-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - VPI interface. -- Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 Tristan Gingold & Felix Bertram -- -- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later -- version. -- -- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY -- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free -- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA -- 02111-1307, USA. -- Description: VPI interface for GRT runtime -- the main purpose of this code is to interface with the -- Icarus Verilog Interactive (IVI) simulator GUI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TODO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DONE: -- * The GHDL VPI implementation doesn't support time -- callbacks (cbReadOnlySynch). This is needed to support -- IVI run. Currently, the GHDL simulation runs until -- complete once a single 'run' is performed... -- * You are loading '_'-prefixed symbols when you -- load the vpi plugin. On Linux, there is no leading -- '_'. I just added code to try both '_'-prefixed and -- non-'_'-prefixed symbols. I have placed the changed -- file in the same download dir as the snapshot -- * I did find out why restart doesn't work for GHDL. -- You are passing back the leaf name of signals when the -- FullName is requested. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with System.Storage_Elements; -- Work around GNAT bug. pragma Unreferenced (System.Storage_Elements); with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio; with Grt.C; use Grt.C; with Grt.Signals; use Grt.Signals; with Grt.Table; with Grt.Astdio; use Grt.Astdio; with Grt.Hooks; use Grt.Hooks; with Grt.Vcd; use Grt.Vcd; with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors; with Grt.Rtis_Types; pragma Elaborate_All (Grt.Table); package body Grt.Vpi is -- The VPI interface requires libdl (dlopen, dlsym) to be linked in. -- This is now set in Makefile, since this is target dependent. -- pragma Linker_Options ("-ldl"); --errAnyString: constant String := "grt-vcd.adb: any string" & NUL; --errNoString: constant String := "grt-vcd.adb: no string" & NUL; type Vpi_Index_Type is new Integer; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * * * h e l p e r s * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- debugging helpers procedure dbgPut (Str : String) is S : size_t; pragma Unreferenced (S); begin S := fwrite (Str'Address, Str'Length, 1, stderr); end dbgPut; procedure dbgPut (C : Character) is R : int; pragma Unreferenced (R); begin R := fputc (Character'Pos (C), stderr); end dbgPut; procedure dbgNew_Line is begin dbgPut (Nl); end dbgNew_Line; procedure dbgPut_Line (Str : String) is begin dbgPut (Str); dbgNew_Line; end dbgPut_Line; -- procedure dbgPut_Line (Str : Ghdl_Str_Len_Type) -- is -- begin -- Put_Str_Len(stderr, Str); -- dbgNew_Line; -- end dbgPut_Line; procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Name => vpiHandle, Object => struct_vpiHandle); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- NUL-terminate strings. -- note: there are several buffers -- see IEEE 1364-2001 -- tmpstring1: string(1..1024); -- function NulTerminate1 (Str : Ghdl_Str_Len_Type) return Ghdl_C_String -- is -- begin -- for i in 1..Str.Len loop -- tmpstring1(i):= Str.Str(i); -- end loop; -- tmpstring1(Str.Len+1):= NUL; -- return To_Ghdl_C_String (tmpstring1'Address); -- end NulTerminate1; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * * * V P I f u n c t i o n s * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- vpiHandle vpi_iterate(int type, vpiHandle ref) -- Obtain an iterator handle to objects with a one-to-many relationship. -- see IEEE 1364-2001, page 685 function vpi_iterate (aType: integer; Ref: vpiHandle) return vpiHandle is Res : vpiHandle; Rel : VhpiOneToManyT; Error : AvhpiErrorT; begin --dbgPut_Line ("vpi_iterate"); case aType is when vpiNet => Rel := VhpiDecls; when vpiModule => if Ref = null then Res := new struct_vpiHandle (vpiModule); Get_Root_Inst (Res.Ref); return Res; else Rel := VhpiInternalRegions; end if; when vpiInternalScope => Rel := VhpiInternalRegions; when others => return null; end case; -- find the proper start object for our scan if Ref = null then return null; end if; Res := new struct_vpiHandle (aType); Vhpi_Iterator (Rel, Ref.Ref, Res.Ref, Error); if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then Free (Res); end if; return Res; end vpi_iterate; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- int vpi_get(int property, vpiHandle ref) -- Get the value of an integer or boolean property of an object. -- see IEEE 1364-2001, chapter 27.6, page 667 -- function ii_vpi_get_type (aRef: Ghdl_Instance_Name_Acc) return Integer -- is -- begin -- case aRef.Kind is -- when Ghdl_Name_Entity -- | Ghdl_Name_Architecture -- | Ghdl_Name_Block -- | Ghdl_Name_Generate_Iterative -- | Ghdl_Name_Generate_Conditional -- | Ghdl_Name_Instance => -- return vpiModule; -- when Ghdl_Name_Signal => -- return vpiNet; -- when others => -- return vpiUndefined; -- end case; -- end ii_vpi_get_type; function vpi_get (Property: integer; Ref: vpiHandle) return Integer is begin case Property is when vpiType=> return Ref.mType; when vpiTimePrecision=> return -9; -- is this nano-seconds? when others=> dbgPut_Line ("vpi_get: unknown property"); return 0; end case; end vpi_get; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- vpiHandle vpi_scan(vpiHandle iter) -- Scan the Verilog HDL hierarchy for objects with a one-to-many -- relationship. -- see IEEE 1364-2001, chapter 27.36, page 709 function vpi_scan (Iter: vpiHandle) return vpiHandle is Res : VhpiHandleT; Error : AvhpiErrorT; R : vpiHandle; begin --dbgPut_Line ("vpi_scan"); if Iter = null then return null; end if; -- There is only one top-level module. if Iter.mType = vpiModule then case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Iter.Ref) is when VhpiRootInstK => R := new struct_vpiHandle (Iter.mType); R.Ref := Iter.Ref; Iter.Ref := Null_Handle; return R; when VhpiUndefined => return null; when others => -- Fall through. null; end case; end if; loop Vhpi_Scan (Iter.Ref, Res, Error); exit when Error /= AvhpiErrorOk; case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Res) is when VhpiEntityDeclK | VhpiArchBodyK | VhpiBlockStmtK | VhpiIfGenerateK | VhpiForGenerateK | VhpiCompInstStmtK => case Iter.mType is when vpiInternalScope | vpiModule => return new struct_vpiHandle'(mType => vpiModule, Ref => Res); when others => null; end case; when VhpiPortDeclK | VhpiSigDeclK => if Iter.mType = vpiNet then declare Info : Verilog_Wire_Info; begin Get_Verilog_Wire (Res, Info); if Info.Kind /= Vcd_Bad then return new struct_vpiHandle'(mType => vpiNet, Ref => Res); end if; end; end if; when others => null; end case; end loop; return null; end vpi_scan; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- char *vpi_get_str(int property, vpiHandle ref) -- see IEEE 1364-2001, page xxx Tmpstring2 : String (1 .. 1024); function vpi_get_str (Property : Integer; Ref : vpiHandle) return Ghdl_C_String is Prop : VhpiStrPropertyT; Len : Natural; begin --dbgPut_Line ("vpiGetStr"); if Ref = null then return null; end if; case Property is when vpiFullName=> Prop := VhpiFullNameP; when vpiName=> Prop := VhpiNameP; when others=> dbgPut_Line ("vpi_get_str: undefined property"); return null; end case; Vhpi_Get_Str (Prop, Ref.Ref, Tmpstring2, Len); Tmpstring2 (Len + 1) := NUL; if Property = vpiFullName then for I in Tmpstring2'First .. Len loop if Tmpstring2 (I) = ':' then Tmpstring2 (I) := '.'; end if; end loop; -- Remove the initial '.'. return To_Ghdl_C_String (Tmpstring2 (2)'Address); else return To_Ghdl_C_String (Tmpstring2'Address); end if; end vpi_get_str; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- vpiHandle vpi_handle(int type, vpiHandle ref) -- Obtain a handle to an object with a one-to-one relationship. -- see IEEE 1364-2001, chapter 27.16, page 682 function vpi_handle (aType : Integer; Ref : vpiHandle) return vpiHandle is Res : vpiHandle; begin --dbgPut_Line ("vpi_handle"); if Ref = null then return null; end if; case aType is when vpiScope => case Ref.mType is when vpiModule => Res := new struct_vpiHandle (vpiScope); Res.Ref := Ref.Ref; return Res; when others => return null; end case; when vpiRightRange | vpiLeftRange => case Ref.mType is when vpiNet => Res := new struct_vpiHandle (aType); Res.Ref := Ref.Ref; return Res; when others => return null; end case; when others => return null; end case; end vpi_handle; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- void vpi_get_value(vpiHandle expr, p_vpi_value value); -- Retrieve the simulation value of an object. -- see IEEE 1364-2001, chapter 27.14, page 675 Tmpstring3idx : integer; Tmpstring3 : String (1 .. 1024); procedure ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str_B1 (Val : Ghdl_B1) is begin case Val is when True => Tmpstring3 (Tmpstring3idx) := '1'; when False => Tmpstring3 (Tmpstring3idx) := '0'; end case; Tmpstring3idx := Tmpstring3idx + 1; end ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str_B1; procedure ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str_E8 (Val : Ghdl_E8) is type Map_Type_E8 is array (Ghdl_E8 range 0..8) of character; Map_Std_E8: constant Map_Type_E8 := "UX01ZWLH-"; begin if Val not in Map_Type_E8'range then Tmpstring3 (Tmpstring3idx) := '?'; else Tmpstring3 (Tmpstring3idx) := Map_Std_E8(Val); end if; Tmpstring3idx := Tmpstring3idx + 1; end ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str_E8; function ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str (Obj : VhpiHandleT) return Ghdl_C_String is Info : Verilog_Wire_Info; Len : Ghdl_Index_Type; begin case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Obj) is when VhpiPortDeclK | VhpiSigDeclK => null; when others => return null; end case; -- Get verilog compat info. Get_Verilog_Wire (Obj, Info); if Info.Kind = Vcd_Bad then return null; end if; if Info.Irange = null then Len := 1; else Len := Info.Irange.I32.Len; end if; Tmpstring3idx := 1; -- reset string buffer case Info.Val is when Vcd_Effective => case Info.Kind is when Vcd_Bad | Vcd_Integer32 | Vcd_Float64 => return null; when Vcd_Bit | Vcd_Bool | Vcd_Bitvector => for J in 0 .. Len - 1 loop ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str_B1 (Info.Sigs (J).Value.B1); end loop; when Vcd_Stdlogic | Vcd_Stdlogic_Vector => for J in 0 .. Len - 1 loop ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str_E8 (Info.Sigs (J).Value.E8); end loop; end case; when Vcd_Driving => case Info.Kind is when Vcd_Bad | Vcd_Integer32 | Vcd_Float64 => return null; when Vcd_Bit | Vcd_Bool | Vcd_Bitvector => for J in 0 .. Len - 1 loop ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str_B1 (Info.Sigs (J).Driving_Value.B1); end loop; when Vcd_Stdlogic | Vcd_Stdlogic_Vector => for J in 0 .. Len - 1 loop ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str_E8 (Info.Sigs (J).Driving_Value.E8); end loop; end case; end case; Tmpstring3 (Tmpstring3idx) := NUL; return To_Ghdl_C_String (Tmpstring3'Address); end ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str; procedure vpi_get_value (Expr : vpiHandle; Value : p_vpi_value) is begin case Value.Format is when vpiObjTypeVal=> -- fill in the object type and value: -- For an integer, vpiIntVal -- For a real, vpiRealVal -- For a scalar, either vpiScalar or vpiStrength -- For a time variable, vpiTimeVal with vpiSimTime -- For a vector, vpiVectorVal dbgPut_Line ("vpi_get_value: vpiObjTypeVal"); when vpiBinStrVal=> Value.Str := ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str (Expr.Ref); --aValue.mStr := NulTerminate2(aExpr.mRef.Name.all); when vpiOctStrVal=> dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiNet, vpiOctStrVal"); when vpiDecStrVal=> dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiNet, vpiDecStrVal"); when vpiHexStrVal=> dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiNet, vpiHexStrVal"); when vpiScalarVal=> dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiNet, vpiScalarVal"); when vpiIntVal=> case Expr.mType is when vpiLeftRange | vpiRightRange=> declare Info : Verilog_Wire_Info; begin Get_Verilog_Wire (Expr.Ref, Info); if Info.Irange /= null then if Expr.mType = vpiLeftRange then Value.Integer_m := Integer (Info.Irange.I32.Left); else Value.Integer_m := Integer (Info.Irange.I32.Right); end if; else Value.Integer_m := 0; end if; end; when others=> dbgPut_Line ("vpi_get_value: vpiIntVal, unknown mType"); end case; when vpiRealVal=> dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiRealVal"); when vpiStringVal=> dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiStringVal"); when vpiTimeVal=> dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiTimeVal"); when vpiVectorVal=> dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiVectorVal"); when vpiStrengthVal=> dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiStrengthVal"); when others=> dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: unknown mFormat"); end case; end vpi_get_value; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- void vpiHandle vpi_put_value(vpiHandle obj, p_vpi_value value, -- p_vpi_time when, int flags) -- Alter the simulation value of an object. -- see IEEE 1364-2001, chapter 27.14, page 675 -- FIXME procedure ii_vpi_put_value_bin_str_B1 (SigPtr : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Value : Character) is Tempval : Value_Union; begin -- use the Set_Effective_Value procedure to update the signal case Value is when '0' => Tempval.B1 := false; when '1' => Tempval.B1 := true; when others => dbgPut_Line("ii_vpi_put_value_bin_str_B1: " & "wrong character - signal wont be set"); return; end case; SigPtr.Driving_Value := Tempval; Set_Effective_Value (SigPtr, Tempval); end ii_vpi_put_value_bin_str_B1; procedure ii_vpi_put_value_bin_str_E8 (SigPtr : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Value : Character) is Tempval : Value_Union; begin case Value is when 'U' => Tempval.E8 := 0; when 'X' => Tempval.E8 := 1; when '0' => Tempval.E8 := 2; when '1' => Tempval.E8 := 3; when 'Z' => Tempval.E8 := 4; when 'W' => Tempval.E8 := 5; when 'L' => Tempval.E8 := 6; when 'H' => Tempval.E8 := 7; when '-' => Tempval.E8 := 8; when others => dbgPut_Line("ii_vpi_put_value_bin_str_B8: " & "wrong character - signal wont be set"); return; end case; SigPtr.Driving_Value := Tempval; Set_Effective_Value (SigPtr, Tempval); end ii_vpi_put_value_bin_str_E8; procedure ii_vpi_put_value_bin_str(Obj : VhpiHandleT; ValueStr : Ghdl_C_String) is Info : Verilog_Wire_Info; Len : Ghdl_Index_Type; begin -- Check the Obj type. -- * The vpiHandle has a reference (field Ref) to a VhpiHandleT -- when it doesnt come from a callback. case Vhpi_Get_Kind(Obj) is when VhpiPortDeclK | VhpiSigDeclK => null; when others => return; end case; -- The following code segment was copied from the -- ii_vpi_get_value function. -- Get verilog compat info. Get_Verilog_Wire (Obj, Info); if Info.Kind = Vcd_Bad then return; end if; if Info.Irange = null then Len := 1; else Len := Info.Irange.I32.Len; end if; -- Step 1: convert vpi object to internal format. -- p_vpi_handle -> Ghdl_Signal_Ptr -- To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Info.Addr) does part of the magic -- Step 2: convert datum to appropriate type. -- Ghdl_C_String -> Value_Union -- Step 3: assigns value to object using Set_Effective_Value -- call (from grt-signals) -- Set_Effective_Value(sig_ptr, conv_value); -- Took the skeleton from ii_vpi_get_value function -- This point of the function must convert the string value to the -- native ghdl format. case Info.Kind is when Vcd_Bad => return; when Vcd_Bit | Vcd_Bool | Vcd_Bitvector => for J in 0 .. Len - 1 loop ii_vpi_put_value_bin_str_B1 (Info.Sigs (J), ValueStr (Integer (J + 1))); end loop; when Vcd_Stdlogic | Vcd_Stdlogic_Vector => for J in 0 .. Len - 1 loop ii_vpi_put_value_bin_str_E8 (Info.Sigs (J), ValueStr (Integer (J + 1))); end loop; when Vcd_Integer32 | Vcd_Float64 => null; end case; -- Always return null, because this simulation kernel cannot send -- a handle to the event back. return; end ii_vpi_put_value_bin_str; -- vpiHandle vpi_put_value(vpiHandle obj, p_vpi_value value, -- p_vpi_time when, int flags) function vpi_put_value (aObj: vpiHandle; aValue: p_vpi_value; aWhen: p_vpi_time; aFlags: integer) return vpiHandle is pragma Unreferenced (aWhen); pragma Unreferenced (aFlags); begin -- A very simple write procedure for VPI. -- Basically, it accepts bin_str values and converts to appropriate -- types (only std_logic and bit values and vectors). -- It'll use Set_Effective_Value procedure to update signals -- Ignoring aWhen and aFlags, for now. -- Checks the format of aValue. Only vpiBinStrVal will be accepted -- for now. case aValue.Format is when vpiObjTypeVal => dbgPut_Line ("vpi_put_value: vpiObjTypeVal"); when vpiBinStrVal => ii_vpi_put_value_bin_str(aObj.Ref, aValue.Str); -- dbgPut_Line ("vpi_put_value: vpiBinStrVal"); when vpiOctStrVal => dbgPut_Line ("vpi_put_value: vpiNet, vpiOctStrVal"); when vpiDecStrVal => dbgPut_Line ("vpi_put_value: vpiNet, vpiDecStrVal"); when vpiHexStrVal => dbgPut_Line ("vpi_put_value: vpiNet, vpiHexStrVal"); when vpiScalarVal => dbgPut_Line ("vpi_put_value: vpiNet, vpiScalarVal"); when vpiIntVal => dbgPut_Line ("vpi_put_value: vpiIntVal"); when vpiRealVal => dbgPut_Line("vpi_put_value: vpiRealVal"); when vpiStringVal => dbgPut_Line("vpi_put_value: vpiStringVal"); when vpiTimeVal => dbgPut_Line("vpi_put_value: vpiTimeVal"); when vpiVectorVal => dbgPut_Line("vpi_put_value: vpiVectorVal"); when vpiStrengthVal => dbgPut_Line("vpi_put_value: vpiStrengthVal"); when others => dbgPut_Line("vpi_put_value: unknown mFormat"); end case; -- Must return a scheduled event caused by vpi_put_value() -- Still dont know how to do it. return null; end vpi_put_value; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- void vpi_get_time(vpiHandle obj, s_vpi_time*t); -- see IEEE 1364-2001, page xxx Sim_Time : Std_Time; procedure vpi_get_time (Obj: vpiHandle; Time: p_vpi_time) is pragma Unreferenced (Obj); begin --dbgPut_Line ("vpi_get_time"); Time.mType := vpiSimTime; Time.mHigh := 0; Time.mLow := Integer (Sim_Time / 1000000); Time.mReal := 0.0; end vpi_get_time; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- vpiHandle vpi_register_cb(p_cb_data data) g_cbEndOfCompile : p_cb_data; g_cbEndOfSimulation: p_cb_data; --g_cbValueChange: s_cb_data; g_cbReadOnlySync: p_cb_data; type Vpi_Var_Type is record Info : Verilog_Wire_Info; Cb : s_cb_data; end record; package Vpi_Table is new Grt.Table (Table_Component_Type => Vpi_Var_Type, Table_Index_Type => Vpi_Index_Type, Table_Low_Bound => 0, Table_Initial => 32); function vpi_register_cb (Data : p_cb_data) return vpiHandle is Res : p_cb_data := null; begin --dbgPut_Line ("vpi_register_cb"); case Data.Reason is when cbEndOfCompile => Res := new s_cb_data'(Data.all); g_cbEndOfCompile := Res; Sim_Time:= 0; when cbEndOfSimulation => Res := new s_cb_data'(Data.all); g_cbEndOfSimulation := Res; when cbValueChange => declare N : Vpi_Index_Type; begin --g_cbValueChange:= aData.all; Vpi_Table.Increment_Last; N := Vpi_Table.Last; Vpi_Table.Table (N).Cb := Data.all; Get_Verilog_Wire (Data.Obj.Ref, Vpi_Table.Table (N).Info); end; when cbReadOnlySynch=> Res := new s_cb_data'(Data.all); g_cbReadOnlySync := Res; when others=> dbgPut_Line ("vpi_register_cb: unknwon reason"); end case; if Res /= null then return new struct_vpiHandle'(mType => vpiCallback, Cb => Res); else return null; end if; end vpi_register_cb; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * * * V P I d u m m i e s * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- int vpi_free_object(vpiHandle ref) function vpi_free_object (aRef: vpiHandle) return integer is pragma Unreferenced (aRef); begin return 0; end vpi_free_object; -- int vpi_get_vlog_info(p_vpi_vlog_info vlog_info_p) function vpi_get_vlog_info (aVlog_info_p: System.Address) return integer is pragma Unreferenced (aVlog_info_p); begin return 0; end vpi_get_vlog_info; -- vpiHandle vpi_handle_by_index(vpiHandle ref, int index) function vpi_handle_by_index(aRef: vpiHandle; aIndex: integer) return vpiHandle is pragma Unreferenced (aRef); pragma Unreferenced (aIndex); begin return null; end vpi_handle_by_index; -- unsigned int vpi_mcd_close(unsigned int mcd) function vpi_mcd_close (Mcd: integer) return integer is pragma Unreferenced (Mcd); begin return 0; end vpi_mcd_close; -- char *vpi_mcd_name(unsigned int mcd) function vpi_mcd_name (Mcd: integer) return integer is pragma Unreferenced (Mcd); begin return 0; end vpi_mcd_name; -- unsigned int vpi_mcd_open(char *name) function vpi_mcd_open (Name : Ghdl_C_String) return Integer is pragma Unreferenced (Name); begin return 0; end vpi_mcd_open; -- void vpi_register_systf(const struct t_vpi_systf_data*ss) procedure vpi_register_systf(aSs: System.Address) is pragma Unreferenced (aSs); begin null; end vpi_register_systf; -- int vpi_remove_cb(vpiHandle ref) function vpi_remove_cb (Ref : vpiHandle) return Integer is pragma Unreferenced (Ref); begin return 0; end vpi_remove_cb; -- void vpi_vprintf(const char*fmt, va_list ap) procedure vpi_vprintf (Fmt : Address; Ap : Address) is pragma Unreferenced (Fmt); pragma Unreferenced (Ap); begin null; end vpi_vprintf; -- missing here, see grt-cvpi.c: -- vpi_mcd_open_x -- vpi_mcd_vprintf -- vpi_mcd_fputc -- vpi_mcd_fgetc -- vpi_sim_vcontrol -- vpi_chk_error -- pi_handle_by_name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- * * * G H D L h o o k s * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- VCD filename. Vpi_Filename : String_Access := null; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Return TRUE if OPT is an option for VPI. function Vpi_Option (Opt : String) return Boolean is F : constant Natural := Opt'First; begin if Opt'Length < 5 or else Opt (F .. F + 4) /= "--vpi" then return False; end if; if Opt'Length > 6 and then Opt (F + 5) = '=' then -- Add an extra NUL character. Vpi_Filename := new String (1 .. Opt'Length - 6 + 1); Vpi_Filename (1 .. Opt'Length - 6) := Opt (F + 6 .. Opt'Last); Vpi_Filename (Vpi_Filename'Last) := NUL; return True; else return False; end if; end Vpi_Option; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Vpi_Help is begin Put_Line (" --vpi=FILENAME load VPI module"); end Vpi_Help; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Called before elaboration. -- void loadVpiModule(const char* modulename) function LoadVpiModule (Filename: Address) return Integer; pragma Import (C, LoadVpiModule, "loadVpiModule"); procedure Vpi_Init is begin Sim_Time:= 0; --g_cbEndOfCompile.mCb_rtn:= null; --g_cbEndOfSimulation.mCb_rtn:= null; --g_cbValueChange.mCb_rtn:= null; if Vpi_Filename /= null then if LoadVpiModule (Vpi_Filename.all'Address) /= 0 then Error ("cannot load VPI module"); end if; end if; end Vpi_Init; procedure Vpi_Cycle; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Called after elaboration. procedure Vpi_Start is Res : Integer; pragma Unreferenced (Res); begin if Vpi_Filename = null then return; end if; Grt.Rtis_Types.Search_Types_RTI; Register_Cycle_Hook (Vpi_Cycle'Access); if g_cbEndOfCompile /= null then Res := g_cbEndOfCompile.Cb_Rtn.all (g_cbEndOfCompile); end if; end Vpi_Start; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Called before each non delta cycle. procedure Vpi_Cycle is Res : Integer; pragma Unreferenced (Res); begin if g_cbReadOnlySync /= null and then g_cbReadOnlySync.Time.mLow < Integer (Sim_Time / 1_000_000) then Res := g_cbReadOnlySync.Cb_Rtn.all (g_cbReadOnlySync); end if; for I in Vpi_Table.First .. Vpi_Table.Last loop if Verilog_Wire_Changed (Vpi_Table.Table (I).Info, Sim_Time) then Res := Vpi_Table.Table (I).Cb.Cb_Rtn.all (To_p_cb_data (Vpi_Table.Table (I).Cb'Address)); end if; end loop; if Current_Time /= Std_Time'last then Sim_Time:= Current_Time; end if; end Vpi_Cycle; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Called at the end of the simulation. procedure Vpi_End is Res : Integer; pragma Unreferenced (Res); begin if g_cbEndOfSimulation /= null then Res := g_cbEndOfSimulation.Cb_Rtn.all (g_cbEndOfSimulation); end if; end Vpi_End; Vpi_Hooks : aliased constant Hooks_Type := (Desc => new String'("vpi: vpi compatible API"), Option => Vpi_Option'Access, Help => Vpi_Help'Access, Init => Vpi_Init'Access, Start => Vpi_Start'Access, Finish => Vpi_End'Access); procedure Register is begin Register_Hooks (Vpi_Hooks'Access); end Register; end Grt.Vpi;