Language vhdl -std= vhdl Joined Select the vhdl standard -compile-standard vhdl Used during compiler build to compile the std.standard package -bootstrap vhdl Used during compiler build to compile std packages -work= vhdl Joined Set the name of the work library -workdir= vhdl Joined Set the directory of the work library P vhdl JoinedOrMissing ;-P<dir> Add <dir> to the end of the vhdl library path -elab vhdl Separate --elab <name> Used internally during elaboration of <name> -anaelab vhdl Separate --anaelab <name> Used internally during elaboration of <name> ; -c is a driver option for gcc. --ghdl-source is used instead. ;c ;vhdl Separate ;-c <filename> Analyze <filename> for --anaelab ;v ;vhdl ;Verbose -warn- vhdl Joined --warn-<name> Warn about <name> -ghdl vhdl Joined --ghdl-<option> Pass <option> to vhdl front-end -expect-failure vhdl Expect a compiler error (used for testsuite) -no-vital-checks vhdl Disable VITAL checks -vital-checks vhdl Enable VITAL checks fexplicit vhdl Explicit function declarations override implicit one in use frelaxed-rules vhdl Relax some LRM rules to compile vendor libraries fpsl vhdl Allow PSL asserts in comments -no-direct-drivers vhdl Disable direct drivers optimization -syn-binding vhdl Use synthetizer rules for default bindings l vhdl Joined Separate -l<filename> Put list of files for link in <filename> ; -C was commented out, as it is already defined for C/C++. ;C ;vhdl ;Allow any character in comments -mb-comments vhdl Allow any character in comments