Language vhdl -std= vhdl Joined Select the vhdl standard -compile-standard vhdl Used during compiler build to compile the std.standard package -bootstrap vhdl Used during compiler build to compile std packages -work= vhdl Joined Set the name of the work library -workdir= vhdl Joined Set the directory of the work library P vhdl Joined -P Add to the end of the vhdl library path -elab vhdl Separate --elab Used internally during elaboration of -anaelab vhdl Separate --anaelab Used internally during elaboration of ; -c is a driver option for gcc. --ghdl-source is used instead. ;c ;vhdl Separate ;-c Analyze for --anaelab ;v ;vhdl ;Verbose -warn- vhdl Joined --warn- Warn about -ghdl vhdl Joined --ghdl-