabled.
+ Draw all of the elements in this flow graph onto the pixmap.
+ Draw the pixmap to the drawable window of this flow graph.
+ """
+ W,H = self.get_size()
+ #draw the background
+ gc.set_foreground(Colors.FLOWGRAPH_BACKGROUND_COLOR)
+ window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, 0, 0, W, H)
+ #draw multi select rectangle
+ if self.mouse_pressed and (not self.get_selected_elements() or self.get_ctrl_mask()):
+ #coordinates
+ x1, y1 = self.press_coor
+ x2, y2 = self.get_coordinate()
+ #calculate top-left coordinate and width/height
+ x, y = int(min(x1, x2)), int(min(y1, y2))
+ w, h = int(abs(x1 - x2)), int(abs(y1 - y2))
+ #draw
+ gc.set_foreground(Colors.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR)
+ window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, x, y, w, h)
+ gc.set_foreground(Colors.BORDER_COLOR)
+ window.draw_rectangle(gc, False, x, y, w, h)
+ #draw blocks on top of connections
+ for element in self.get_connections() + self.get_blocks():
+ element.draw(gc, window)
+ #draw selected blocks on top of selected connections
+ for selected_element in self.get_selected_connections() + self.get_selected_blocks():
+ selected_element.draw(gc, window)
+ def update_selected(self):
+ """
+ Remove deleted elements from the selected elements list.
+ Update highlighting so only the selected are highlighted.
+ """
+ selected_elements = self.get_selected_elements()
+ elements = self.get_elements()
+ #remove deleted elements
+ for selected in selected_elements:
+ if selected in elements: continue
+ selected_elements.remove(selected)
+ if self._old_selected_port and self._old_selected_port.get_parent() not in elements:
+ self._old_selected_port = None
+ if self._new_selected_port and self._new_selected_port.get_parent() not in elements:
+ self._new_selected_port = None
+ #update highlighting
+ for element in elements:
+ element.set_highlighted(element in selected_elements)
+ def update(self):
+ """
+ Call the top level rewrite and validate.
+ Call the top level create labels and shapes.
+ """
+ self.rewrite()
+ self.validate()
+ self.create_labels()
+ self.create_shapes()
+ ##########################################################################
+ ## Get Selected
+ ##########################################################################
+ def unselect(self):
+ """
+ Set selected elements to an empty set.
+ """
+ self._selected_elements = []
+ def what_is_selected(self, coor, coor_m=None):
+ """
+ What is selected?
+ At the given coordinate, return the elements found to be selected.
+ If coor_m is unspecified, return a list of only the first element found to be selected:
+ Iterate though the elements backwards since top elements are at the end of the list.
+ If an element is selected, place it at the end of the list so that is is drawn last,
+ and hence on top. Update the selected port information.
+ @param coor the coordinate of the mouse click
+ @param coor_m the coordinate for multi select
+ @return the selected blocks and connections or an empty list
+ """
+ selected_port = None
+ selected = set()
+ #check the elements
+ for element in reversed(self.get_elements()):
+ selected_element = element.what_is_selected(coor, coor_m)
+ if not selected_element: continue
+ #update the selected port information
+ if selected_element.is_port():
+ if not coor_m: selected_port = selected_element
+ selected_element = selected_element.get_parent()
+ selected.add(selected_element)
+ #place at the end of the list
+ self.get_elements().remove(element)
+ self.get_elements().append(element)
+ #single select mode, break
+ if not coor_m: break
+ #update selected ports
+ self._old_selected_port = self._new_selected_port
+ self._new_selected_port = selected_port
+ return list(selected)
+ def get_selected_connections(self):
+ """
+ Get a group of selected connections.
+ @return sub set of connections in this flow graph
+ """
+ selected = set()
+ for selected_element in self.get_selected_elements():
+ if selected_element.is_connection(): selected.add(selected_element)
+ return list(selected)
+ def get_selected_blocks(self):
+ """
+ Get a group of selected blocks.
+ @return sub set of blocks in this flow graph
+ """
+ selected = set()
+ for selected_element in self.get_selected_elements():
+ if selected_element.is_block(): selected.add(selected_element)
+ return list(selected)
+ def get_selected_block(self):
+ """
+ Get the selected block when a block or port is selected.
+ @return a block or None
+ """
+ return self.get_selected_blocks() and self.get_selected_blocks()[0] or None
+ def get_selected_elements(self):
+ """
+ Get the group of selected elements.
+ @return sub set of elements in this flow graph
+ """
+ return self._selected_elements
+ def get_selected_element(self):
+ """
+ Get the selected element.
+ @return a block, port, or connection or None
+ """
+ return self.get_selected_elements() and self.get_selected_elements()[0] or None
+ def update_selected_elements(self):
+ """
+ Update the selected elements.
+ The update behavior depends on the state of the mouse button.
+ When the mouse button pressed the selection will change when
+ the control mask is set or the new selection is not in the current group.
+ When the mouse button is released the selection will change when
+ the mouse has moved and the control mask is set or the current group is empty.
+ Attempt to make a new connection if the old and ports are filled.
+ If the control mask is set, merge with the current elements.
+ """
+ selected_elements = None
+ if self.mouse_pressed:
+ new_selections = self.what_is_selected(self.get_coordinate())
+ #update the selections if the new selection is not in the current selections
+ #allows us to move entire selected groups of elements
+ if self.get_ctrl_mask() or not (
+ new_selections and new_selections[0] in self.get_selected_elements()
+ ): selected_elements = new_selections
+ else: #called from a mouse release
+ if not self.element_moved and (not self.get_selected_elements() or self.get_ctrl_mask()):
+ selected_elements = self.what_is_selected(self.get_coordinate(), self.press_coor)
+ #this selection and the last were ports, try to connect them
+ if self._old_selected_port and self._new_selected_port and \
+ self._old_selected_port is not self._new_selected_port:
+ try:
+ self.connect(self._old_selected_port, self._new_selected_port)
+ except: Messages.send_fail_connection()
+ self._old_selected_port = None
+ self._new_selected_port = None
+ return
+ #update selected elements
+ if selected_elements is None: return
+ old_elements = set(self.get_selected_elements())
+ self._selected_elements = list(set(selected_elements))
+ new_elements = set(self.get_selected_elements())
+ #if ctrl, set the selected elements to the union - intersection of old and new
+ if self.get_ctrl_mask():
+ self._selected_elements = list(
+ set.union(old_elements, new_elements) - set.intersection(old_elements, new_elements)
+ )
+ ##########################################################################
+ ## Event Handlers
+ ##########################################################################
+ def handle_mouse_context_press(self, coordinate, event):
+ """
+ The context mouse button was pressed:
+ If no elements were selected, perform re-selection at this coordinate.
+ Then, show the context menu at the mouse click location.
+ """
+ selections = self.what_is_selected(coordinate)
+ if not set(selections).intersection(self.get_selected_elements()):
+ self.set_coordinate(coordinate)
+ self.mouse_pressed = True
+ self.update_selected_elements()
+ self.mouse_pressed = False
+ self._context_menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time)
+ def handle_mouse_selector_press(self, double_click, coordinate):
+ """
+ The selector mouse button was pressed:
+ Find the selected element. Attempt a new connection if possible.
+ Open the block params window on a double click.
+ Update the selection state of the flow graph.
+ """
+ self.press_coor = coordinate
+ self.set_coordinate(coordinate)
+ self.time = 0
+ self.mouse_pressed = True
+ if double_click: self.unselect()
+ self.update_selected_elements()
+ #double click detected, bring up params dialog if possible
+ if double_click and self.get_selected_block():
+ self.mouse_pressed = False
+ def handle_mouse_selector_release(self, coordinate):
+ """
+ The selector mouse button was released:
+ Update the state, handle motion (dragging).
+ And update the selected flowgraph elements.
+ """
+ self.set_coordinate(coordinate)
+ self.time = 0
+ self.mouse_pressed = False
+ if self.element_moved:
+ Actions.BLOCK_MOVE()
+ self.element_moved = False
+ self.update_selected_elements()
+ def handle_mouse_motion(self, coordinate):
+ """
+ The mouse has moved, respond to mouse dragging.
+ Move a selected element to the new coordinate.
+ Auto-scroll the scroll bars at the boundaries.
+ """
+ #to perform a movement, the mouse must be pressed
+ # (no longer checking pending events via gtk.events_pending() - always true in Windows)
+ if not self.mouse_pressed: return
+ #perform autoscrolling
+ width, height = self.get_size()
+ x, y = coordinate
+ h_adj = self.get_scroll_pane().get_hadjustment()
+ v_adj = self.get_scroll_pane().get_vadjustment()
+ for pos, length, adj, adj_val, adj_len in (
+ (x, width, h_adj, h_adj.get_value(), h_adj.page_size),
+ (y, height, v_adj, v_adj.get_value(), v_adj.page_size),
+ ):
+ #scroll if we moved near the border
+ if pos-adj_val > adj_len-SCROLL_PROXIMITY_SENSITIVITY and adj_val+SCROLL_DISTANCE < length-adj_len:
+ adj.set_value(adj_val+SCROLL_DISTANCE)
+ adj.emit('changed')
+ adj.set_value(adj_val-SCROLL_DISTANCE)
+ adj.emit('changed')
+ #remove the connection if selected in drag event
+ if len(self.get_selected_elements()) == 1 and self.get_selected_element().is_connection():
+ #move the selected elements and record the new coordinate
+ X, Y = self.get_coordinate()
+ if not self.get_ctrl_mask(): self.move_selected((int(x - X), int(y - Y)))
+ self.set_coordinate((x, y))
+ #queue draw for animation
+ self.queue_draw()