-- Copyright (C) 2001-2002 The University of Cincinnati. -- All rights reserved. -- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs). -- UC MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF THE -- SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, -- OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. UC SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY -- LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR -- DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. -- By using or copying this Software, Licensee agrees to abide by the -- intellectual property laws, and all other applicable laws of the U.S., -- and the terms of this license. -- You may modify, distribute, and use the software contained in this -- package under the terms of the "GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE" version 2, -- June 1991. A copy of this license agreement can be found in the file -- "COPYING", distributed with this archive. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, -- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- $Id: test145.ams,v 1.1 2002-03-27 22:11:18 paw Exp $ -- $Revision: 1.1 $ -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SIERRA REGRESSION TESTING MODEL -- Develooped at: -- Distriburted Processing Laboratory -- University of cincinnati -- Cincinnati ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File : test145.ams -- Author(s) : Geeta Balarkishnan(gbalakri@ececs.uc.edu) -- Created : June 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Description : -- this is a mos model. It tests for the correctness of the procedural -- statement. -- -- the model accepts the mos data as generic constants. The terminals -- are defined as of nature electrical. -- it also tests the alias declaration for real'low. -- Charges associated with the 4 terminals are declared as quantities. -- The voltage associated with each of them is also defined. -- a signal is used to drive i.e to carry out a generic initialization. -- The various mos equations are evaluated depending on the conditions. -- The equations for charges and currents are evaluated. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- package mosdata is NATURE electrical is real across real through; FUNCTION SIN(X : real) RETURN real; FUNCTION EXP(X : real) RETURN real; FUNCTION SQRT(X : real) RETURN real; FUNCTION POW(X,Y : real) RETURN real; alias undefined is real'low; constant Temperature: real:=27.0; constant eps0 : real :=8.85418e-12; constant Ni : real :=1.45e16; constant Boltzmann : real :=1.380662e-23; constant echarge: real :=1.6021892e-19; constant epsSiO2 : real :=3.9*eps0; constant epsSi : real :=11.7*eps0; constant kTQ : real :=Boltzmann*temperature/echarge; constant pi: real := 3.14159; end package mosdata; use work.mosdata.all; entity mos is generic( width : real:=1.0E-4; length : real:=1.0E-4; channel: real :=1.0; kp :real:= 2.0E-5; gamma :undefined; phi :undefined; tox :real:= 1.0E-7; nsub :real:= 0.0; nss :real:=0.0; nfs :real:= 0.0; tpg :real:= 1.0; xj :real:=0.0; ld :real:= 0.0; u0 :real:= 600.0; vmax :real:=0.0; xqc :real:= 1.0; kf :real:=0.0; af :real:=1.0; fc :real:=0.5; delta :real:=0.0; theta :real:=0.0; eta :real:=0.0; Sigma :real:=0.0; kappa :real:=0.2 ); port ( terminal drain, gate, source, bulk : electrical); end entity mos; architecture amos of mos is quantity Qc, Qb, Qg: real; quantity Qcq, Qbq, Qgq : real; -- channel, bulk and gate charges quantity Vdsq across drain to source; quantity Vgsq across gate to source; quantity Vbsq across bulk to source; quantity Idq through drain; quantity Igq through gate; quantity Isq through source; quantity Ibq through bulk; signal Initialized: boolean; -- use a signal as generic initialisation begin MOSeqns: procedural is variable cox,vt,beta,sigma,nsub,Phi,Gamma,nss,ngate,A,B,C,D,Vfb,fshort, wp,wc,sqwpxj,vbulk,delv,vth,Vgstos, Vgst, Ueff,Tau,Vsat,Vpp,fdrain, stfct,leff,xd,qnfscox,fn,dcrit,deltal,It,Ids,R,Vds,Vgs,Vbs, forward ,egfet,fermig, mobdeg: real; begin -- procedural statements if not Initialized then if tox<=0.0 then cox:=epsSiO2/1.0e-7; else cox:=epsSiO2/tox; end if; if kp = 0.0 then beta:=cox*u0; else beta:=kp; end if; nsub := nsub * 1.0e6; -- scale nsub to SI units if (phi = undefined) then if (nsub > 0.0) then if (0.1<2.0*KTQ*(nsub/Ni)) then Phi:=(2.0*kTQ*(nsub/Ni)); else Phi:=0.1; end if; else Phi:=0.6; end if; else Phi:=phi; end if; if (gamma = undefined) then if (nsub > 0.0) then Gamma:=sqrt(2.0*epsSi*echarge*nsub)/cox; else Gamma:=0.0; end if; else Gamma:=gamma; end if; nss:=nss*1.0e4; -- Scale to SI ngate:=gamma*1.0e4; -- Scale to SI leff:=length-2.0*ld; if leff>0.0 then Sigma:= eta * 8.15e-22/(cox*leff*leff*leff); else Sigma:=0.0; end if; if nsub>0.0 then -- N.B. nsub was scaled, above. xd:=sqrt(2.0*epsSi/(echarge*nsub)); else xd:=0.0; end if; if (nfs>0.0) and(cox>0.0) then qnfscox:=echarge*nfs/cox; else qnfscox:=0.0; end if; if cox>0.0 then fn:=delta*pi*epsSi*0.5/(cox*width); else fn:=delta*pi*epsSi*0.5*tox/epsSiO2; end if; --Scale beta and convert cox from Fm^-2 to F beta:=beta*width/leff; cox:=cox*width*leff; Initialized <= true; end if; -- not initialized Vds:=channel*Vdsq; if Vds>=0.0 then Vgs:=channel* Vgsq; Vbs:=channel* Vbsq; forward:=1.0; else Vds:=-Vds; Vgs:=channel* Vgsq; Vbs:=channel* Vbsq; forward:=-1.0; end if; if Vbs<=0.0 then A:=Phi-Vbs; D:=sqrt(A); else D:=2.0*sqrt(Phi)*Phi/(2.0*Phi+Vbs); A:=D*D; end if; Vfb:=Vt-Gamma*sqrt(Phi)-Sigma*Vds; if (xd=0.0) OR (xj=0.0) then fshort:=1.0; else wp:=xd*D; wc:=0.0631353*xj+0.8013292*wp-0.01110777*wp*wp/xj; sqwpxj:=sqrt(1.0-(wp*wp/((wp+xj)*(wp+xj)))); fshort:=1.0-((ld+wc)*sqwpxj-ld)/leff; end if; vbulk:=Gamma*fshort*D+fn*A; if nfs=0.0 then delv:=0.0; else delv:=kTQ*(1.0+qnfscox+vbulk*0.5/A); end if; vth:=Vfb+vbulk; Vgstos:=Vgs-Vfb; if (vgs-vth > delv) then Vgst:=Vgs-vth; else Vgst:= delv; end if; if (vgs>=vth) or (delv/=0.0) then if (Vbs<=0.0) or (Phi /= 0.0) then B:=0.5*Gamma/D+fn; else B:=fn; end if; mobdeg:=1.0/(1.0+theta*Vgst); if (vmax /=0.0) then Ueff:=u0*mobdeg; Tau:=Ueff/Leff*vmax; else Tau:=0.0; end if; Vsat:=Vgst/(1.0+B); Vsat:=Vsat*(1.0-0.5*Tau*Vsat); -- not quite the same as SPICE if (vds<Vsat) then Vpp:=vds; else Vpp:= Vsat; end if; fdrain:=1.0/(1.0+Tau*Vpp); if (Vgs<vth+delv) and (nfs>0.0) then stfct:=exp((Vgs-vth-delv)/delv); else stfct:=1.0; end if; if Vds>=Vsat then if (kappa>0.0) and (xd>0.0) then if vmax=0.0 then deltal:=sqrt(kappa*xd*xd*(Vds-Vsat)); else dcrit:=(xd*xd*vmax*0.5)/(Ueff*(1.0-fdrain)); deltal:=sqrt(kappa*xd*xd*(Vds-Vsat)+dcrit*dcrit)-dcrit; end if; if deltal<=0.5*Leff then C:=Leff/(Leff-deltal); else C:=4.0*deltal/Leff; end if; else C:=1.0; end if; else C:=1.0; end if; It:=Vgst-Vpp*(1.0+B)*0.5; Beta:=Beta*mobdeg; Ids:=Beta*Vpp*It*C*fdrain*stfct; else -- Cutoff Ids:=0.0; end if; -- vgs >= vth if Cox /= 0.0 then --Charges if Vgs<=vth then if Gamma /= 0.0 then if Vgstos < -A then Qg:=Cox*(Vgstos+A); -- Accumulation else Qg:=0.5*Gamma*Cox*(sqrt(4.0*(Vgstos+A)+Gamma*Gamma-Gamma)); end if ; -- vgstos <-A else-- Gamma = 0.0 Qg:=0.0; end if; -- gamma /= 0 Qb:=-Qg; Qc:=0.0; else -- depletion mode: R:=(1.0+B)*Vpp*Vpp/(12.0*It); Qg:=Cox*(Vgstos-Vpp*0.5+R); Qc:=-Cox*(Vgst+(1.0+B)*(R-Vpp*0.5)); Qb:=-(Qc+Qg); end if; else Qg:=0.0; Qc:=0.0; Qb:=0.0; end if; -- cox /= 0 -- equations for charges (in a procedural we have assignments to --quantitites): Qcq := Qc; Qgq := Qg; Qbq := Qb; -- equations for currents: Idq := channel*forward*Ids+channel*xqc*Qc'dot; Igq := channel*Qg'dot; Ibq := channel*Qb'dot; Isq := -Idq - Igq - Ibq; end procedural; end architecture amos;