-- X86 ABI definitions. -- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold -- -- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later -- version. -- -- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY -- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free -- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA -- 02111-1307, USA. with Ortho_Code.Decls; use Ortho_Code.Decls; with Ortho_Code.Types; use Ortho_Code.Types; with Ortho_Code.Exprs; use Ortho_Code.Exprs; with Ortho_Code.Consts; with Ortho_Code.Debug; with Ortho_Code.Disps; with Ortho_Code.Flags; with Ortho_Code.Dwarf; with Ortho_Code.X86; use Ortho_Code.X86; with Ortho_Code.X86.Insns; with Ortho_Code.X86.Emits; with Ortho_Code.X86.Flags; with Binary_File; with Binary_File.Memory; with Ada.Text_IO; package body Ortho_Code.X86.Abi is procedure Start_Subprogram (Subprg : O_Dnode; Abi : out O_Abi_Subprg) is pragma Unreferenced (Subprg); begin -- First argument is at %ebp + 8 Abi.Offset := 8; end Start_Subprogram; procedure New_Interface (Inter : O_Dnode; Abi : in out O_Abi_Subprg) is Itype : O_Tnode; Size : Uns32; begin Itype := Get_Decl_Type (Inter); Size := Get_Type_Size (Itype); Size := (Size + 3) and not 3; Set_Local_Offset (Inter, Abi.Offset); Abi.Offset := Abi.Offset + Int32 (Size); end New_Interface; procedure Finish_Subprogram (Subprg : O_Dnode; Abi : in out O_Abi_Subprg) is use Binary_File; function To_Int32 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Symbol, Target => Int32); begin Set_Decl_Info (Subprg, To_Int32 (Create_Symbol (Get_Decl_Ident (Subprg)))); -- Offset is 8 biased. Set_Subprg_Stack (Subprg, Abi.Offset - 8); end Finish_Subprogram; procedure Link_Stmt (Stmt : O_Enode) is begin Set_Stmt_Link (Last_Link, Stmt); Last_Link := Stmt; end Link_Stmt; procedure Disp_Subprg (Subprg : O_Dnode); Exprs_Mark : Exprs.Mark_Type; Decls_Mark : Decls.Mark_Type; Consts_Mark : Consts.Mark_Type; Types_Mark : Types.Mark_Type; Dwarf_Mark : Dwarf.Mark_Type; procedure Start_Body (Subprg : O_Dnode) is pragma Unreferenced (Subprg); begin if not Debug.Flag_Debug_Keep then Mark (Exprs_Mark); Mark (Decls_Mark); Consts.Mark (Consts_Mark); Mark (Types_Mark); Dwarf.Mark (Dwarf_Mark); end if; end Start_Body; procedure Finish_Body (Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc) is use Ortho_Code.Flags; Child : Subprogram_Data_Acc; begin if Debug.Flag_Debug_Hli then Disps.Disp_Subprg (Subprg); return; end if; Insns.Gen_Subprg_Insns (Subprg); if Ortho_Code.Debug.Flag_Debug_Body2 then Disp_Subprg_Body (1, Subprg.E_Entry); end if; if Ortho_Code.Debug.Flag_Debug_Code then Disp_Subprg (Subprg.D_Body); end if; Emits.Emit_Subprg (Subprg); -- Recurse on nested subprograms. Child := Subprg.First_Child; while Child /= null loop Finish_Body (Child); Child := Child.Brother; end loop; if Get_Decl_Depth (Subprg.D_Decl) = O_Toplevel then if Flag_Debug = Debug_Dwarf then Dwarf.Emit_Subprg (Subprg.D_Body); end if; if not Debug.Flag_Debug_Keep then Release (Exprs_Mark); Release (Decls_Mark); Consts.Release (Consts_Mark); Release (Types_Mark); Dwarf.Release (Dwarf_Mark); end if; end if; end Finish_Body; procedure Expand_Const_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode) is begin Emits.Emit_Const_Decl (Decl); end Expand_Const_Decl; procedure Expand_Var_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode) is begin Emits.Emit_Var_Decl (Decl); end Expand_Var_Decl; procedure Expand_Const_Value (Decl : O_Dnode; Val : O_Cnode) is begin Emits.Emit_Const_Value (Decl, Val); end Expand_Const_Value; procedure Disp_Label (Label : O_Enode) is use Ada.Text_IO; use Ortho_Code.Debug.Int32_IO; begin Put ("L"); Put (Int32 (Label), 0); end Disp_Label; procedure Disp_Reg (Reg : O_Enode) is use Ada.Text_IO; use Ortho_Code.Debug.Int32_IO; begin Put ("reg_"); Put (Int32 (Reg), 0); Put ("{"); Put (Image_Reg (Get_Expr_Reg (Reg))); Put ("}"); end Disp_Reg; procedure Disp_Local (Stmt : O_Enode) is use Ada.Text_IO; use Ortho_Code.Debug.Int32_IO; Obj : O_Dnode := Get_Addr_Object (Stmt); Frame : O_Enode := Get_Addrl_Frame (Stmt); begin if Frame = O_Enode_Null then Put ("fp"); else Disp_Reg (Frame); end if; Put (","); Put (Get_Local_Offset (Obj), 0); Put (" {"); Disp_Decl_Name (Obj); Put ("}"); end Disp_Local; procedure Disp_Uns32 (Val : Uns32) is use Ada.Text_IO; U2c : constant array (Uns32 range 0 .. 15) of Character := "0123456789abcdef"; V : Uns32 := Val; begin for I in 0 .. 7 loop Put (U2c (Shift_Right (V, 28))); V := Shift_Left (V, 4); end loop; end Disp_Uns32; procedure Disp_Const (Stmt : O_Enode) is use Ada.Text_IO; begin Put ("["); case Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt) is when Mode_U64 | Mode_I64 | Mode_F64 => Disp_Uns32 (Get_Expr_High (Stmt)); Put (","); when others => null; end case; Disp_Uns32 (Get_Expr_Low (Stmt)); Put ("]"); end Disp_Const; procedure Disp_Irm_Code (Stmt : O_Enode) is use Ortho_Code.Debug.Int32_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; Reg : O_Reg; Kind : OE_Kind; begin Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt); Kind := Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt); case Reg is when R_Mem => case Kind is when OE_Indir => Put ('('); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); Put (')'); -- when OE_Lit => -- Put ("(&n)"); when others => raise Program_Error; end case; when R_Imm => case Kind is when OE_Const => Disp_Const (Stmt); when OE_Addrg => Put ("&"); Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Addr_Object (Stmt)); when OE_Add => Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt)); Put ("+"); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Right (Stmt)); when others => raise Program_Error; end case; when Regs_R32 | R_Any32 | R_Any8 | Regs_R64 | R_Any64 | Regs_Cc | Regs_Fp => Disp_Reg (Stmt); when R_Spill => Disp_Reg (Stmt); --Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Stmt_Link (Stmt)); when R_B_Off | R_I_Off | R_B_I | R_Sib => case Kind is when OE_Addrl => Disp_Local (Stmt); when OE_Add => Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt)); Put (" + "); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Right (Stmt)); when others => raise Program_Error; end case; when R_I => Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt)); Put (" * "); case Get_Expr_Low (Get_Expr_Right (Stmt)) is when 0 => Put ('1'); when 1 => Put ('2'); when 2 => Put ('4'); when 3 => Put ('8'); when others => Put ('?'); end case; when others => Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("abi.disp_irm_code: unhandled reg=" & Image_Reg (Reg) & ", stmt=" & O_Enode'Image (Stmt)); raise Program_Error; end case; end Disp_Irm_Code; procedure Disp_Decls (Block : O_Dnode) is Decl : O_Dnode; Last : O_Dnode; begin Last := Get_Block_Last (Block); Disp_Decl (2, Block); Decl := Block + 1; while Decl <= Last loop case Get_Decl_Kind (Decl) is when OD_Local => Disp_Decl (2, Decl); when OD_Block => -- Skip internal blocks. Decl := Get_Block_Last (Decl); when others => Disp_Decl (2, Decl); null; end case; Decl := Decl + 1; end loop; end Disp_Decls; procedure Disp_Stmt (Stmt : O_Enode) is use Ada.Text_IO; use Debug.Int32_IO; Kind : OE_Kind; Mode : Mode_Type; procedure Disp_Op_Name (Name : String) is begin Put (Name); Put (":"); Debug.Disp_Mode (Mode); Put (" "); end Disp_Op_Name; procedure Disp_Reg_Op_Name (Name : String) is begin Put (" "); Disp_Reg (Stmt); Put (" = "); Disp_Op_Name (Name); end Disp_Reg_Op_Name; begin Kind := Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt); Mode := Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt); case Kind is when OE_Beg => Put (" # block start"); if Get_Block_Has_Alloca (Stmt) then Put (" [alloca]"); end if; New_Line; Disp_Decls (Get_Block_Decls (Stmt)); when OE_End => Put_Line (" # block end"); when OE_Indir => Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("indir"); Put ("("); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); Put_Line (")"); when OE_Alloca => Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("alloca"); Put ("("); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); Put_Line (")"); when OE_Kind_Cmp | OE_Kind_Dyadic => Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("op"); Put ("{"); Put (OE_Kind'Image (Kind)); Put ("} "); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt)); Put (", "); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Right (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Abs_Ov | OE_Neg_Ov | OE_Not => Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("op"); Put ("{"); Put (OE_Kind'Image (Kind)); Put ("} "); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Const => Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("const"); Disp_Const (Stmt); New_Line; when OE_Jump_F => Put (" jump_f "); Disp_Reg (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); Put (" "); Disp_Label (Get_Jump_Label (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Jump_T => Put (" jump_t "); Disp_Reg (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); Put (" "); Disp_Label (Get_Jump_Label (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Jump => Put (" jump "); Disp_Label (Get_Jump_Label (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Label => Disp_Label (Stmt); Put_Line (":"); when OE_Asgn => Put (" assign:"); Debug.Disp_Mode (Mode); Put (" ("); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Assign_Target (Stmt)); Put (") <- "); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Set_Stack => Put (" set_stack"); Put (" <- "); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Spill => Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("spill"); Disp_Reg (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); Put (", offset="); Put (Int32'Image (Get_Spill_Info (Stmt))); New_Line; when OE_Reload => Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("reload"); Disp_Reg (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Arg => Put (" push "); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Call => if Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt) /= Mode_Nil then Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("call"); else Put (" "); Disp_Op_Name ("call"); Put (" "); end if; Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Call_Subprg (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Intrinsic => Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("intrinsic"); --Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Call_Subprg (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Conv => Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("conv"); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Move => Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("move"); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Ret => Put (" ret"); if Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt) /= Mode_Nil then Put (" "); Disp_Reg (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); end if; New_Line; when OE_Case => Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("case"); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Case_Expr => Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("case_expr"); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Leave => Put_Line ("leave"); when OE_Entry => Put_Line ("entry"); when OE_Line => Put (" # line #"); Put (Get_Expr_Line_Number (Stmt), 0); New_Line; when OE_Addrl => Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("lea{addrl}"); Put ("("); Disp_Local (Stmt); Put (")"); New_Line; when OE_Addrg => Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("lea{addrg}"); Put ("&"); Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Addr_Object (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Add => Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("lea{add}"); Put ("("); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt)); Put (" + "); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Right (Stmt)); Put (")"); New_Line; when OE_Mul => Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("mul"); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt)); Put (", "); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Right (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Shl => Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("shl"); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt)); Put (", "); Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Right (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Reg => Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("reg"); New_Line; when others => Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("abi.disp_stmt: unhandled enode " & OE_Kind'Image (Kind)); raise Program_Error; end case; end Disp_Stmt; procedure Disp_Subprg_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode) is use Ada.Text_IO; Arg : O_Dnode; begin Put ("subprogram "); Disp_Decl_Name (Decl); Put_Line (":"); Arg := Decl + 1; while Get_Decl_Kind (Arg) = OD_Interface loop Disp_Decl (2, Arg); Arg := Arg + 1; end loop; end Disp_Subprg_Decl; procedure Disp_Subprg (Subprg : O_Dnode) is use Ada.Text_IO; Last : O_Enode; Stmt : O_Enode; begin Disp_Subprg_Decl (Get_Body_Decl (Subprg)); Stmt := Get_Body_Stmt (Subprg); Last := Get_Entry_Leave (Stmt); loop exit when Stmt = O_Enode_Null; Disp_Stmt (Stmt); exit when Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt) = OE_Leave; Stmt := Get_Stmt_Link (Stmt); end loop; end Disp_Subprg; procedure New_Debug_Filename_Decl (Filename : String) is use Ortho_Code.Flags; begin if Flag_Debug = Debug_Dwarf then Dwarf.Set_Filename ("", Filename); end if; end New_Debug_Filename_Decl; procedure Init is use Ortho_Code.Debug; begin if Flag_Debug_Hli then Disps.Init; else Emits.Init; end if; end Init; procedure Finish is use Ortho_Code.Debug; begin if Flag_Debug_Hli then Disps.Finish; else Emits.Finish; end if; end Finish; -- function Image_Insn (Insn : O_Insn) return String is -- begin -- case Insn is -- when Insn_Nil => -- return "nil"; -- when Insn_Imm => -- return "imm"; -- when Insn_Base_Off => -- return "B+O"; -- when Insn_Loadm => -- return "ldm"; -- when Insn_Loadi => -- return "ldi"; -- when Insn_Mem => -- return "mem"; -- when Insn_Cmp => -- return "cmp"; -- when Insn_Op => -- return "op "; -- when Insn_Rop => -- return "rop"; -- when Insn_Call => -- return "cal"; -- when others => -- return "???"; -- end case; -- end Image_Insn; function Image_Reg (Reg : O_Reg) return String is begin case Reg is when R_Nil => return "nil "; when R_None => return " -- "; when R_Spill => return "spil"; when R_Mem => return "mem "; when R_Imm => return "imm "; when R_Irm => return "irm "; when R_Rm => return "rm "; when R_Sib => return "sib "; when R_B_Off => return "b+o "; when R_B_I => return "b+i "; when R_I => return "s*i "; when R_Ir => return " ir "; when R_I_Off => return "i+o "; when R_Any32 => return "r32 "; when R_Any_Cc => return "cc "; when R_Any8 => return "r8 "; when R_Any64 => return "r64 "; when R_St0 => return "st0 "; when R_Ax => return "ax "; when R_Dx => return "dx "; when R_Cx => return "cx "; when R_Bx => return "bx "; when R_Si => return "si "; when R_Di => return "di "; when R_Sp => return "sp "; when R_Bp => return "bp "; when R_Edx_Eax => return "dxax"; when R_Ebx_Ecx => return "bxcx"; when R_Esi_Edi => return "sidi"; when R_Eq => return "eq? "; when R_Ne => return "ne? "; when R_Uge => return "uge?"; when R_Sge => return "sge?"; when R_Ugt => return "ugt?"; when R_Sgt => return "sgt?"; when R_Ule => return "ule?"; when R_Sle => return "sle?"; when R_Ult => return "ult?"; when R_Slt => return "slt?"; when others => return "????"; end case; end Image_Reg; -- From GCC. -- FIXME: these don't handle overflow! function Divdi3 (A, B : Long_Integer) return Long_Integer; pragma Import (C, Divdi3, "__divdi3"); function Muldi3 (A, B : Long_Integer) return Long_Integer; pragma Import (C, Muldi3, "__muldi3"); procedure Chkstk (Sz : Integer); pragma Import (C, Chkstk, "__chkstk"); procedure Link_Intrinsics is begin Binary_File.Memory.Set_Symbol_Address (Ortho_Code.X86.Emits.Intrinsics_Symbol (Ortho_Code.X86.Intrinsic_Mul_Ov_I64), Muldi3'Address); Binary_File.Memory.Set_Symbol_Address (Ortho_Code.X86.Emits.Intrinsics_Symbol (Ortho_Code.X86.Intrinsic_Div_Ov_I64), Divdi3'Address); if X86.Flags.Flag_Alloca_Call then Binary_File.Memory.Set_Symbol_Address (Ortho_Code.X86.Emits.Chkstk_Symbol, Chkstk'Address); end if; end Link_Intrinsics; end Ortho_Code.X86.Abi;