-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Backtraces and symbolization. -- Copyright (C) 2015 Tristan Gingold -- -- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later -- version. -- -- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY -- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free -- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA -- 02111-1307, USA. -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- covered by the GNU Public License. with System; with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types; with Grt.Hooks; use Grt.Hooks; with Grt.Backtraces.Impl; package body Grt.Backtraces is -- If true, disp address in backtraces. Flag_Address : Boolean := False; subtype Address_Image_String is String (1 .. Integer_Address'Size / 4); Hex : constant array (Natural range 0 .. 15) of Character := "0123456789abcdef"; function Address_Image (Addr : Integer_Address) return Address_Image_String is V : Integer_Address; Res : Address_Image_String; begin V := Addr; for I in reverse Res'Range loop Res (I) := Hex (Natural (V mod 16)); V := V / 16; end loop; return Res; end Address_Image; function File_Basename (Name : Ghdl_C_String) return Ghdl_C_String is Sep : Natural; begin Sep := 0; for I in Name'Range loop case Name (I) is when '\' | '/' => Sep := I + 1; when NUL => exit; when others => null; end case; end loop; if Sep /= 0 and then Name (Sep) /= NUL then return To_Ghdl_C_String (Name (Sep)'Address); else return Name; end if; end File_Basename; function Is_Eq (Str : Ghdl_C_String; Ref : String) return Boolean is begin for I in Ref'Range loop if Str (Str'First + I - Ref'First) /= Ref (I) then return False; end if; end loop; return Str (Str'First + Ref'Length) = NUL; end Is_Eq; procedure Demangle_Err (Name : Ghdl_C_String) is Last_Part : Natural; Suffix : Ghdl_C_String; Off : Natural; C : Character; Is_Arch : Boolean; begin if Name (1) = '_' then if Is_Eq (Name, "__ghdl_ELABORATE") then Put_Err ("Elaboration of design"); return; end if; end if; -- Find last suffix (as it indicates processes and elaborator). Last_Part := 0; for I in Name'Range loop exit when Name (I) = NUL; if Name (I) = '_' and then Name (I + 1) = '_' then Last_Part := I; end if; end loop; if Last_Part /= 0 then Suffix := To_Ghdl_C_String (Name (Last_Part)'Address); if Is_Eq (Suffix, "__ELAB") then Put_Err ("elaboration of "); elsif Is_Eq (Suffix, "__PROC") then Put_Err ("process "); else Last_Part := 0; end if; end if; Off := 1; Is_Arch := False; loop exit when Off = Last_Part; C := Name (Off); Off := Off + 1; exit when C = NUL; if C = '_' and then Name (Off) = '_' then if Name (Off + 1) = 'A' and then Name (Off + 2) = 'R' and then Name (Off + 3) = 'C' and then Name (Off + 4) = 'H' and then Name (Off + 5) = '_' and then Name (Off + 6) = '_' then Off := Off + 7; Put_Err ('('); Is_Arch := True; else if Is_Arch then Put_Err (')'); Is_Arch := False; end if; Put_Err ('.'); Off := Off + 1; end if; else Put_Err (C); end if; end loop; if Is_Arch then Put_Err (')'); end if; end Demangle_Err; procedure Put_Err_Backtrace (Bt : Backtrace_Addrs) is use System; Filename : Address; Lineno : Natural; Subprg : Address; Unknown : Boolean; begin if Bt.Size = 0 or else Bt.Skip >= Bt.Size then -- No backtrace or no symbolizer. return; end if; Unknown := False; for I in Bt.Skip .. Bt.Size loop Backtraces.Impl.Symbolizer (To_Address (Bt.Addrs (I)), Filename, Lineno, Subprg); if Subprg = Null_Address and (Filename = Null_Address or Lineno = 0) then Unknown := True; elsif Subprg /= Null_Address and then To_Ghdl_C_String (Subprg) (1 .. 5) = "grt__" then -- In the runtime. Stop now. exit; else if Unknown then Put_Err (" from: [unknown caller]"); Newline_Err; Unknown := False; end if; Put_Err (" from:"); if Flag_Address then Put_Err (" 0x"); Put_Err (Address_Image (Bt.Addrs (I))); end if; if Subprg /= Null_Address then Put_Err (' '); Demangle_Err (To_Ghdl_C_String (Subprg)); end if; if Filename /= Null_Address and Lineno /= 0 then Put_Err (" at "); Put_Err (File_Basename (To_Ghdl_C_String (Filename))); Put_Err (":"); Put_Err (Lineno); end if; Newline_Err; end if; end loop; end Put_Err_Backtrace; -- Return TRUE if OPT is an option for backtrace. function Backtrace_Option (Opt : String) return Boolean is F : constant Natural := Opt'First; begin if Opt'Length < 10 or else Opt (F .. F + 10) /= "--backtrace" then return False; end if; if Opt'Length = 16 and then Opt (F + 11 .. F + 15) = "-addr" then Flag_Address := True; return True; end if; return False; end Backtrace_Option; Backtrace_Hooks : aliased constant Hooks_Type := (Desc => new String'("backtrace: print backtrace on errors"), Option => Backtrace_Option'Access, Help => null, Init => null, Start => null, Finish => null); procedure Register is begin Register_Hooks (Backtrace_Hooks'Access); end Register; end Grt.Backtraces;