with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;

package body Foreigns is
   function Sin (Arg : double) return double;
   pragma Import (C, Sin);

   function Log (Arg : double) return double;
   pragma Import (C, Log);

   function Exp (Arg : double) return double;
   pragma Import (C, Exp);

   function Sqrt (Arg : double) return double;
   pragma Import (C, Sqrt);

   function Asin (Arg : double) return double;
   pragma Import (C, Asin);

   function Acos (Arg : double) return double;
   pragma Import (C, Acos);

   function Asinh (Arg : double) return double;
   pragma Import (C, Asinh);

   function Acosh (Arg : double) return double;
   pragma Import (C, Acosh);

   function Atanh (X : double) return double;
   pragma Import (C, Atanh);

   function Atan2 (X, Y : double) return double;
   pragma Import (C, Atan2);

   type String_Cacc is access constant String;
   type Foreign_Record is record
      Name : String_Cacc;
      Addr : Address;
   end record;

   Foreign_Arr : constant array (Natural range <>) of Foreign_Record :=
      (new String'("sin"), Sin'Address),
      (new String'("log"), Log'Address),
      (new String'("exp"), Exp'Address),
      (new String'("sqrt"), Sqrt'Address),
      (new String'("asin"), Asin'Address),
      (new String'("acos"), Acos'Address),
      (new String'("asinh"), Asinh'Address),
      (new String'("acosh"), Acosh'Address),
      (new String'("atanh"), Atanh'Address),
      (new String'("atan2"), Atan2'Address)

   function Find_Foreign (Name : String) return Address is
      for I in Foreign_Arr'Range loop
         if Foreign_Arr(I).Name.all = Name then
            return Foreign_Arr(I).Addr;
         end if;
      end loop;
      return Null_Address;
   end Find_Foreign;
end Foreigns;