#!/usr/bin/env python # Generate the body of ieee.std_logic_1164 from a template. # This file is part of GHDL. # Copyright (C) 2015 Tristan Gingold # # GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later # version. # # GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import re import sys binary_funcs = [ "and", "nand", "or", "nor", "xor" ] # Python modelisation of std_ulogic type. std_logic = "UX01ZWLH-" # Normalization map. ux01_map = { 'U': 'U', 'X': 'X', 'Z': 'X', 'W': 'X', '-': 'X', '0': '0', 'L': '0', '1': '1', 'H': '1' } def sl_and(a,b): """and definition""" na = ux01_map[a] nb = ux01_map[b] if na == '0' or nb == '0': return '0' if na == 'U' or nb == 'U': return 'U' if na == 'X' or nb == 'X': return 'X' return '1' def sl_not(a): """not definition""" na = ux01_map[a] if na == 'U': return 'U' if na == 'X': return 'X' if na == '1': return '0' else: return '1' def sl_or(a,b): "or definition" return sl_not(sl_and (sl_not(a), sl_not(b))) def sl_xor(a,b): "xor definition" return sl_or(sl_and(a, sl_not(b)), sl_and(sl_not(a), b)) # Stream to write. out=sys.stdout def w(s): "Write S to the output" out.write(s) def gen_log_table2(name, func): "Generate a logic table for binary operator NAME using its model FUNC" w(""" constant {0}_table : table_2d := -- UX01ZWLH- (""".format(name)) for a in std_logic: w('"') for b in std_logic: w(func (a, b)) w('"') if a != '-': w(',') else: w(' ') w(' -- {}\n'.format(a)) w(' ') w(');\n') def gen_log_table1(name, func): "Generate a logic table for unary operator NAME using its model FUNC" w(""" constant {0}_table : table_1d := -- UX01ZWLH- """.format(name)) w('"') for b in std_logic: w(func (b)) w('";\n') def disp_tables(): "Generate logic tables" gen_log_table2("and", sl_and) gen_log_table2("nand", lambda a,b : sl_not(sl_and(a, b))) gen_log_table2("or", sl_or) gen_log_table2("nor", lambda a,b : sl_not(sl_or(a,b))) gen_log_table2("xor", sl_xor) if "xnor" in binary_funcs: gen_log_table2("xnor", lambda a,b : sl_not(sl_xor(a,b))) gen_log_table1("not", sl_not) vec_types = ['ulogic', 'logic'] def disp_scalar_binary(fun): "Generate scalar binary function body" w(""" function "{0}" (l, r : std_ulogic) return UX01 is begin return {0}_table (l, r); end "{0}";\n""".format(fun)) def disp_scalar_unary(fun): "Generate scalar unary function body" w(""" function "{0}" (l : std_ulogic) return UX01 is begin return {0}_table (l); end "{0}";\n""".format(fun)) def disp_vec_binary(func, typ): "Generate vector binary function body" w(""" function "{0}" (l, r : std_{1}_vector) return std_{1}_vector is subtype res_type is std_{1}_vector (1 to l'length); alias la : res_type is l; alias ra : std_{1}_vector (1 to r'length) is r; variable res : res_type; begin if la'length /= ra'length then assert false report "arguments of overloaded '{0}' operator are not of the same length" severity failure; else for I in res_type'range loop res (I) := {0}_table (la (I), ra (I)); end loop; end if; return res; end "{0}";\n""".format(func, typ)) def disp_vec_unary(func, typ): "Generate vector unary function body" w(""" function "{0}" (l : std_{1}_vector) return std_{1}_vector is subtype res_type is std_{1}_vector (1 to l'length); alias la : res_type is l; variable res : res_type; begin for I in res_type'range loop res (I) := {0}_table (la (I)); end loop; return res; end "{0}";\n""".format(func, typ)) def disp_all_log_funcs(): "Generate all function bodies for logic operators" for f in binary_funcs: disp_scalar_binary(f) disp_scalar_unary("not") for v in vec_types: typ = "std_" + v + "_vector" for f in binary_funcs: disp_vec_binary(f, v) disp_vec_unary("not", v) def disp_sv_to_bv_conv(typ): "Generate logic vector to bit vector function body" w(""" function to_bitvector (s : std_{0}_vector; xmap : bit := '0') return bit_vector is subtype res_range is natural range s'length - 1 downto 0; alias as : std_{0}_vector (res_range) is s; variable res : bit_vector (res_range); variable b : bit; begin for I in res_range loop -- Inline for efficiency. case as (I) is when '0' | 'L' => b := '0'; when '1' | 'H' => b := '1'; when others => b := xmap; end case; res (I) := b; end loop; return res; end to_bitvector;\n""".format(typ)) def disp_bv_to_sv_conv(typ): "Generate bit vector to logic vector function body" w(""" function to_std{0}vector (b : bit_vector) return std_{0}_vector is subtype res_range is natural range b'length - 1 downto 0; alias ab : bit_vector (res_range) is b; variable res : std_{0}_vector (res_range); begin for I in res_range loop res (I) := bit_to_std (ab (I)); end loop; return res; end to_std{0}vector;\n""".format(typ)) def disp_sv_to_sv_conv(s,d): "Generate logic vector to logic vector function body" w(""" function to_std{1}vector (b : std_{0}_vector) return std_{1}_vector is subtype res_type is std_{1}_vector (b'length - 1 downto 0); begin return res_type (b); end to_std{1}vector;\n""".format(s,d)) def disp_all_conv_funcs(): "Generate conversion function bodies" for v in vec_types: disp_sv_to_bv_conv(v) for v in vec_types: disp_bv_to_sv_conv(v) disp_sv_to_sv_conv('logic', 'ulogic') disp_sv_to_sv_conv('ulogic', 'logic') def disp_conv_vec_vec(typ, v): "Generate function body for vector conversion" utyp = typ.upper(); w(""" function to_{1} (s : std_{2}_vector) return std_{2}_vector is subtype res_type is std_{2}_vector (1 to s'length); alias sa : res_type is s; variable res : res_type; begin for i in res_type'range loop res (i) := std_to_{0} (sa (i)); end loop; return res; end to_{1};\n""".format(typ, utyp, v)) def disp_conv_std(typ): "Generate function body for scalar conversion" utyp = typ.upper(); w(""" function to_{1} (s : std_ulogic) return {1} is begin return std_to_{0} (s); end to_{1};\n""".format(typ, utyp)) def disp_conv_bv_vec(typ, v): "Generate function body for bit vector conversion" utyp = typ.upper(); w(""" function to_{1} (b : bit_vector) return std_{2}_vector is subtype res_range is natural range 1 to b'length; alias ba : bit_vector (res_range) is b; variable res : std_{2}_vector (res_range); begin for i in res_range loop res (i) := bit_to_x01 (ba (i)); end loop; return res; end to_{1};\n""".format(typ, utyp, v)) def disp_conv_b_t(typ): "Generate function body for bit conversion" utyp = typ.upper(); w(""" function to_{1} (b : bit) return {1} is begin return bit_to_x01 (b); end to_{1};\n""".format(typ, utyp)) def disp_all_norm_funcs(): "Generate all function bodies for conversion" for typ in [ "x01", "x01z", "ux01" ]: for v in vec_types: disp_conv_vec_vec(typ, v) disp_conv_std (typ) for v in vec_types: disp_conv_bv_vec(typ, v) disp_conv_b_t(typ) def disp_all_isx_funcs(): "Generate all function bodies for isx functions" for v in vec_types: w(""" function is_X (s : std_{0}_vector) return boolean is begin for i in s'range loop if std_x (s (i)) then return true; end if; end loop; return false; end is_X;\n""".format(v)) w(""" function is_X (s : std_ulogic) return boolean is begin return std_x (s); end is_X;\n""") # Patterns to replace pats = {' @TAB\n' : disp_tables, ' @LOG\n' : disp_all_log_funcs, ' @CONV\n': disp_all_conv_funcs, ' @NORM\n': disp_all_norm_funcs, ' @ISX\n' : disp_all_isx_funcs } spec_file='std_logic_1164.vhdl' proto_file='std_logic_1164-body.proto' def gen_body(): w('-- This file was generated from ' + proto_file + '\n') for line in open(proto_file): if line in pats: pats[line]() continue w(line) # Copy spec out=open('std_logic_1164.v87', 'w') for line in open(spec_file): if '"xnor"' in line: w("--" + line[2:]) else: w(line) out.close() out=open('std_logic_1164.v93', 'w') for line in open(spec_file): w(line) out.close() # Generate bodies out=open('std_logic_1164-body.v87', 'w') gen_body() out.close() binary_funcs.append("xnor") out=open('std_logic_1164-body.v93', 'w') gen_body() out.close()