VESTs: Vhdl tESTs

VESTs is a test suite for the VHDL language.  It is not intended to be a
compliance suite or even a single unified test system for VHDL.  Instead
it is designed be a public repository containing tests that can be
meaningfully orgainized for the various versions or important subsets of
the VHDL language.  We welcome and encourage contributions to VESTs with
the restriction that the tests must be distributed under the GNU General
Public License Version 2.  A copy of this license is in this directory
in the file named COPYING.

This directory contains the following subdirectories:

    Containing tests against the VHDL 1076-1993 language standard.

    Containing tests against the VHDL 1076.1-1999 language standard.

If you find errors or corrections to files contained herein or would
like to submit additional tests for the VESTs suite, please contact us
at  Thank you.

VESTs version 1.0
Philip A. Wilsey 
The University of Cincinnati
Last Revised: March 27, 2002