-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - statistics. -- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold -- -- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later -- version. -- -- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY -- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free -- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA -- 02111-1307, USA. with System; use System; with System.Storage_Elements; -- Work around GNAT bug. with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio; with Grt.Astdio; use Grt.Astdio; with Grt.Vstrings; with Grt.Signals; with Grt.Processes; with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types; with Grt.Disp; package body Grt.Stats is type Clock_T is new Integer; type Time_Stats is record Wall : Clock_T; User : Clock_T; Sys : Clock_T; end record; -- Number of CLOCK_T per second. One_Second : Clock_T; -- Get number of seconds per CLOCK_T. function Get_Clk_Tck return Clock_T; pragma Import (C, Get_Clk_Tck, "grt_get_clk_tck"); -- Get wall, user and system times. -- This is a binding to times(2). procedure Get_Times (Wall : Address; User : Address; Sys : Address); pragma Import (C, Get_Times, "grt_get_times"); procedure Get_Stats (Stats : out Time_Stats) is begin Get_Times (Stats.Wall'Address, Stats.User'Address, Stats.Sys'Address); end Get_Stats; function "-" (L : Time_Stats; R : Time_Stats) return Time_Stats is begin return Time_Stats'(Wall => L.Wall - R.Wall, User => L.User - R.User, Sys => L.Sys - R.Sys); end "-"; function "+" (L : Time_Stats; R : Time_Stats) return Time_Stats is begin return Time_Stats'(Wall => L.Wall + R.Wall, User => L.User + R.User, Sys => L.Sys + R.Sys); end "+"; procedure Put (Stream : FILEs; Val : Clock_T) is use Grt.Vstrings; Ms : Ghdl_I32; Buf : String (1 .. 11); First : Natural; C : Character; begin To_String (Buf, First, Ghdl_I32 (Val / One_Second)); if First > 8 then Buf (8 .. First - 1) := (others => ' '); First := 8; end if; Put (Stream, Buf (First .. Buf'Last)); Put (Stream, '.'); -- Avoid overflow. Ms := Ghdl_I32 (((Val mod One_Second) * 1000) / One_Second); for I in 1 .. 3 loop C := Character'Val (Character'Pos ('0') + (Ms / 100)); Put (Stream, C); Ms := (Ms * 10) mod 1000; end loop; end Put; procedure Put (Stream : FILEs; T : Time_Stats) is begin Put (Stream, "wall: "); Put (Stream, T.Wall); Put (Stream, " user: "); Put (Stream, T.User); Put (Stream, " sys: "); Put (Stream, T.Sys); end Put; -- Stats at origin. Start_Time : Time_Stats; End_Elab_Time : Time_Stats; End_Order_Time : Time_Stats; Start_Proc_Time : Time_Stats; Proc_Times : Time_Stats; Start_Update_Time : Time_Stats; Update_Times : Time_Stats; Start_Next_Time_Time : Time_Stats; Next_Time_Times : Time_Stats; Start_Resume_Time : Time_Stats; Resume_Times : Time_Stats; Running_Time : Time_Stats; Simu_Time : Time_Stats; procedure Start_Elaboration is begin One_Second := Get_Clk_Tck; Proc_Times := (0, 0, 0); Get_Stats (Start_Time); end Start_Elaboration; procedure Start_Order is begin Get_Stats (End_Elab_Time); end Start_Order; procedure Start_Cycles is begin Get_Stats (End_Order_Time); end Start_Cycles; procedure Start_Processes is begin Get_Stats (Start_Proc_Time); end Start_Processes; procedure End_Processes is Now : Time_Stats; begin Get_Stats (Now); Proc_Times := Proc_Times + (Now - Start_Proc_Time); end End_Processes; procedure Start_Update is begin Get_Stats (Start_Update_Time); end Start_Update; procedure End_Update is Now : Time_Stats; begin Get_Stats (Now); Update_Times := Update_Times + (Now - Start_Update_Time); end End_Update; procedure Start_Next_Time is begin Get_Stats (Start_Next_Time_Time); end Start_Next_Time; procedure End_Next_Time is Now : Time_Stats; begin Get_Stats (Now); Next_Time_Times := Next_Time_Times + (Now - Start_Next_Time_Time); end End_Next_Time; procedure Start_Resume is begin Get_Stats (Start_Resume_Time); end Start_Resume; procedure End_Resume is Now : Time_Stats; begin Get_Stats (Now); Resume_Times := Resume_Times + (Now - Start_Resume_Time); end End_Resume; procedure End_Simulation is Now : Time_Stats; begin Get_Stats (Now); Simu_Time := Now - Start_Time; Running_Time := Now - End_Order_Time; end End_Simulation; procedure Disp_Signals_Stats is use Grt.Signals; Nbr_No_Drivers : Ghdl_I32; Nbr_Resolv : Ghdl_I32; Nbr_Multi_Src : Ghdl_I32; Nbr_Active : Ghdl_I32; type Propagation_Kind_Array is array (Propagation_Kind_Type) of Ghdl_I32; Propag_Count : Propagation_Kind_Array; type Mode_Array is array (Mode_Type) of Ghdl_I32; Mode_Counts : Mode_Array; type Mode_Name_Type is array (Mode_Type) of String (1 .. 4); Mode_Names : constant Mode_Name_Type := (Mode_B2 => "B2: ", Mode_E8 => "E8: ", Mode_E32 => "E32:", Mode_I32 => "I32:", Mode_I64 => "I64:", Mode_F64 => "F64:"); begin Put (stdout, "Number of simple signals: "); Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Sig_Table.Last - Sig_Table.First + 1)); New_Line; Put (stdout, "Number of signals with projected wave: "); Put_I32 (stdout, Get_Nbr_Future); New_Line; Nbr_No_Drivers := 0; Nbr_Resolv := 0; Nbr_Multi_Src := 0; Nbr_Active := 0; Mode_Counts := (others => 0); for I in Sig_Table.First .. Sig_Table.Last loop declare Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; begin Sig := Sig_Table.Table (I); if Sig.S.Mode_Sig in Mode_Signal_User then if Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers = 0 then Nbr_No_Drivers := Nbr_No_Drivers + 1; end if; if Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers + Sig.Nbr_Ports > 1 then Nbr_Multi_Src := Nbr_Multi_Src + 1; end if; if Sig.S.Resolv /= null then Nbr_Resolv := Nbr_Resolv + 1; end if; end if; Mode_Counts (Sig.Mode) := Mode_Counts (Sig.Mode) + 1; if Sig.Flags.Has_Active then Nbr_Active := Nbr_Active + 1; end if; end; end loop; Put (stdout, "Number of non-driven simple signals: "); Put_I32 (stdout, Nbr_No_Drivers); New_Line; Put (stdout, "Number of resolved simple signals: "); Put_I32 (stdout, Nbr_Resolv); New_Line; Put (stdout, "Number of multi-sourced signals: "); Put_I32 (stdout, Nbr_Multi_Src); New_Line; Put (stdout, "Number of signals whose activity is managed: "); Put_I32 (stdout, Nbr_Active); New_Line; Put (stdout, "Number of signals per mode:"); New_Line; for I in Mode_Type loop Put (stdout, " "); Put (stdout, Mode_Names (I)); Put (stdout, " "); Put_I32 (stdout, Mode_Counts (I)); New_Line; end loop; New_Line; Propag_Count := (others => 0); for I in Propagation.First .. Propagation.Last loop Propag_Count (Propagation.Table (I).Kind) := Propag_Count (Propagation.Table (I).Kind) + 1; end loop; Put (stdout, "Propagation table length: "); Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Grt.Signals.Propagation.Last)); New_Line; Put (stdout, "Propagation table count:"); New_Line; for I in Propagation_Kind_Type loop if Propag_Count (I) /= 0 then Put (stdout, " "); Grt.Disp.Disp_Propagation_Kind (I); Put (stdout, ": "); Put_I32 (stdout, Propag_Count (I)); New_Line; end if; end loop; end Disp_Signals_Stats; -- Disp all statistics. procedure Disp_Stats is N : Natural; begin Put (stdout, "total: "); Put (stdout, Simu_Time); New_Line (stdout); Put (stdout, " elab: "); Put (stdout, End_Elab_Time - Start_Time); New_Line (stdout); Put (stdout, " internal elab: "); Put (stdout, End_Order_Time - End_Elab_Time); New_Line (stdout); Put (stdout, " running time: "); Put (stdout, Running_Time); New_Line (stdout); Put (stdout, " cycle (sum): "); Put (stdout, Proc_Times + Update_Times + Next_Time_Times + Resume_Times); New_Line (stdout); Put (stdout, " processes: "); Put (stdout, Proc_Times); New_Line (stdout); Put (stdout, " resume: "); Put (stdout, Resume_Times); New_Line (stdout); Put (stdout, " update: "); Put (stdout, Update_Times); New_Line (stdout); Put (stdout, " next compute: "); Put (stdout, Next_Time_Times); New_Line (stdout); Disp_Signals_Stats; Put (stdout, "Number of delta cycles: "); Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Processes.Nbr_Delta_Cycles)); New_Line; Put (stdout, "Number of non-delta cycles: "); Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Processes.Nbr_Cycles)); New_Line; Put (stdout, "Nbr of events: "); Put_I32 (stdout, Signals.Nbr_Events); New_Line; Put (stdout, "Nbr of active: "); Put_I32 (stdout, Signals.Nbr_Active); New_Line; Put (stdout, "Number of processes: "); Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Grt.Processes.Get_Nbr_Processes)); New_Line; Put (stdout, "Number of sensitized processes: "); Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Grt.Processes.Get_Nbr_Sensitized_Processes)); New_Line; Put (stdout, "Number of resumed processes: "); Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Grt.Processes.Get_Nbr_Resumed_Processes)); New_Line; Put (stdout, "Average number of resumed processes per cycle: "); N := Processes.Nbr_Delta_Cycles + Processes.Nbr_Cycles; if N = 0 then Put (stdout, "-"); else Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Processes.Get_Nbr_Resumed_Processes / N)); end if; New_Line; end Disp_Stats; end Grt.Stats;