--  Semantic analysis.
--  Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
--  GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--  Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--  version.
--  GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
--  for more details.
--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--  along with GHDL; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
--  Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--  02111-1307, USA.
with Libraries;
with Flags; use Flags;
with Types; use Types;
with Errorout; use Errorout;
with Evaluation; use Evaluation;
with Sem;
with Sem_Expr; use Sem_Expr;
with Sem_Scopes; use Sem_Scopes;
with Sem_Names; use Sem_Names;
with Sem_Decls;
with Name_Table;
with Std_Names;
with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
with Std_Package; use Std_Package;
with Ieee.Std_Logic_1164;
with Xrefs; use Xrefs;

package body Sem_Types is
   procedure Set_Type_Has_Signal (Atype : Iir)
      --  Sanity check.
      if not Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Atype) then
         --  Do not crash since this may be called on an erroneous design.
      end if;

      --  If the type is already marked, nothing to do.
      if Get_Has_Signal_Flag (Atype) then
      end if;

      Set_Has_Signal_Flag (Atype, True);

      case Get_Kind (Atype) is
         when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
           | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
           | Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition
           | Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
         when Iir_Kinds_Subtype_Definition =>
               Func : Iir_Function_Declaration;
               Mark : Iir;
               Set_Type_Has_Signal (Get_Base_Type (Atype));
               --  Mark the resolution function (this may be required by the
               --  back-end to generate resolver).
               if Get_Resolved_Flag (Atype) then
                  Func := Get_Resolution_Function (Atype);
                  --  Maybe the type is resolved through its elements.
                  if Func /= Null_Iir then
                     Func := Get_Named_Entity (Func);
                     Set_Resolution_Function_Flag (Func, True);
                  end if;
               end if;
               Mark := Get_Type_Mark (Atype);
               if Mark /= Null_Iir then
                  Set_Type_Has_Signal (Mark);
               end if;
         when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
            Set_Type_Has_Signal (Get_Element_Subtype (Atype));
         when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
               El_List : constant Iir_List :=
                 Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Atype);
               El : Iir;
               for I in Natural loop
                  El := Get_Nth_Element (El_List, I);
                  exit when El = Null_Iir;
                  Set_Type_Has_Signal (Get_Type (El));
               end loop;
         when Iir_Kind_Error =>
         when Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition =>
            --  No need to copy the flag.
         when others =>
            Error_Kind ("set_type_has_signal(2)", Atype);
      end case;
   end Set_Type_Has_Signal;

   --  Sem a range expression that appears in an integer, real or physical
   --  type definition.
   --  Both left and right bounds must be of the same type kind, ie
   --  integer types, or if INT_ONLY is false, real types.
   --  However, the two bounds need not have the same type.
   function Sem_Range_Expression (Expr : Iir; Int_Only : Boolean) return Iir
      Left, Right: Iir;
      Bt_L_Kind, Bt_R_Kind : Iir_Kind;
      Left := Sem_Expression_Universal (Get_Left_Limit (Expr));
      Right := Sem_Expression_Universal (Get_Right_Limit (Expr));
      if Left = Null_Iir or Right = Null_Iir then
         return Null_Iir;
      end if;
      Set_Left_Limit (Expr, Left);
      Set_Right_Limit (Expr, Right);

      Set_Expr_Staticness (Expr, Min (Get_Expr_Staticness (Left),
                                      Get_Expr_Staticness (Right)));

      Bt_L_Kind := Get_Kind (Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Left)));
      Bt_R_Kind := Get_Kind (Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Right)));

      if Int_Only then
         if Bt_L_Kind /= Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
           and then Bt_R_Kind = Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
            Error_Msg_Sem ("left bound must be an integer expression", Left);
            return Null_Iir;
         end if;
         if Bt_R_Kind /= Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
           and then Bt_L_Kind = Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
            Error_Msg_Sem ("right bound must be an integer expression", Left);
            return Null_Iir;
         end if;
         if Bt_R_Kind /= Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
           and then Bt_L_Kind /= Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
            Error_Msg_Sem ("each bound must be an integer expression", Expr);
            return Null_Iir;
         end if;
         if Bt_L_Kind /= Bt_R_Kind then
            Error_Msg_Sem ("left and right bounds must be of the same type",
            return Null_Iir;
         end if;
         case Bt_L_Kind is
            when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
              | Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
         when others =>
            --  Enumeration range are not allowed to define a new type.
              ("bad range type, only integer or float is allowed", Expr);
            return Null_Iir;
         end case;
      end if;

      return Expr;
   end Sem_Range_Expression;

   function Create_Integer_Type (Loc : Iir; Constraint : Iir; Decl : Iir)
     return Iir
      Ntype: Iir_Integer_Subtype_Definition;
      Ndef: Iir_Integer_Type_Definition;
      Ntype := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition);
      Location_Copy (Ntype, Loc);
      Ndef := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition);
      Location_Copy (Ndef, Loc);
      Set_Base_Type (Ndef, Ndef);
      Set_Type_Declarator (Ndef, Decl);
      Set_Type_Staticness (Ndef, Locally);
      Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Ndef, True);
      Set_Base_Type (Ntype, Ndef);
      Set_Type_Declarator (Ntype, Decl);
      Set_Range_Constraint (Ntype, Constraint);
      Set_Type_Staticness (Ntype, Get_Expr_Staticness (Constraint));
      Set_Resolved_Flag (Ntype, False);
      Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Ntype, True);
      if Get_Type_Staticness (Ntype) /= Locally then
         Error_Msg_Sem ("range constraint of type must be locally static",
      end if;
      return Ntype;
   end Create_Integer_Type;

   function Range_Expr_To_Type_Definition (Expr : Iir; Decl: Iir)
     return Iir
      Left, Right : Iir;
      if Sem_Range_Expression (Expr, False) = Null_Iir then
         return Null_Iir;
      end if;
      Left := Get_Left_Limit (Expr);
      Right := Get_Right_Limit (Expr);
      if Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr) = Locally then
         Left := Eval_Expr (Left);
         Set_Left_Limit (Expr, Left);
         Right := Eval_Expr (Right);
         Set_Right_Limit (Expr, Right);
      end if;

      case Get_Kind (Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Left))) is
         when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
            return Create_Integer_Type (Expr, Expr, Decl);
         when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
               Ntype: Iir_Floating_Subtype_Definition;
               Ndef: Iir_Floating_Type_Definition;
               Ntype := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition);
               Location_Copy (Ntype, Expr);
               Ndef := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition);
               Location_Copy (Ndef, Expr);
               Set_Base_Type (Ndef, Ndef);
               Set_Type_Declarator (Ndef, Decl);
               Set_Type_Staticness (Ndef, Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr));
               Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Ndef, True);
               Set_Base_Type (Ntype, Ndef);
               Set_Type_Declarator (Ntype, Decl);
               Set_Range_Constraint (Ntype, Expr);
               Set_Resolved_Flag (Ntype, False);
               Set_Type_Staticness (Ntype, Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr));
               Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Ntype, True);
               return Ntype;
         when others =>
            --  sem_range_expression should catch such errors.
            raise Internal_Error;
      end case;
   end Range_Expr_To_Type_Definition;

   function Create_Physical_Literal (Val : Iir_Int64; Unit : Iir) return Iir
      Lit : Iir;
      Lit := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal);
      Set_Value (Lit, Val);
      Set_Unit_Name (Lit, Unit);
      Set_Expr_Staticness (Lit, Locally);
      Set_Type (Lit, Get_Type (Unit));
      Location_Copy (Lit, Unit);
      return Lit;
   end Create_Physical_Literal;

   -- Sem a physical type definition.  Create a subtype.
   function Sem_Physical_Type_Definition (Range_Expr: Iir; Decl : Iir)
      return Iir_Physical_Subtype_Definition
      Unit: Iir_Unit_Declaration;
      Def : Iir_Physical_Type_Definition;
      Sub_Type: Iir_Physical_Subtype_Definition;
      Range_Expr1: Iir;
      Val : Iir;
      Lit : Iir_Physical_Int_Literal;
      Def := Get_Type (Range_Expr);

      --  LRM93 �4.1
      --  The simple name declared by a type declaration denotes the
      --  declared type, unless the type declaration declares both a base
      --  type and a subtype of the base type, in which case the simple name
      --  denotes the subtype, and the base type is anonymous.
      Set_Type_Declarator (Def, Decl);
      Set_Base_Type (Def, Def);
      Set_Resolved_Flag (Def, False);
      Set_Type_Staticness (Def, Locally);
      Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Def, True);

      --  LRM93 �3.1.3
      --  Each bound of a range constraint that is used in a physical type
      --  definition must be a locally static expression of some integer type
      --  but the two bounds need not have the same integer type.
      case Get_Kind (Range_Expr) is
         when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
            Range_Expr1 := Sem_Range_Expression (Range_Expr, True);
         when others =>
            Error_Kind ("sem_physical_type_definition", Range_Expr);
      end case;
      if Range_Expr1 /= Null_Iir then
         if Get_Expr_Staticness (Range_Expr1) /= Locally then
              ("range constraint for a physical type must be static",
            Range_Expr1 := Null_Iir;
            Range_Expr1 := Eval_Expr (Range_Expr1);
         end if;
      end if;

      --  Create the subtype.
      Sub_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition);
      Location_Copy (Sub_Type, Range_Expr);
      Set_Base_Type (Sub_Type, Def);
      Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Sub_Type, True);

      --  Sem primary units.
      Unit := Get_Unit_Chain (Def);

      Lit := Create_Physical_Literal (1, Unit);
      Set_Physical_Unit_Value (Unit, Lit);

      Add_Name (Unit);
      Set_Type (Unit, Def);
      Set_Expr_Staticness (Unit, Locally);
      Set_Visible_Flag (Unit, True);
      Xref_Decl (Unit);

      --  Sem secondary units.
      Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
      while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
         --  Val := Sem_Physical_Literal (Get_Multiplier (Unit));
         Val := Sem_Expression (Get_Physical_Literal (Unit), Def);
         if Val /= Null_Iir then
            Val := Eval_Expr (Val);
            Set_Physical_Literal (Unit, Val);
            if Get_Kind (Val) = Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration then
               Val := Create_Physical_Literal (1, Val);
            end if;
            Set_Physical_Unit_Value (Unit, Val);

            --  LRM93 �3.1
            --  The position number of unit names need not lie within the range
            --  specified by the range constraint.
            --  GHDL: this was not true in VHDL87.
            --  GHDL: This is not so simple if 1 is not included in the range.
            if False and then Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87
              and then Range_Expr1 /= Null_Iir
               if not Eval_Int_In_Range (Get_Value (Unit), Range_Expr1) then
                    ("physical literal does not lie within the range", Unit);
               end if;
            end if;
            --  Avoid errors storm.
            Set_Physical_Literal (Unit, Get_Primary_Unit (Def));
            Set_Physical_Unit_Value (Unit, Lit);
         end if;

         Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Unit);
         Set_Type (Unit, Def);
         Set_Expr_Staticness (Unit, Locally);
         Sem_Scopes.Name_Visible (Unit);
         Xref_Decl (Unit);
         Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
      end loop;

      if Range_Expr1 /= Null_Iir then
            --  Convert an integer literal to a physical literal.
            --  This is used to convert bounds.
            function Lit_To_Phys_Lit (Lim : Iir_Integer_Literal)
              return Iir_Physical_Int_Literal
               Res : Iir_Physical_Int_Literal;
               Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal);
               Location_Copy (Res, Lim);
               Set_Type (Res, Def);
               Set_Value (Res, Get_Value (Lim));
               Set_Unit_Name (Res, Get_Primary_Unit (Def));
               Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Locally);
               Set_Literal_Origin (Res, Lim);
               return Res;
            end Lit_To_Phys_Lit;

            Phys_Range : Iir_Range_Expression;
            --  Create the physical range.
            Phys_Range := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Range_Expression);
            Location_Copy (Phys_Range, Range_Expr1);
            Set_Type (Phys_Range, Def);
            Set_Direction (Phys_Range, Get_Direction (Range_Expr1));
              (Phys_Range, Lit_To_Phys_Lit (Get_Left_Limit (Range_Expr1)));
              (Phys_Range, Lit_To_Phys_Lit (Get_Right_Limit (Range_Expr1)));
              (Phys_Range, Get_Expr_Staticness (Range_Expr1));

            Set_Range_Constraint (Sub_Type, Phys_Range);
            --  This must be locally...
            Set_Type_Staticness (Sub_Type, Get_Expr_Staticness (Range_Expr1));
      end if;
      Set_Resolved_Flag (Sub_Type, False);

      return Sub_Type;
   end Sem_Physical_Type_Definition;

   --  Return true iff decl is std.textio.text
   function Is_Text_Type_Declaration (Decl : Iir_Type_Declaration)
     return Boolean
      use Std_Names;
      P : Iir;
      if Get_Identifier (Decl) /= Name_Text then
         return False;
      end if;
      P := Get_Parent (Decl);
      if Get_Kind (P) /= Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
        or else Get_Identifier (P) /= Name_Textio
         return False;
      end if;
      --  design_unit, design_file, library_declaration.
      P := Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Get_Design_Unit (P)));
      if P /= Libraries.Std_Library then
         return False;
      end if;
      return True;
   end Is_Text_Type_Declaration;

   procedure Check_No_File_Type (El_Type : Iir; Loc : Iir) is
      case Get_Kind (El_Type) is
         when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
              ("element of file type is not allowed in a composite type", Loc);
         when others =>
      end case;
   end Check_No_File_Type;

   --  Semantize the array_element type of DEF.
   --  Set type_staticness and resolved_flag of DEF.
   --  type_staticness of DEF (before calling this function) must be the
   --  staticness of the array indexes.
   procedure Sem_Array_Element (Def : Iir)
      El_Type : Iir;
      El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Def);
      El_Type := Sem_Subtype_Indication (El_Type);
      if El_Type = Null_Iir then
         Set_Type_Staticness (Def, None);
         Set_Resolved_Flag (Def, False);
         Set_Element_Subtype (Def, Error_Type);
      end if;
      Set_Element_Subtype (Def, El_Type);
      Check_No_File_Type (El_Type, Def);
      Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Def, Get_Signal_Type_Flag (El_Type));

      --  LRM93 �
      --  The same requirement exists [must define a constrained
      --  array subtype] [...] for the element subtype indication
      --  of an array type definition, if the type of the array
      --  element is itself an array type.
      if Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_08
        and then not Is_Fully_Constrained_Type (El_Type)
         Error_Msg_Sem ("array element of unconstrained "
                        & Disp_Node (El_Type) & " is not allowed", Def);
      end if;
      Set_Type_Staticness (Def, Min (Get_Type_Staticness (El_Type),
                                     Get_Type_Staticness (Def)));
      Set_Resolved_Flag (Def, Get_Resolved_Flag (El_Type));
   end Sem_Array_Element;

   procedure Sem_Protected_Type_Declaration (Type_Decl : Iir_Type_Declaration)
      Decl : Iir_Protected_Type_Declaration;
      El : Iir;
      Decl := Get_Type (Type_Decl);
      Set_Base_Type (Decl, Decl);
      Set_Resolved_Flag (Decl, False);
      Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Decl, False);
      Set_Type_Staticness (Decl, None);

      --  LRM 10.3 Visibility
      --  [...] except in the declaration of a design_unit or a protected type
      --  declaration, in which case it starts immediatly after the reserved
      --  word is occuring after the identifier of the design unit or
      --  protected type declaration.
      Set_Visible_Flag (Type_Decl, True);

      --  LRM 10.1
      --  n) A protected type declaration, together with the corresponding
      --     body.

      Sem_Decls.Sem_Declaration_Chain (Decl);
      El := Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl);
      while El /= Null_Iir loop
         case Get_Kind (El) is
            when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause
              | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
            when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
              | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
                  Inter : Iir;
                  Inter_Type : Iir;
                  Inter := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (El);
                  while Inter /= Null_Iir loop
                     Inter_Type := Get_Type (Inter);
                     if Inter_Type /= Null_Iir
                       and then Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Inter_Type) = False
                       and then Get_Kind (Inter_Type)
                       /= Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
                          ("formal parameter method must not be "
                           & "access or file type", Inter);
                     end if;
                     Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
                  end loop;
                  if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
                     Inter_Type := Get_Return_Type (El);
                     if Inter_Type /= Null_Iir
                       and then Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Inter_Type) = False
                          ("method return type must not be access of file",
                     end if;
                  end if;
            when others =>
                 (Disp_Node (El)
                  & " are not allowed in protected type declaration", El);
         end case;
         El := Get_Chain (El);
      end loop;

   end Sem_Protected_Type_Declaration;

   procedure Sem_Protected_Type_Body (Bod : Iir)
      Inter : Name_Interpretation_Type;
      Type_Decl : Iir;
      Decl : Iir;
      El : Iir;
      --  LRM 3.5 Protected types.
      --  Each protected type declaration appearing immediatly within a given
      --  declaration region must have exactly one corresponding protected type
      --  body appearing immediatly within the same declarative region and
      --  textually subsequent to the protected type declaration.
      --  Similarly, each protected type body appearing immediatly within a
      --  given declarative region must have exactly one corresponding
      --  protected type declaration appearing immediatly within the same
      --  declarative region and textually prior to the protected type body.
      Inter := Get_Interpretation (Get_Identifier (Bod));
      if Valid_Interpretation (Inter)
        and then Is_In_Current_Declarative_Region (Inter)
         Type_Decl := Get_Declaration (Inter);
         if Get_Kind (Type_Decl) = Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration then
            Decl := Get_Type (Type_Decl);
            Decl := Null_Iir;
         end if;
         Decl := Null_Iir;
      end if;

      if Decl /= Null_Iir
        and then Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
         Set_Protected_Type_Declaration (Bod, Decl);
         if Get_Protected_Type_Body (Decl) /= Null_Iir then
              ("protected type body already declared for "
               & Disp_Node (Decl), Bod);
              ("(previous body)", Get_Protected_Type_Body (Decl));
            Decl := Null_Iir;
         elsif not Get_Visible_Flag (Type_Decl) then
            --  Can this happen ?
              ("protected type declaration not yet visible", Bod);
              ("(location of protected type declaration)", Decl);
            Decl := Null_Iir;
            Set_Protected_Type_Body (Decl, Bod);
         end if;
           ("no protected type declaration for this body", Bod);
         if Decl /= Null_Iir then
              ("(found " & Disp_Node (Decl) & " declared here)", Decl);
            Decl := Null_Iir;
         end if;
      end if;

      --  LRM 10.1
      --  n) A protected type declaration, together with the corresponding
      --     body.

      if Decl /= Null_Iir then
         Xref_Body (Bod, Decl);
         Add_Protected_Type_Declarations (Decl);
      end if;

      Sem_Decls.Sem_Declaration_Chain (Bod);

      El := Get_Declaration_Chain (Bod);
      while El /= Null_Iir loop
         case Get_Kind (El) is
            when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
              | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
              | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
              | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
            when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
              | Iir_Kind_Function_Body =>
            when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
              | Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
            when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
              | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
              | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
              | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
            when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
              | Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
            when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration
              | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification
              | Iir_Kind_Use_Clause
              | Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration
              | Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration =>
            when others =>
                 (Disp_Node (El) & " not allowed in a protected type body",
         end case;
         El := Get_Chain (El);
      end loop;
      Sem_Decls.Check_Full_Declaration (Bod, Bod);

      --  LRM 3.5.2 Protected type bodies
      --  Each subprogram declaration appearing in a given protected type
      --  declaration shall have a corresponding subprogram body appearing in
      --  the corresponding protected type body.
      if Decl /= Null_Iir then
         Sem_Decls.Check_Full_Declaration (Decl, Bod);
      end if;

   end Sem_Protected_Type_Body;

   --  Return the constraint state from CONST (the initial state) and ATYPE,
   --  as if ATYPE was a new element of a record.
   function Update_Record_Constraint (Const : Iir_Constraint; Atype : Iir)
                                     return Iir_Constraint is
      if Get_Kind (Atype) not in Iir_Kinds_Composite_Type_Definition then
         return Const;
      end if;

      case Const is
         when Fully_Constrained
           | Unconstrained =>
            if Get_Constraint_State (Atype) = Const then
               return Const;
               return Partially_Constrained;
            end if;
         when Partially_Constrained =>
            return Partially_Constrained;
      end case;
   end Update_Record_Constraint;

   function Get_Array_Constraint (Def : Iir) return Iir_Constraint
      El_Type : constant Iir := Get_Element_Subtype (Def);
      Index : constant Boolean :=
        Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
        and then Get_Index_Constraint_Flag (Def);
      if Get_Kind (El_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Composite_Type_Definition then
         case Get_Constraint_State (El_Type) is
            when Fully_Constrained =>
               if Index then
                  return Fully_Constrained;
                  return Partially_Constrained;
               end if;
            when Partially_Constrained =>
               return Partially_Constrained;
            when Unconstrained =>
               if not Index then
                  return Unconstrained;
                  return Partially_Constrained;
               end if;
         end case;
         if Index then
            return Fully_Constrained;
            return Unconstrained;
         end if;
      end if;
   end Get_Array_Constraint;

   function Sem_Type_Definition (Def: Iir; Decl: Iir) return Iir
      case Get_Kind (Def) is
         when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
            Set_Base_Type (Def, Def);
            Set_Type_Staticness (Def, Locally);
            Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Def, True);

            Create_Range_Constraint_For_Enumeration_Type (Def);

            --  Makes all literal visible.
               El: Iir;
               Literal_List: Iir_List;
               Only_Characters : Boolean := True;
               Literal_List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Def);
               for I in Natural loop
                  El := Get_Nth_Element (Literal_List, I);
                  exit when El = Null_Iir;
                  Set_Expr_Staticness (El, Locally);
                  Set_Name_Staticness (El, Locally);
                  Set_Base_Name (El, El);
                  Set_Type (El, Def);
                  Set_Enumeration_Decl (El, El);
                  Sem.Compute_Subprogram_Hash (El);
                  Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (El);
                  Name_Visible (El);
                  Xref_Decl (El);
                  if Only_Characters
                    and then not Name_Table.Is_Character (Get_Identifier (El))
                     Only_Characters := False;
                  end if;
               end loop;
               Set_Only_Characters_Flag (Def, Only_Characters);
            Set_Resolved_Flag (Def, False);

            --  Identifier IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.Std_Ulogic.
            if Get_Identifier (Decl) = Std_Names.Name_Std_Ulogic
              and then
              Get_Parent (Decl) = Ieee.Std_Logic_1164.Std_Logic_1164_Pkg
               Ieee.Std_Logic_1164.Std_Ulogic_Type := Def;
            end if;

            return Def;

         when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
            if Get_Type (Def) /= Null_Iir then
               return Sem_Physical_Type_Definition (Def, Decl);
               return Range_Expr_To_Type_Definition (Def, Decl);
            end if;

         when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
           | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name
           | Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name =>
            if Get_Type (Def) /= Null_Iir then
               return Sem_Physical_Type_Definition (Def, Decl);
            end if;
            --  Nb: the attribute is expected to be a 'range or
            --  a 'reverse_range attribute.
               Res : Iir;
               Res := Sem_Discrete_Range_Expression (Def, Null_Iir, True);
               if Res = Null_Iir then
                  return Null_Iir;
               end if;
               --  This cannot be a floating range.
               return Create_Integer_Type (Def, Res, Decl);

         when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
            --  LRM08  Array types
            --  A constrained array definition similarly defines both an array
            --  type and a subtype of this type.
            --  - The array type is an implicitely declared anonymous type,
            --    this type is defined by an (implicit) unbounded array
            --    definition in which the element subtype indication either
            --    denotes the base type of the subtype denoted by the element
            --    subtype indication of the constrained array definition, if
            --    that subtype is a composite type, or otherwise is the
            --    element subtype indication of the constrained array
            --    definition, and in which the type mark of each index subtype
            --    definition denotes the subtype defined by the corresponding
            --    discrete range.
            --  - The array subtype is the subtype obtained by imposition of
            --    the index constraint on the array type and if the element
            --    subtype indication of the constrained array definition
            --    denotes a fully or partially constrained composite subtype,
            --    imposition of the constraint of that subtype as an array
            --    element constraint on the array type.
               Index_Type : Iir;
               Index_List : Iir_List;
               Base_Index_List : Iir_List;
               Staticness : Iir_Staticness;

               -- array_type_definition, which is the same as the subtype,
               -- but without any constraint in the indexes.
               Base_Type: Iir;
               -- FIXME: all indexes must be either constrained or
               -- unconstrained.
               -- If all indexes are unconstrained, this is really a type
               -- otherwise, this is a subtype.

               -- Create a definition for the base type of subtype DEF.
               Base_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition);
               Location_Copy (Base_Type, Def);
               Set_Base_Type (Base_Type, Base_Type);
               Set_Type_Declarator (Base_Type, Decl);
               Base_Index_List := Create_Iir_List;
               Set_Index_Subtype_List (Base_Type, Base_Index_List);

               Staticness := Locally;
               Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
               for I in Natural loop
                  Index_Type := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, I);
                  exit when Index_Type = Null_Iir;

                  Index_Type := Sem_Discrete_Range_Integer (Index_Type);
                  if Index_Type /= Null_Iir then
                     Index_Type := Range_To_Subtype_Definition (Index_Type);
                     --  Avoid errors.
                     Index_Type := Natural_Subtype_Definition;
                  end if;

                  Replace_Nth_Element (Index_List, I, Index_Type);
                  Staticness := Min (Staticness,
                                     Get_Type_Staticness (Index_Type));

                  -- Set the index type in the array type.
                  -- must "unconstraint" the subtype.
                  Append_Element (Base_Index_List, Index_Type);
               end loop;
               Set_Type_Staticness (Def, Staticness);

               -- Element type.
               Sem_Array_Element (Def);

               Set_Element_Subtype (Base_Type, Get_Element_Subtype (Def));
               Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Base_Type, Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Def));
               --  According to LRM93 �7.4.1, an unconstrained array type
               --  is not static.
               Set_Type_Staticness (Base_Type, None);
               Set_Type_Declarator (Base_Type, Decl);
               Set_Resolved_Flag (Base_Type, Get_Resolved_Flag (Def));
               Set_Index_Constraint_Flag (Def, True);
               Set_Constraint_State (Def, Get_Array_Constraint (Def));
                 (Base_Type, Get_Array_Constraint (Base_Type));
               Set_Base_Type (Def, Base_Type);
               Set_Type_Mark (Def, Base_Type);
               return Def;

         when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
               Index_Type : Iir;
               Index_List : Iir_List;
               Set_Base_Type (Def, Def);
               Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);

               for I in Natural loop
                  Index_Type := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, I);
                  exit when Index_Type = Null_Iir;

                  Index_Type := Sem_Subtype_Indication (Index_Type);
                  if Index_Type /= Null_Iir then
                     if Get_Kind (Index_Type) not in
                          ("index type of an array must be discrete",
                     end if;
                     --  Avoid errors.
                     Index_Type := Natural_Subtype_Definition;
                  end if;

                  Replace_Nth_Element (Index_List, I, Index_Type);
               end loop;

               --  According to LRM93 �7.4.1, an unconstrained array type
               --  is not static.
               Set_Type_Staticness (Def, None);
               Sem_Array_Element (Def);
               Set_Constraint_State (Def, Get_Array_Constraint (Def));
               return Def;

         when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
               --  Semantized type of previous element
               Last_Type : Iir;

               El_List : Iir_List;
               El: Iir;
               El_Type : Iir;
               Resolved_Flag : Boolean;
               Staticness : Iir_Staticness;
               Constraint : Iir_Constraint;
               --  LRM 10.1
               --  5. A record type declaration,

               Resolved_Flag := True;
               Last_Type := Null_Iir;
               Staticness := Locally;
               Constraint := Fully_Constrained;
               Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Def, True);
               El_List := Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Def);
               for I in Natural loop
                  El := Get_Nth_Element (El_List, I);
                  exit when El = Null_Iir;
                  El_Type := Get_Type (El);
                  if El_Type /= Null_Iir then
                     --  Be careful for a declaration list (r,g,b: integer).
                     El_Type := Sem_Subtype_Indication (El_Type);
                     Last_Type := El_Type;
                     El_Type := Last_Type;
                  end if;
                  if El_Type /= Null_Iir then
                     Set_Type (El, El_Type);
                     Check_No_File_Type (El_Type, El);
                     if not Get_Signal_Type_Flag (El_Type) then
                        Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Def, False);
                     end if;

                     --  LRM93 �
                     --  The same requirement [must define a constrained array
                     --  subtype] exits for the subtype indication of an
                     --  element declaration, if the type of the record
                     --  element is an array type.
                     if Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_08
                       and then not Is_Fully_Constrained_Type (El_Type)
                          ("element declaration of unconstrained "
                           & Disp_Node (El_Type) & " is not allowed", El);
                     end if;
                     Resolved_Flag :=
                       Resolved_Flag and Get_Resolved_Flag (El_Type);
                     Staticness := Min (Staticness,
                                        Get_Type_Staticness (El_Type));
                     Constraint := Update_Record_Constraint
                       (Constraint, El_Type);
                     Staticness := None;
                  end if;
                  Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (El);
                  Name_Visible (El);
                  Xref_Decl (El);
               end loop;
               Set_Base_Type (Def, Def);
               Set_Resolved_Flag (Def, Resolved_Flag);
               Set_Type_Staticness (Def, Staticness);
               Set_Constraint_State (Def, Constraint);
               return Def;

         when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition =>
               D_Type : Iir;
               D_Type := Sem_Subtype_Indication (Get_Designated_Type (Def),
               if D_Type /= Null_Iir then
                  case Get_Kind (D_Type) is
                     when Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition =>
                          (Get_Incomplete_Type_List (D_Type), Def);
                     when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
                        --  LRM 3.3
                        --  The designated type must not be a file type.
                          ("designated type must not be a file type", Def);
                     when others =>
                  end case;
                  Set_Designated_Type (Def, D_Type);
               end if;
               Set_Base_Type (Def, Def);
               Set_Type_Staticness (Def, None);
               Set_Resolved_Flag (Def, False);
               Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Def, False);
               return Def;

         when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
               Type_Mark : Iir;
               Type_Mark := Sem_Subtype_Indication (Get_Type_Mark (Def));
               Set_Type_Mark (Def, Type_Mark);
               if Type_Mark /= Null_Iir then
                  if Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Type_Mark) = False then
                     --  LRM 3.4
                     --  The base type of this subtype must not be a file type
                     --  or an access type.
                     --  If the base type is a composite type, it must not
                     --  contain a subelement of an access type.
                       (Disp_Node (Type_Mark) & " cannot be a file type", Def);
                  elsif Get_Kind (Type_Mark) in Iir_Kinds_Array_Type_Definition
                     --  LRM 3.4
                     --  If the base type is an array type, it must be a one
                     --  dimensional array type.
                     if not Is_Unidim_Array_Type (Type_Mark) then
                          ("multi-dimensional " & Disp_Node (Type_Mark)
                           & " cannot be a file type", Def);
                     end if;
                  end if;
               end if;
               Set_Base_Type (Def, Def);
               Set_Resolved_Flag (Def, False);
               Set_Text_File_Flag (Def, Is_Text_Type_Declaration (Decl));
               Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Def, False);
               Set_Type_Staticness (Def, None);
               return Def;

         when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
            Sem_Protected_Type_Declaration (Decl);
            return Def;

         when others =>
            Error_Kind ("sem_type_definition", Def);
            return Def;
      end case;
   end Sem_Type_Definition;

   --  Convert a range expression to a subtype definition whose constraint is
   --  A_RANGE.
   --  This function extract the type of the range expression.
   function Range_To_Subtype_Definition (A_Range: Iir) return Iir
      Sub_Type: Iir;
      Range_Type : Iir;
      case Get_Kind (A_Range) is
         when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression
           | Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
           | Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute =>
            --  Create a sub type.
            Range_Type := Get_Type (A_Range);
         when Iir_Kinds_Discrete_Type_Definition =>
            --  A_RANGE is already a subtype definition.
            return A_Range;
         when others =>
            Error_Kind ("range_to_subtype_definition", A_Range);
            return Null_Iir;
      end case;

      case Get_Kind (Range_Type) is
         when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
           | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition =>
            Sub_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition);
         when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
           | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition =>
            Sub_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition);
         when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
           | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition =>
            Sub_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition);
         when others =>
            raise Internal_Error;
      end case;
      Location_Copy (Sub_Type, A_Range);
      Set_Range_Constraint (Sub_Type, A_Range);
      Set_Base_Type (Sub_Type, Get_Base_Type (Range_Type));
      Set_Type_Staticness (Sub_Type, Get_Expr_Staticness (A_Range));
      Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Sub_Type, True);
      return Sub_Type;
   end Range_To_Subtype_Definition;

   -- Return TRUE iff FUNC is a resolution function for ATYPE.
   function Is_A_Resolution_Function (Func: Iir; Atype: Iir) return Boolean
      Decl: Iir;
      Decl_Type : Iir;
      Ret_Type : Iir;
      -- LRM93 2.4
      --  A resolution function must be a [pure] function;
      if Get_Kind (Func) not in Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration then
         return False;
      end if;
      Decl := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Func);
      -- LRM93 2.4
      --  moreover, it must have a single input parameter of class constant
      if Decl = Null_Iir or else Get_Chain (Decl) /= Null_Iir then
         return False;
      end if;
      if Get_Kind (Decl) /= Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration then
         return False;
      end if;
      -- LRM93 2.4
      --  that is a one-dimensional, unconstrained array
      Decl_Type := Get_Type (Decl);
      if Get_Kind (Decl_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition then
         return False;
      end if;
      if Get_Nbr_Elements (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Decl_Type)) /= 1 then
         return False;
      end if;
      -- LRM93 2.4
      --  whose element type is that of the resolved signal.
      --  The type of the return value of the function must also be that of
      --  the signal.
      Ret_Type := Get_Return_Type (Func);
      if Get_Base_Type (Get_Element_Subtype (Decl_Type))
        /= Get_Base_Type (Ret_Type)
         return False;
      end if;
      if Atype /= Null_Iir
        and then Get_Base_Type (Ret_Type) /= Get_Base_Type (Atype)
         return False;
      end if;
      -- LRM93 2.4
      --  A resolution function must be a [pure] function;
      if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93 and then Get_Pure_Flag (Func) = False then
         if Atype /= Null_Iir then
              ("resolution " & Disp_Node (Func) & " must be pure", Atype);
         end if;
         return False;
      end if;
      return True;
   end Is_A_Resolution_Function;

   --  Note: this sets resolved_flag.
   procedure Sem_Resolution_Function (Name : Iir; Atype : Iir)
      Func : Iir;
      Res: Iir;
      El : Iir;
      List : Iir_List;
      Has_Error : Boolean;
      Sem_Name (Name, False);
      Func := Get_Named_Entity (Name);
      if Func = Error_Mark then
      end if;

      Res := Null_Iir;

      if Is_Overload_List (Func) then
         List := Get_Overload_List (Func);
         Has_Error := False;
         for I in Natural loop
            El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
            exit when El = Null_Iir;
            if Is_A_Resolution_Function (El, Atype) then
               if Res /= Null_Iir then
                  if not Has_Error then
                     Has_Error := True;
                       ("can't resolve overload for resolution function",
                     Error_Msg_Sem ("candidate functions are:", Atype);
                     Error_Msg_Sem (" " & Disp_Subprg (Func), Func);
                  end if;
                  Error_Msg_Sem (" " & Disp_Subprg (El), El);
                  Res := El;
               end if;
            end if;
         end loop;
         if Has_Error then
         end if;
         if Is_A_Resolution_Function (Func, Atype) then
            Res := Func;
         end if;
      end if;

      if Res = Null_Iir then
         Error_Msg_Sem ("no matching resolution function for "
                        & Disp_Node (Name), Atype);
         Set_Named_Entity (Name, Res);
         Set_Use_Flag (Res, True);
         Set_Resolved_Flag (Atype, True);
         Set_Resolution_Function (Atype, Name);
         Xref_Name (Name);
      end if;
   end Sem_Resolution_Function;

   function Sem_Subtype_Constraint
     (Def : Iir; Type_Mark : Iir; Resolution : Iir)
     return Iir;

   -- DEF is an incomplete subtype_indication or array_constraint,
   -- BASE_TYPE is the base type of the subtype_indication.
   function Sem_Array_Constraint (Def : Iir; Type_Mark : Iir; Resolution : Iir)
                                 return Iir
      Res : Iir;
      Type_Index, Subtype_Index: Iir;
      Base_Type : Iir;
      Mark_El_Type : Iir;
      El_Type : Iir;
      Staticness : Iir_Staticness;
      Error_Seen : Boolean;
      Type_Index_List : Iir_List;
      Subtype_Index_List : Iir_List;
      Resolv_Func : Iir := Null_Iir;
      Resolv_El : Iir := Null_Iir;
      if Resolution /= Null_Iir then
         case Get_Kind (Resolution) is
            when Iir_Kinds_Name =>
               Resolv_Func := Resolution;
            when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
               Resolv_El := Get_Element_Subtype (Resolution);
               Free_Iir (Resolution);
            when Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
                 ("record element resolution not allowed for array subtype",
            when others =>
               Error_Kind ("sem_array_constraint(resolution)", Resolution);
         end case;
      end if;

      Mark_El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Type_Mark);

      if Def = Null_Iir then
         Res := Copy_Subtype_Indication (Type_Mark);
         case Get_Kind (Def) is
            when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition =>
               -- This is the case of "subtype new_array is [func] old_array".
               -- def must be a constrained array.
               if Get_Range_Constraint (Def) /= Null_Iir then
                    ("cannot use a range constraint for array types", Def);
                  return Type_Mark;
               end if;

               -- LRM08 6.3 Subtype declarations
               -- If the subtype indication does not include a constraint, the
               -- subtype is the same as that denoted by the type mark.
               if Resolution = Null_Iir then
                  Free_Name (Def);
                  return Type_Mark;
               end if;

               Res := Copy_Subtype_Indication (Type_Mark);
               Location_Copy (Res, Def);
               Free_Name (Def);
               El_Type := Null_Iir;

            when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
               -- Case of a constraint for an array.
               -- Check each index constraint against array type.

               Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Type_Mark);
               Set_Base_Type (Def, Base_Type);

               Staticness := Get_Type_Staticness (Mark_El_Type);
               Error_Seen := False;
               Type_Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Base_Type);
               Subtype_Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
               El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Def);

               --  LRM08
               --  If an array constraint of the first form (including an index
               --  constraint) applies to a type or subtype, then the type or
               --  subtype shall be an unconstrained or partially constrained
               --  array type with no index constraint applying to the index
               --  subtypes, or an access type whose designated type is such
               --  a type.
               if Get_Kind (Type_Mark) = Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
                 and then Get_Index_Constraint_Flag (Type_Mark)
                  Error_Msg_Sem ("constrained array cannot be re-constrained",
               end if;
               if Subtype_Index_List = Null_Iir_List then
                  --  Array is not constrained.
                  Set_Index_Constraint_Flag (Def, False);
                  Set_Index_Subtype_List (Def, Type_Index_List);
                  for I in Natural loop
                     Type_Index := Get_Nth_Element (Type_Index_List, I);
                     Subtype_Index := Get_Nth_Element (Subtype_Index_List, I);
                     exit when Type_Index = Null_Iir
                       and Subtype_Index = Null_Iir;

                     if Type_Index = Null_Iir then
                          ("subtype has more indexes than "
                             & Disp_Node (Type_Mark)
                             & " defined at " & Disp_Location (Type_Mark),
                        --  Forget extra indexes.
                        Set_Nbr_Elements (Subtype_Index_List, I);
                     end if;
                     if Subtype_Index = Null_Iir then
                        if not Error_Seen then
                             ("subtype has less indexes than "
                                & Disp_Node (Type_Mark)
                                & " defined at "
                                & Disp_Location (Type_Mark), Def);
                           Error_Seen := True;
                        end if;
                        --  Use type_index as a fake subtype
                        --  FIXME: it is too fake.
                        Append_Element (Subtype_Index_List, Type_Index);
                        Staticness := None;
                        Subtype_Index := Sem_Discrete_Range_Expression
                          (Subtype_Index, Type_Index, True);
                        if Subtype_Index /= Null_Iir then
                           Subtype_Index :=
                             Range_To_Subtype_Definition (Subtype_Index);
                           Staticness := Min
                             (Staticness, Get_Type_Staticness (Subtype_Index));
                        end if;
                        if Subtype_Index = Null_Iir then
                           --  Create a fake subtype from type_index.
                           --  FIXME: It is too fake.
                           Subtype_Index := Type_Index;
                           Staticness := None;
                        end if;
                          (Subtype_Index_List, I, Subtype_Index);
                     end if;
                  end loop;
                  Set_Index_Constraint_Flag (Def, True);
               end if;
               Set_Type_Staticness (Def, Staticness);
               Set_Type_Mark (Def, Type_Mark);
               Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Def, Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Type_Mark));
               Res := Def;

            when others =>
               --  LRM93 / LRM08
               --  Index Constraints and Discrete Ranges
               --  If an index constraint appears after a type mark [...]
               --  The type mark must denote either an unconstrained array
               --  type, or an access type whose designated type is such
               --  an array type.
                 ("only unconstrained array type may be contrained "
                    &"by index", Def);
                 (" (type mark is " & Disp_Node (Type_Mark) & ")",
               return Type_Mark;
         end case;
      end if;

      --  Element subtype.
      if Resolv_El /= Null_Iir then
         El_Type := Sem_Subtype_Constraint (Null_Iir, Mark_El_Type, Resolv_El);
      elsif El_Type /= Null_Iir then
         El_Type := Sem_Subtype_Constraint (El_Type, Mark_El_Type, Null_Iir);
      end if;
      if El_Type = Null_Iir then
         El_Type := Mark_El_Type;
      end if;
      Set_Element_Subtype (Res, El_Type);

      Set_Constraint_State (Res, Get_Array_Constraint (Res));

      if Resolv_Func /= Null_Iir then
         Sem_Resolution_Function (Resolv_Func, Res);
      elsif Get_Kind (Type_Mark) = Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition then
         Set_Resolution_Function (Res, Get_Resolution_Function (Type_Mark));
      end if;
      if Get_Resolved_Flag (Res)
        or else Get_Resolved_Flag (Get_Element_Subtype (Type_Mark))
         Set_Resolved_Flag (Res, True);
         Set_Resolved_Flag (Res, False);
      end if;

      return Res;
   end Sem_Array_Constraint;

   function Reparse_As_Record_Element_Constraint (Name : Iir) return Iir
      Prefix : Iir;
      Parent : Iir;
      El : Iir;
      if Get_Kind (Name) /= Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name then
         Error_Msg_Sem ("record element constraint expected", Name);
         return Null_Iir;
         Prefix := Get_Prefix (Name);
         Parent := Name;
         while Get_Kind (Prefix) = Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name loop
            Parent := Prefix;
            Prefix := Get_Prefix (Prefix);
         end loop;
         if Get_Kind (Prefix) /= Iir_Kind_Simple_Name then
            Error_Msg_Sem ("record element name must be a simple name",
            return Null_Iir;
            El := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Record_Element_Constraint);
            Location_Copy (El, Prefix);
            Set_Identifier (El, Get_Identifier (Prefix));
            Set_Type (El, Name);
            Set_Prefix (Parent, Null_Iir);
            Free_Name (Prefix);
            return El;
         end if;
      end if;
   end Reparse_As_Record_Element_Constraint;

   function Reparse_As_Record_Constraint (Def : Iir) return Iir
      Res : Iir;
      Chain : Iir;
      El_List : Iir_List;
      El : Iir;
      if Get_Prefix (Def) /= Null_Iir then
         raise Internal_Error;
      end if;
      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition);
      Location_Copy (Res, Def);
      El_List := Create_Iir_List;
      Set_Elements_Declaration_List (Res, El_List);
      Chain := Get_Association_Chain (Def);
      while Chain /= Null_Iir loop
         if Get_Kind (Chain) /= Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression
           or else Get_Formal (Chain) /= Null_Iir
            Error_Msg_Sem ("badly formed record constraint", Chain);
            El := Reparse_As_Record_Element_Constraint (Get_Actual (Chain));
            if El /= Null_Iir then
               Append_Element (El_List, El);
            end if;
         end if;
         Chain := Get_Chain (Chain);
      end loop;
      return Res;
   end Reparse_As_Record_Constraint;

   function Reparse_As_Array_Constraint (Def : Iir; Def_Type : Iir) return Iir
      Parent : Iir;
      Name : Iir;
      Prefix : Iir;
      Res : Iir;
      Chain : Iir;
      El_List : Iir_List;
      Def_El_Type : Iir;
      Name := Def;
      Prefix := Get_Prefix (Name);
      Parent := Null_Iir;
      while Prefix /= Null_Iir
        and then Get_Kind (Prefix) = Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name
         Parent := Name;
         Name := Prefix;
         Prefix := Get_Prefix (Name);
      end loop;
      --  Detach prefix.
      if Parent /= Null_Iir then
         Set_Prefix (Parent, Null_Iir);
      end if;
      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition);
      Location_Copy (Res, Name);
      Chain := Get_Association_Chain (Name);
      if Get_Kind (Chain) = Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open then
         if Get_Chain (Chain) /= Null_Iir then
            Error_Msg_Sem ("'open' must be alone", Chain);
         end if;
         El_List := Create_Iir_List;
         Set_Index_Subtype_List (Res, El_List);
         while Chain /= Null_Iir loop
            if Get_Kind (Chain) /= Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression
              or else Get_Formal (Chain) /= Null_Iir
               Error_Msg_Sem ("bad form of array constraint", Chain);
               Append_Element (El_List, Get_Actual (Chain));
            end if;
            Chain := Get_Chain (Chain);
         end loop;
      end if;

      Def_El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Def_Type);
      if Parent /= Null_Iir then
         case Get_Kind (Def_El_Type) is
            when Iir_Kinds_Array_Type_Definition =>
                 (Res, Reparse_As_Array_Constraint (Def, Def_El_Type));
            when others =>
               Error_Kind ("reparse_as_array_constraint", Def_El_Type);
         end case;
      end if;
      return Res;
   end Reparse_As_Array_Constraint;

   function Sem_Record_Constraint
     (Def : Iir; Type_Mark : Iir; Resolution : Iir)
     return Iir
      Res : Iir;
      El_List, Tm_El_List : Iir_List;
      El : Iir;
      Tm_El : Iir;
      Tm_El_Type : Iir;
      El_Type : Iir;
      Res_List : Iir_List;

      Index_List : Iir_List;
      Index_El : Iir;
      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition);
      Location_Copy (Res, Def);
      Set_Base_Type (Res, Get_Base_Type (Type_Mark));
      Set_Type_Staticness (Res, Get_Type_Staticness (Type_Mark));
      Set_Type_Mark (Res, Type_Mark);
      if Get_Kind (Type_Mark) = Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition then
         Set_Resolution_Function (Res, Get_Resolution_Function (Type_Mark));
      end if;

      case Get_Kind (Def) is
         when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition =>
            Free_Name (Def);
            Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Res, Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Type_Mark));
            Set_Constraint_State (Res, Get_Constraint_State (Type_Mark));
            El_List := Null_Iir_List;

         when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
            --  Record constraints are parsed as array constraints.
            if Get_Kind (Def) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition then
               raise Internal_Error;
            end if;
            Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
            El_List := Create_Iir_List;
            Set_Elements_Declaration_List (Res, El_List);
            for I in Natural loop
               Index_El := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, I);
               exit when Index_El = Null_Iir;
               El := Reparse_As_Record_Element_Constraint (Index_El);
               if El /= Null_Iir then
                  Append_Element (El_List, El);
               end if;
            end loop;

         when Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
            El_List := Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Def);
            Set_Elements_Declaration_List (Res, El_List);

         when others =>
            Error_Kind ("sem_record_constraint", Def);
      end case;

      Res_List := Null_Iir_List;
      if Resolution /= Null_Iir then
         case Get_Kind (Resolution) is
            when Iir_Kinds_Name =>
            when Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
               Res_List := Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Resolution);
            when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
                 ("resolution indication must be an array element resolution",
            when others =>
               Error_Kind ("sem_record_constraint(resolution)", Resolution);
         end case;
      end if;

      Tm_El_List := Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Type_Mark);
      if El_List /= Null_Iir_List or Res_List /= Null_Iir_List then
            Nbr_Els : constant Natural := Get_Nbr_Elements (Tm_El_List);
            Els : Iir_Array (0 .. Nbr_Els - 1) := (others => Null_Iir);
            Res_Els : Iir_Array (0 .. Nbr_Els - 1) := (others => Null_Iir);
            Pos : Natural;
            Constraint : Iir_Constraint;
            --  Fill ELS.
            if El_List /= Null_Iir_List then
               for I in Natural loop
                  El := Get_Nth_Element (El_List, I);
                  exit when El = Null_Iir;
                  Tm_El := Find_Name_In_List (Tm_El_List, Get_Identifier (El));
                  if Tm_El = Null_Iir then
                     Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Node (Type_Mark)
                                      & "has no " & Disp_Node (El), El);
                     Set_Element_Declaration (El, Tm_El);
                     Pos := Natural (Get_Element_Position (Tm_El));
                     if Els (Pos) /= Null_Iir then
                          (Disp_Node (El) & " was already constrained", El);
                          (" (location of previous constrained)", Els (Pos));
                        Els (Pos) := El;
                        Set_Parent (El, Res);
                     end if;
                     El_Type := Get_Type (El);
                     Tm_El_Type := Get_Type (Tm_El);
                     if Get_Kind (El_Type) = Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name then
                        case Get_Kind (Tm_El_Type) is
                           when Iir_Kinds_Array_Type_Definition =>
                              El_Type := Reparse_As_Array_Constraint
                                (El_Type, Tm_El_Type);
                           when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
                             | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
                              El_Type := Reparse_As_Record_Constraint
                           when others =>
                                ("only composite types may be constrained",
                        end case;
                     end if;
                     Set_Type (El, El_Type);
                  end if;
               end loop;
               Destroy_Iir_List (El_List);
            end if;

            --  Fill Res_Els.
            if Res_List /= Null_Iir_List then
               for I in Natural loop
                  El := Get_Nth_Element (Res_List, I);
                  exit when El = Null_Iir;
                  Tm_El := Find_Name_In_List (Tm_El_List, Get_Identifier (El));
                  if Tm_El = Null_Iir then
                     Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Node (Type_Mark)
                                      & "has no " & Disp_Node (El), El);
                     Pos := Natural (Get_Element_Position (Tm_El));
                     if Res_Els (Pos) /= Null_Iir then
                          (Disp_Node (El) & " was already resolved", El);
                          (" (location of previous constrained)", Els (Pos));
                        Res_Els (Pos) := Get_Element_Declaration (El);
                     end if;
                  end if;
                  --Free_Iir (El);
               end loop;
               Destroy_Iir_List (Res_List);
            end if;

            --  Build elements list.
            El_List := Create_Iir_List;
            Set_Elements_Declaration_List (Res, El_List);
            Constraint := Fully_Constrained;
            for I in Els'Range loop
               Tm_El := Get_Nth_Element (Tm_El_List, I);
               if Els (I) = Null_Iir and Res_Els (I) = Null_Iir then
                  El := Tm_El;
                  if Els (I) = Null_Iir then
                     El := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Record_Element_Constraint);
                     Location_Copy (El, Tm_El);
                     Set_Element_Declaration (El, Tm_El);
                     Set_Element_Position (El, Get_Element_Position (Tm_El));
                     El_Type := Null_Iir;
                     El := Els (I);
                     El_Type := Get_Type (El);
                  end if;
                  El_Type := Sem_Subtype_Constraint (El_Type,
                                                     Get_Type (Tm_El),
                                                     Res_Els (I));
                  Set_Type (El, El_Type);
               end if;
               Append_Element (El_List, El);
               Constraint := Update_Record_Constraint
                 (Constraint, Get_Type (El));
            end loop;
            Set_Constraint_State (Res, Constraint);
         Set_Elements_Declaration_List (Res, Tm_El_List);
         Set_Constraint_State (Res, Get_Constraint_State (Type_Mark));
      end if;

      Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Res, Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Type_Mark));

      if Resolution /= Null_Iir
        and then Get_Kind (Resolution) in Iir_Kinds_Name
         Sem_Resolution_Function (Resolution, Res);
      end if;

      return Res;
   end Sem_Record_Constraint;

   function Sem_Range_Constraint (Def : Iir; Type_Mark : Iir; Resolution : Iir)
                                 return Iir
      Res : Iir;
      A_Range : Iir;
      Tolerance : Iir;
      if Def = Null_Iir then
         Res := Copy_Subtype_Indication (Type_Mark);
         if Get_Kind (Def) /= Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition then
            --  FIXME: find the correct sentence from LRM
            --  GHDL: subtype_definition may also be used just to add
            --    a resolution function.
              ("only scalar types may be constrained by range", Def);
              (" (type mark is " & Disp_Node (Type_Mark) & ")",
            return Type_Mark;
         end if;

         Tolerance := Get_Tolerance (Def);

         if Get_Range_Constraint (Def) = Null_Iir
           and then Resolution = Null_Iir
           and then Tolerance = Null_Iir
            --  This defines an alias, and must have been handled just
            --  before the case statment.
            raise Internal_Error;
         end if;

         -- There are limits.  Create a new subtype.
         if Get_Kind (Type_Mark) = Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition then
            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition);
            Res := Create_Iir (Get_Kind (Type_Mark));
         end if;
         Location_Copy (Res, Def);
         Set_Base_Type (Res, Get_Base_Type (Type_Mark));
         Set_Type_Mark (Res, Type_Mark);
         Set_Resolution_Function (Res, Get_Resolution_Function (Def));
         A_Range := Get_Range_Constraint (Def);
         if A_Range = Null_Iir then
            A_Range := Get_Range_Constraint (Type_Mark);
            A_Range := Sem_Range_Expression (A_Range, Type_Mark, True);
            if A_Range = Null_Iir then
               --  Avoid error propagation.
               A_Range := Get_Range_Constraint (Type_Mark);
            end if;
         end if;
         Set_Range_Constraint (Res, A_Range);
         Set_Type_Staticness (Res, Get_Expr_Staticness (A_Range));
         Free_Name (Def);
         Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Res, Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Type_Mark));
         if Tolerance /= Null_Iir then
            --  LRM93 4.2 Subtype declarations
            --  It is an error in this case the subtype is not a nature
            --  type
            --  FIXME: should be moved into sem_subtype_indication
            if Get_Kind (Res) /= Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition then
               Error_Msg_Sem ("tolerance allowed only for floating subtype",
               --  LRM93 4.2 Subtype declarations
               --  If the subtype indication includes a tolerance aspect, then
               --  the string expression must be a static expression
               Tolerance := Sem_Expression (Tolerance, String_Type_Definition);
               if Tolerance /= Null_Iir
                 and then Get_Expr_Staticness (Tolerance) /= Locally
                  Error_Msg_Sem ("tolerance must be a static string",
               end if;
               Set_Tolerance (Res, Tolerance);
            end if;
         end if;
      end if;

      if Resolution /= Null_Iir then
         --  LRM08 6.3  Subtype declarations.
         if Get_Kind (Resolution) not in Iir_Kinds_Name then
            Error_Msg_Sem ("resolution indication must be a function name",
            Sem_Resolution_Function (Resolution, Res);
         end if;
      end if;
      return Res;
   end Sem_Range_Constraint;

   function Sem_Subtype_Constraint
     (Def : Iir; Type_Mark : Iir; Resolution : Iir)
     return Iir
      case Get_Kind (Type_Mark) is
         when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
           | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
            return Sem_Array_Constraint (Def, Type_Mark, Resolution);
         when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
           | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
           | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
           | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
           | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition=>
            return Sem_Range_Constraint (Def, Type_Mark, Resolution);
         when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
           | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
            return Sem_Record_Constraint (Def, Type_Mark, Resolution);
         when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
           | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition =>
            --  LRM93 4.2
            --  A subtype indication denoting an access type [or a file type]
            --  may not contain a resolution function.
            if Resolution /= Null_Iir then
                 ("resolution function not allowed for an access type", Def);
            end if;

            case Get_Kind (Def) is
               when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition =>
                  Free_Name (Def);
                  return Type_Mark;
               when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
                  --  LRM93 �3.3
                  --  The only form of constraint that is allowed after a name
                  --  of an access type in a subtype indication is an index
                  --  constraint.
                     Sub_Type : Iir;
                     pragma Unreferenced (Sub_Type);
                     Base_Type : Iir;
                     Res : Iir;
                     Base_Type := Get_Designated_Type (Type_Mark);
                     Sub_Type := Sem_Array_Constraint
                       (Def, Base_Type, Null_Iir);
                     Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition);
                     Location_Copy (Res, Def);
                     Set_Base_Type (Res, Type_Mark);
                     Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Res, False);
                     Free_Old_Iir (Def);
                     return Res;
               when others =>
                  raise Internal_Error;
            end case;

         when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
            --  LRM08 6.3 Subtype declarations
            --  A subtype indication denoting a subtype of [...] a file
            --  type [...] shall not contain a constraint.
            if Get_Kind (Def) /= Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition
              or else Get_Range_Constraint (Def) /= Null_Iir
               Error_Msg_Sem ("file types can't be constrained", Def);
               return Type_Mark;
            end if;

            --  LRM93 4.2
            --  A subtype indication denoting [an access type or] a file type
            --  may not contain a resolution function.
            if Resolution /= Null_Iir then
                 ("resolution function not allowed for file types", Def);
               return Type_Mark;
            end if;
            Free_Name (Def);
            return Type_Mark;

         when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
            --  LRM08 6.3 Subtype declarations
            --  A subtype indication denoting a subtype of [...] a protected
            --  type [...] shall not contain a constraint.
            if Get_Kind (Def) /= Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition
              or else Get_Range_Constraint (Def) /= Null_Iir
               Error_Msg_Sem ("protected types can't be constrained", Def);
               return Type_Mark;
            end if;

            --  LRM08 6.3 Subtype declarations
            --  A subtype indication denoting [...] a protected type shall
            --  not contain a resolution function.
            if Resolution /= Null_Iir then
                 ("resolution function not allowed for file types", Def);
               return Type_Mark;
            end if;
            Free_Name (Def);
            return Type_Mark;

         when others =>
            Error_Kind ("sem_subtype_indication", Type_Mark);
            return Type_Mark;
      end case;
   end Sem_Subtype_Constraint;

   --  Semantize a subtype indication.
   --  DEF can be either a name or an iir_subtype_definition.
   --  Return a new (an anonymous) subtype definition (with the correct kind),
   --  or an already defined type definition (if DEF is a name).
   function Sem_Subtype_Indication (Def: Iir; Incomplete : Boolean := False)
     return Iir
      Type_Mark: Iir;
      Decl_Kind : Decl_Kind_Type;
      if Incomplete then
         Decl_Kind := Decl_Incomplete_Type;
         Decl_Kind := Decl_Type;
      end if;

      -- LRM08 6.3 Subtype declarations
      -- If the subtype indication does not include a constraint, the subtype
      -- is the same as that denoted by the type mark.
      if Get_Kind (Def) in Iir_Kinds_Name then
         Type_Mark := Find_Declaration (Def, Decl_Kind);
         if Type_Mark = Null_Iir then
            return Create_Error_Type (Def);
            return Type_Mark;
         end if;
      end if;

      --  Semantize the type mark.
      Type_Mark := Find_Declaration (Get_Type_Mark (Def), Decl_Kind);
      if Type_Mark = Null_Iir then
         --  FIXME: handle inversion such as "subtype BASETYPE RESOLV", which
         --  should emit "resolution function must precede type name".
         return Create_Error_Type (Get_Type_Mark (Def));
      end if;
      Set_Type_Mark (Def, Type_Mark);

      return Sem_Subtype_Constraint
        (Def, Type_Mark, Get_Resolution_Function (Def));
   end Sem_Subtype_Indication;

   function Copy_Subtype_Indication (Def : Iir) return Iir
      Res : Iir;
      case Get_Kind (Def) is
         when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
           | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
           | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
           | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
            Res := Create_Iir (Get_Kind (Def));
            Set_Range_Constraint (Res, Get_Range_Constraint (Def));
            Set_Resolution_Function (Res, Get_Resolution_Function (Def));
         when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition);
            Set_Type_Mark (Res, Def);
            Set_Range_Constraint (Res, Get_Range_Constraint (Def));

         when Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition
           | Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition =>
            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition);

         when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition);
            Set_Type_Staticness (Res, Get_Type_Staticness (Def));
            Set_Resolved_Flag (Res, Get_Resolved_Flag (Def));
            Set_Type_Mark (Res, Def);
            Set_Index_Subtype_List (Res, Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def));
            Set_Element_Subtype (Res, Get_Element_Subtype (Def));
            Set_Index_Constraint_Flag (Res, False);
            Set_Constraint_State (Res, Get_Constraint_State (Def));
         when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition);
            Set_Resolution_Function (Res, Get_Resolution_Function (Def));
            Set_Resolved_Flag (Res, Get_Resolved_Flag (Def));
            Set_Type_Mark (Res, Def);
            Set_Index_Subtype_List (Res, Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def));
            Set_Element_Subtype (Res, Get_Element_Subtype (Def));
              (Res, Get_Index_Constraint_Flag (Def));
            Set_Constraint_State (Res, Get_Constraint_State (Def));

         when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
           | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition);
            Set_Type_Staticness (Res, Get_Type_Staticness (Def));
            if Get_Kind (Def) /= Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition then
                 (Res, Get_Resolution_Function (Def));
            end if;
            Set_Resolved_Flag (Res, Get_Resolved_Flag (Def));
            Set_Constraint_State (Res, Get_Constraint_State (Def));

         when others =>
            --  FIXME: todo
            Error_Kind ("copy_subtype_indication", Def);
      end case;
      Location_Copy (Res, Def);
      Set_Base_Type (Res, Get_Base_Type (Def));
      Set_Type_Staticness (Res, Get_Type_Staticness (Def));
      Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Res, Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Def));
      return Res;
   end Copy_Subtype_Indication;

   function Sem_Subnature_Indication (Def: Iir) return Iir
      Nature_Mark: Iir;
      -- LRM 4.8 Nature declatation
      -- If the subnature indication does not include a constraint, the
      -- subnature is the same as that denoted by the type mark.
      case Get_Kind (Def) is
         when Iir_Kind_Scalar_Nature_Definition =>
            --  Used for reference declared by a nature
            return Def;
         when Iir_Kinds_Name =>
            Nature_Mark := Find_Declaration (Def, Decl_Nature);
            if Nature_Mark = Null_Iir then
               --  return Create_Error_Type (Def);
               raise Program_Error; --  TODO
               return Nature_Mark;
            end if;
         when others =>
            raise Program_Error; --  TODO
      end case;
   end Sem_Subnature_Indication;

end Sem_Types;