--  Std.Textio package declaration.  This file is part of GHDL.
--  This file was written from the clause 14.3 of the VHDL LRM.
--  Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
--  GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--  Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--  version.
--  GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
--  for more details.
--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--  along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
--  Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--  02111-1307, USA.

package textio is

-- type definitions for text i/o

  -- a LINE is a pointer to a string value.
  type line is access string;

  --  A file of variable-length ASCII records.
  --  Note: in order to work correctly, the TEXT file type must be declared in
  --  the textio package of library std.  Otherwise, a file of string has a
  --  non-ASCII format.
  type text is file of string;

  type side is (right, left);	-- For justifying ouput data within fields.
  subtype width is natural;	-- For specifying widths of output fields.

-- standard text files

  file input:  text is in "STD_INPUT";  --V87
  file output: text is out "STD_OUTPUT";  --V87
  file input : text open read_mode is "STD_INPUT";  --V93
  file output : text open write_mode is "STD_OUTPUT";  --V93

-- input routines for standard types

  procedure readline (variable f: in text; l: inout line); --V87
  procedure readline (file f: text; l: inout line); --V93

  --  For READ procedures:
  --  In this implementation, any L is accepted (ie, there is no constraints
  --  on direction, or left bound).  Therefore, even variable of type LINE
  --  not initialized by READLINE are accepted.  Strictly speaking, this is
  --  not required by LRM, nor prevented.  However, other implementations may
  --  fail at parsing such strings.
  --  Also, in case of error (GOOD is false), this implementation do not
  --  modify L (as specified by the LRM) nor VALUE.
  --  For READ procedures without a GOOD argument, an assertion fails in case
  --  of error.
  --  In case of overflow (ie, if the number is out of the bounds of the type),
  --  the procedure will fail with an execution error.
  --  FIXME: this should not occur for a bad string.

  procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit; good: out boolean);
  procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit); 

  procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit_vector; good: out boolean);
  procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit_vector);

  procedure read (l: inout line; value: out boolean; good: out boolean);
  procedure read (l: inout line; value: out boolean);

  procedure read (l: inout line; value: out character; good: out boolean);
  procedure read (l: inout line; value: out character); 

  procedure read (l: inout line; value: out integer; good: out boolean);
  procedure read (l: inout line; value: out integer);

  procedure read (l: inout line; value: out real; good: out boolean);
  procedure read (l: inout line; value: out real);

  procedure read (l: inout line; value: out string; good: out boolean);
  procedure read (l: inout line; value: out string);

  --  This implementation requires no space after the unit identifier,
  --  ie "7.5 nsv" is parsed as 7.5 ns.
  --  The unit identifier can be in lower case, upper case or mixed case.
  procedure read (l: inout line; value: out time; good: out boolean);
  procedure read (l: inout line; value: out time);

-- output routines for standard types

  procedure writeline (variable f: out text; l: inout line); --V87
  procedure writeline (file f: text; l: inout line); --V93

  --  This implementation accept any value for all the types.
  procedure write 
    (l: inout line; value: in bit;
    justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0);
  procedure write 
    (l: inout line; value: in bit_vector;
    justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0);
  procedure write
    (l: inout line; value: in boolean;
    justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0);
  procedure write
    (l: inout line; value: in character;
    justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0);
  procedure write
    (l: inout line; value: in integer;
    justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0);
  procedure write
    (L: inout line; value: in real;
    justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0;
    digits: in natural := 0);
  procedure write 
    (l: inout line; value: in string;
    justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0);

  --  UNIT must be a unit name declared in std.standard.  Of course, no rules
  --  in the core VHDL language prevent you from using a value that is not a
  --  unit (eg: 10 ns or even 5 fs).
  --  An assertion error message is generated in this case, and question mark
  --  (?) is written at the place of the unit name.
  procedure write
    (l: inout line; value : in time;
    justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0; unit : in TIME := ns);

end textio;