entity forty_two is
  port (
    bv4_out : out bit_vector( 3 downto 0 ));
end forty_two;

architecture only of forty_two is
begin  -- only
  begin  -- process
    bv4_out <= "0110";
  end process;
end only;

entity test_bench is
end test_bench;

architecture only of test_bench is

  component forty_two_component
    port (
      c_bv4_out : out bit_vector( 3 downto 0 ));
  end component;

  for ft0 : forty_two_component
    use entity work.forty_two(only)
      port map (
        bv4_out => c_bv4_out );
  signal bv4_signal : bit_vector( 3 downto 0 );

begin  -- only

  ft0 : component forty_two_component
    port map (
      c_bv4_out => bv4_signal );

  test: process
  begin  -- process test
    wait for 1 ms;
    assert bv4_signal = "0110" report "TEST FAILED" severity ERROR;
    assert not(bv4_signal = "0110") report "TEST PASSED" severity NOTE;
  end process test;
end only;