--======================================================================================================================== -- Copyright (c) 2015 by Bitvis AS. All rights reserved. -- A free license is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining -- a copy of this VHDL code and associated documentation files (for 'Bitvis Utility Library'), -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish and/or distribute - subject to the following conditions: -- - This copyright notice shall be included as is in all copies or substantial portions of the code and documentation -- - The files included in Bitvis Utility Library may only be used as a part of this library as a whole -- - The License file may not be modified -- - The calls in the code to the license file ('show_license') may not be removed or modified. -- - No other conditions whatsoever may be added to those of this License -- BITVIS UTILITY LIBRARY AND ANY PART THEREOF ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, -- INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. -- IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, -- WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH BITVIS UTILITY LIBRARY. --======================================================================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- VHDL unit : Bitvis Utility Library : license_pkg -- -- Description : See library quick reference (under 'doc') and README-file(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; use std.textio.all; use work.types_pkg.all; use work.string_methods_pkg.all; use work.adaptations_pkg.all; package license_pkg is impure function show_license( constant dummy : in t_void ) return boolean; impure function show_bitvis_utility_library_info( constant dummy : in t_void ) return boolean; impure function show_bitvis_utility_library_release_info( constant dummy : in t_void ) return boolean; end package license_pkg; package body license_pkg is impure function show_license( constant dummy : in t_void ) return boolean is constant C_VERSION : string := "v2.5.1"; -- June 2015 constant C_SEPARATOR : string := "====================================================================================================="; constant C_LICENSE_STR : string := LF & LF & LF & C_SEPARATOR & LF & C_SEPARATOR & LF & " Bitvis Utility Library " & C_VERSION & " is being used by this simulation." & LF & " This is a *** LICENSED PRODUCT *** as given in the copyright notice of the VHDL code." & LF & " The free license granted is subject to the conditions given in the VHDL copyright notice." & LF & C_SEPARATOR & LF & C_SEPARATOR & LF & LF; begin report (C_LICENSE_STR); return true; end; impure function show_bitvis_utility_library_info( constant dummy : in t_void ) return boolean is constant C_SEPARATOR : string := "====================================================================================================="; constant C_LICENSE_STR : string := LF & LF & C_SEPARATOR & LF & C_SEPARATOR & LF & "This info section may be turned off via C_SHOW_BITVIS_UTILITY_LIBRARY_INFO in adaptations_pkg.vhd" & LF & LF & "Important Simulator setup: " & LF & "- Set simulator to break on severity 'FAILURE' " & LF & "- Set simulator transcript to a monospace font (e.g. Courier new)" & LF & LF & "Bitvis Utility Library setup:" & LF & "- It is recommended to go through the two powerpoint presentations provided with the download" & LF & "- There is a Quick-Reference in the doc-directory" & LF & "- In order to change layout or behaviour - please check the src*/adaptations_pkg.vhd" & LF & " This is intended for personal or company customization" & LF & LF & "License conditions are given in License.txt" & LF & C_SEPARATOR & LF & C_SEPARATOR & LF & LF; begin if C_SHOW_BITVIS_UTILITY_LIBRARY_INFO then report (C_LICENSE_STR); end if; return true; end; impure function show_bitvis_utility_library_release_info( constant dummy : in t_void ) return boolean is constant C_IMPORTANT_UPDATE_FOR_THIS_VERSION : boolean := true; -- ***** NOTE: Evaluate a change here constant C_SEPARATOR : string := "====================================================================================================="; constant C_LICENSE_STR : string := LF & LF & C_SEPARATOR & LF & C_SEPARATOR & LF & "This release info may be turned off via C_SHOW_BITVIS_UTILITY_LIBRARY_RELEASE_INFO in adaptations_pkg.vhd" & LF & LF & "Important Issues for this version update: " & LF & "- Two procedures have changed name (see CHANGES.TXT)" & LF & " The old names will still work for a few more version updates, but a deprecate-message will be displayed" & LF & " (The deprecate-message may be turned off, but we recommend to rather change the actual procedure names)" & LF & LF & C_SEPARATOR & LF & C_SEPARATOR & LF & LF; begin if C_SHOW_BITVIS_UTILITY_LIBRARY_RELEASE_INFO and C_IMPORTANT_UPDATE_FOR_THIS_VERSION then report (C_LICENSE_STR); end if; return true; end; end package body license_pkg;