This directory contains copies of the VHDL files that were originally developed by Bill Billowitch to form a VHDL 1076-1987 test suite. The development of the test suite was done with partial support of the United States Air Force. Both Bill Billowitch and the Air Force have granted the University of Cincinnati permission to release these files under the GNU Public License. Since the original test suite was developed for the 1076-1987 standard, some changes were required to make them compliant with the 1076-1993 standard; they are now not necessarily compilant with the earlier (1076-1987) standard. The VHDL files are organized into three subdirectories, fail_tests, pass_tests or disputed_tests, corresponding to their being non-compliant, compliant, or in question to the 1076-1993 standard (files in this subdirectory were originally located in the compliant subdirectory of the 1076-1987 test suite). If you find errors or corrections to these files, please submit them to us at Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Philip A. Wilsey The University of Cincinnati ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Last Revised: March 27, 2002