with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C; with System; use System; package body Windows_Default_Path is subtype DWORD is Interfaces.C.Unsigned_Long; subtype LPWSTR is String; subtype HINSTANCE is Address; function GetModuleFileName (Inst : HINSTANCE; Buf : Address; Size : DWORD) return DWORD; pragma Import (Stdcall, GetModuleFileName, "GetModuleFileNameA"); function Get_Windows_Default_Path return String is File : String (1 .. 256); Size : DWORD; P : Natural; begin -- Get exe file path. Size := GetModuleFileName (Null_Address, File'Address, File'Length); if Size = 0 or Size = File'Length then return "{cannot find install path}\lib"; end if; -- Remove Program file. P := Natural (Size); while P > 0 loop exit when File (P) = '\'; exit when File (P) = ':' and P = 2; P := P - 1; end loop; if File (P) = '\' and P > 1 then -- Remove directory P := P - 1; while P > 0 loop exit when File (P) = '\'; exit when File (P) = ':' and P = 2; P := P - 1; end loop; end if; return File (1 .. P) & "lib"; end Get_Windows_Default_Path; end Windows_Default_Path;