-- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Copyright � 2008 by IEEE. All rights reserved. -- -- This source file is an essential part of IEEE Std 1076-2008, -- IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual. This source file may not be -- copied, sold, or included with software that is sold without written -- permission from the IEEE Standards Department. This source file may be -- copied for individual use between licensed users. This source file is -- provided on an AS IS basis. The IEEE disclaims ANY WARRANTY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR USE -- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The user of the source file shall indemnify -- and hold IEEE harmless from any damages or liability arising out of the -- use thereof. -- -- Title : Standard VHDL Synthesis Packages -- : (NUMERIC_STD package declaration) -- : -- Library : This package shall be compiled into a library -- : symbolically named IEEE. -- : -- Developers: IEEE DASC Synthesis Working Group, -- : Accellera VHDL-TC, and IEEE P1076 Working Group -- : -- Purpose : This package defines numeric types and arithmetic functions -- : for use with synthesis tools. Two numeric types are defined: -- : -- > UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED: represents an UNSIGNED number -- : in vector form -- : -- > UNRESOLVED_SIGNED: represents a SIGNED number -- : in vector form -- : The base element type is type STD_ULOGIC. -- : Aliases U_UNSIGNED and U_SIGNED are defined for the types -- : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED and UNRESOLVED_SIGNED, respectively. -- : Two numeric subtypes are defined: -- : -- > UNSIGNED: represents UNSIGNED number in vector form -- : -- > SIGNED: represents a SIGNED number in vector form -- : The element subtypes are the same subtype as STD_LOGIC. -- : The leftmost bit is treated as the most significant bit. -- : Signed vectors are represented in two's complement form. -- : This package contains overloaded arithmetic operators on -- : the SIGNED and UNSIGNED types. The package also contains -- : useful type conversions functions, clock detection -- : functions, and other utility functions. -- : -- : If any argument to a function is a null array, a null array -- : is returned (exceptions, if any, are noted individually). -- -- Note : This package may be modified to include additional data -- : required by tools, but it must in no way change the -- : external interfaces or simulation behavior of the -- : description. It is permissible to add comments and/or -- : attributes to the package declarations, but not to change -- : or delete any original lines of the package declaration. -- : The package body may be changed only in accordance with -- : the terms of Clause 16 of this standard. -- : -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- $Revision: 1220 $ -- $Date: 2008-04-10 17:16:09 +0930 (Thu, 10 Apr 2008) $ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- use STD.TEXTIO.all; library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; package NUMERIC_STD is constant CopyRightNotice : STRING := "Copyright � 2008 IEEE. All rights reserved."; --============================================================================ -- Numeric Array Type Definitions --============================================================================ type UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED is array (NATURAL range <>) of STD_ULOGIC; type UNRESOLVED_SIGNED is array (NATURAL range <>) of STD_ULOGIC; -- FIXME: was alias subtype U_UNSIGNED is UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; subtype U_SIGNED is UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; subtype UNSIGNED is (resolved) UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; subtype SIGNED is (resolved) UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; --============================================================================ -- Arithmetic Operators: --=========================================================================== -- Id: A.1 function "abs" (ARG : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Returns the absolute value of an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector ARG. -- Id: A.2 function "-" (ARG : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Returns the value of the unary minus operation on a -- UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector ARG. --============================================================================ -- Id: A.3 function "+" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(MAXIMUM(L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH)-1 downto 0) -- Result: Adds two UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vectors that may be of different lengths. -- Id: A.3R function "+"(L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : STD_ULOGIC) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Similar to A.3 where R is a one bit UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED -- Id: A.3L function "+"(L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Similar to A.3 where L is a one bit UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED -- Id: A.4 function "+" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(MAXIMUM(L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH)-1 downto 0) -- Result: Adds two UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vectors that may be of different lengths. -- Id: A.4R function "+"(L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : STD_ULOGIC) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Similar to A.4 where R is bit 0 of a non-negative. -- Id: A.4L function "+"(L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Similar to A.4 where L is bit 0 of a non-negative. -- Id: A.5 function "+" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Adds an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector, L, with a nonnegative INTEGER, R. -- Id: A.6 function "+" (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Adds a nonnegative INTEGER, L, with an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector, R. -- Id: A.7 function "+" (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Adds an INTEGER, L(may be positive or negative), to an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED -- vector, R. -- Id: A.8 function "+" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Adds an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector, L, to an INTEGER, R. --============================================================================ -- Id: A.9 function "-" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(MAXIMUM(L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH)-1 downto 0) -- Result: Subtracts two UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vectors that may be of different lengths. -- Id: A.9R function "-"(L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : STD_ULOGIC) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Similar to A.9 where R is a one bit UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED -- Id: A.9L function "-"(L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Similar to A.9 where L is a one bit UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED -- Id: A.10 function "-" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(MAXIMUM(L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH)-1 downto 0) -- Result: Subtracts an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector, R, from another UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector, L, -- that may possibly be of different lengths. -- Id: A.10R function "-"(L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : STD_ULOGIC) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Similar to A.10 where R is bit 0 of a non-negative. -- Id: A.10L function "-"(L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Similar to A.10 where R is bit 0 of a non-negative. -- Id: A.11 function "-" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Subtracts a nonnegative INTEGER, R, from an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector, L. -- Id: A.12 function "-" (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Subtracts an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector, R, from a nonnegative INTEGER, L. -- Id: A.13 function "-" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Subtracts an INTEGER, R, from an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector, L. -- Id: A.14 function "-" (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Subtracts an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector, R, from an INTEGER, L. --============================================================================ -- Id: A.15 function "*" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED((L'LENGTH+R'LENGTH-1) downto 0) -- Result: Performs the multiplication operation on two UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vectors -- that may possibly be of different lengths. -- Id: A.16 function "*" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED((L'LENGTH+R'LENGTH-1) downto 0) -- Result: Multiplies two UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vectors that may possibly be of -- different lengths. -- Id: A.17 function "*" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED((L'LENGTH+L'LENGTH-1) downto 0) -- Result: Multiplies an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector, L, with a nonnegative -- INTEGER, R. R is converted to an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector of -- SIZE L'LENGTH before multiplication. -- Id: A.18 function "*" (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED((R'LENGTH+R'LENGTH-1) downto 0) -- Result: Multiplies an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector, R, with a nonnegative -- INTEGER, L. L is converted to an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector of -- SIZE R'LENGTH before multiplication. -- Id: A.19 function "*" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED((L'LENGTH+L'LENGTH-1) downto 0) -- Result: Multiplies an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector, L, with an INTEGER, R. R is -- converted to an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector of SIZE L'LENGTH before -- multiplication. -- Id: A.20 function "*" (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED((R'LENGTH+R'LENGTH-1) downto 0) -- Result: Multiplies an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector, R, with an INTEGER, L. L is -- converted to an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector of SIZE R'LENGTH before -- multiplication. --============================================================================ -- -- NOTE: If second argument is zero for "/" operator, a severity level -- of ERROR is issued. -- Id: A.21 function "/" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Divides an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector, L, by another UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector, R. -- Id: A.22 function "/" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Divides an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector, L, by another UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector, R. -- Id: A.23 function "/" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Divides an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector, L, by a nonnegative INTEGER, R. -- If NO_OF_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH, result is truncated to L'LENGTH. -- Id: A.24 function "/" (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Divides a nonnegative INTEGER, L, by an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector, R. -- If NO_OF_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH, result is truncated to R'LENGTH. -- Id: A.25 function "/" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Divides an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector, L, by an INTEGER, R. -- If NO_OF_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH, result is truncated to L'LENGTH. -- Id: A.26 function "/" (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Divides an INTEGER, L, by an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector, R. -- If NO_OF_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH, result is truncated to R'LENGTH. --============================================================================ -- -- NOTE: If second argument is zero for "rem" operator, a severity level -- of ERROR is issued. -- Id: A.27 function "rem" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Computes "L rem R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vectors. -- Id: A.28 function "rem" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Computes "L rem R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vectors. -- Id: A.29 function "rem" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Computes "L rem R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector and R is a -- nonnegative INTEGER. -- If NO_OF_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH, result is truncated to L'LENGTH. -- Id: A.30 function "rem" (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Computes "L rem R" where R is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector and L is a -- nonnegative INTEGER. -- If NO_OF_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH, result is truncated to R'LENGTH. -- Id: A.31 function "rem" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Computes "L rem R" where L is UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector and R is an INTEGER. -- If NO_OF_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH, result is truncated to L'LENGTH. -- Id: A.32 function "rem" (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Computes "L rem R" where R is UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector and L is an INTEGER. -- If NO_OF_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH, result is truncated to R'LENGTH. --============================================================================ -- -- NOTE: If second argument is zero for "mod" operator, a severity level -- of ERROR is issued. -- Id: A.33 function "mod" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Computes "L mod R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vectors. -- Id: A.34 function "mod" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Computes "L mod R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vectors. -- Id: A.35 function "mod" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Computes "L mod R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector and R -- is a nonnegative INTEGER. -- If NO_OF_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH, result is truncated to L'LENGTH. -- Id: A.36 function "mod" (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Computes "L mod R" where R is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector and L -- is a nonnegative INTEGER. -- If NO_OF_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH, result is truncated to R'LENGTH. -- Id: A.37 function "mod" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Computes "L mod R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector and -- R is an INTEGER. -- If NO_OF_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH, result is truncated to L'LENGTH. -- Id: A.38 function "mod" (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Computes "L mod R" where L is an INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector. -- If NO_OF_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH, result is truncated to R'LENGTH. --============================================================================ -- Id: A.39 function find_leftmost (ARG : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; Y : STD_ULOGIC) return INTEGER; -- Result subtype: INTEGER -- Result: Finds the leftmost occurrence of the value of Y in ARG. -- Returns the index of the occurrence if it exists, or -1 otherwise. -- Id: A.40 function find_leftmost (ARG : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; Y : STD_ULOGIC) return INTEGER; -- Result subtype: INTEGER -- Result: Finds the leftmost occurrence of the value of Y in ARG. -- Returns the index of the occurrence if it exists, or -1 otherwise. -- Id: A.41 function find_rightmost (ARG : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; Y : STD_ULOGIC) return INTEGER; -- Result subtype: INTEGER -- Result: Finds the leftmost occurrence of the value of Y in ARG. -- Returns the index of the occurrence if it exists, or -1 otherwise. -- Id: A.42 function find_rightmost (ARG : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; Y : STD_ULOGIC) return INTEGER; -- Result subtype: INTEGER -- Result: Finds the leftmost occurrence of the value of Y in ARG. -- Returns the index of the occurrence if it exists, or -1 otherwise. --============================================================================ -- Comparison Operators --============================================================================ -- Id: C.1 function ">" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.2 function ">" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.3 function ">" (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L is a nonnegative INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector. -- Id: C.4 function ">" (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L is a INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector. -- Id: C.5 function ">" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector and -- R is a nonnegative INTEGER. -- Id: C.6 function ">" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector and -- R is a INTEGER. --============================================================================ -- Id: C.7 function "<" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.8 function "<" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.9 function "<" (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L is a nonnegative INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector. -- Id: C.10 function "<" (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L is an INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector. -- Id: C.11 function "<" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector and -- R is a nonnegative INTEGER. -- Id: C.12 function "<" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector and -- R is an INTEGER. --============================================================================ -- Id: C.13 function "<=" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.14 function "<=" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.15 function "<=" (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L is a nonnegative INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector. -- Id: C.16 function "<=" (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L is an INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector. -- Id: C.17 function "<=" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector and -- R is a nonnegative INTEGER. -- Id: C.18 function "<=" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector and -- R is an INTEGER. --============================================================================ -- Id: C.19 function ">=" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.20 function ">=" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.21 function ">=" (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L is a nonnegative INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector. -- Id: C.22 function ">=" (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L is an INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector. -- Id: C.23 function ">=" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector and -- R is a nonnegative INTEGER. -- Id: C.24 function ">=" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector and -- R is an INTEGER. --============================================================================ -- Id: C.25 function "=" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.26 function "=" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.27 function "=" (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L is a nonnegative INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector. -- Id: C.28 function "=" (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L is an INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector. -- Id: C.29 function "=" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector and -- R is a nonnegative INTEGER. -- Id: C.30 function "=" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector and -- R is an INTEGER. --============================================================================ -- Id: C.31 function "/=" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.32 function "/=" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.33 function "/=" (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L is a nonnegative INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector. -- Id: C.34 function "/=" (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L is an INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector. -- Id: C.35 function "/=" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector and -- R is a nonnegative INTEGER. -- Id: C.36 function "/=" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector and -- R is an INTEGER. --============================================================================ -- Id: C.37 function MINIMUM (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED -- Result: Returns the lesser of two UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vectors that may be -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.38 function MINIMUM (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED -- Result: Returns the lesser of two UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vectors that may be -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.39 function MINIMUM (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED -- Result: Returns the lesser of a nonnegative INTEGER, L, and -- an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector, R. -- Id: C.40 function MINIMUM (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED -- Result: Returns the lesser of an INTEGER, L, and an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED -- vector, R. -- Id: C.41 function MINIMUM (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED -- Result: Returns the lesser of an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector, L, and -- a nonnegative INTEGER, R. -- Id: C.42 function MINIMUM (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED -- Result: Returns the lesser of an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector, L, and -- an INTEGER, R. --============================================================================ -- Id: C.43 function MAXIMUM (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED -- Result: Returns the greater of two UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vectors that may be -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.44 function MAXIMUM (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED -- Result: Returns the greater of two UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vectors that may be -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.45 function MAXIMUM (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED -- Result: Returns the greater of a nonnegative INTEGER, L, and -- an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector, R. -- Id: C.46 function MAXIMUM (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED -- Result: Returns the greater of an INTEGER, L, and an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED -- vector, R. -- Id: C.47 function MAXIMUM (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED -- Result: Returns the greater of an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector, L, and -- a nonnegative INTEGER, R. -- Id: C.48 function MAXIMUM (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED -- Result: Returns the greater of an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector, L, and -- an INTEGER, R. --============================================================================ -- Id: C.49 function "?>" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.50 function "?>" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.51 function "?>" (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L is a nonnegative INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector. -- Id: C.52 function "?>" (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L is a INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector. -- Id: C.53 function "?>" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector and -- R is a nonnegative INTEGER. -- Id: C.54 function "?>" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector and -- R is a INTEGER. --============================================================================ -- Id: C.55 function "?<" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.56 function "?<" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.57 function "?<" (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L is a nonnegative INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector. -- Id: C.58 function "?<" (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L is an INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector. -- Id: C.59 function "?<" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector and -- R is a nonnegative INTEGER. -- Id: C.60 function "?<" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector and -- R is an INTEGER. --============================================================================ -- Id: C.61 function "?<=" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.62 function "?<=" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.63 function "?<=" (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L is a nonnegative INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector. -- Id: C.64 function "?<=" (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L is an INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector. -- Id: C.65 function "?<=" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector and -- R is a nonnegative INTEGER. -- Id: C.66 function "?<=" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector and -- R is an INTEGER. --============================================================================ -- Id: C.67 function "?>=" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.68 function "?>=" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.69 function "?>=" (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L is a nonnegative INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector. -- Id: C.70 function "?>=" (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L is an INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector. -- Id: C.71 function "?>=" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector and -- R is a nonnegative INTEGER. -- Id: C.72 function "?>=" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector and -- R is an INTEGER. --============================================================================ -- Id: C.73 function "?=" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.74 function "?=" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.75 function "?=" (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L is a nonnegative INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector. -- Id: C.76 function "?=" (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L is an INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector. -- Id: C.77 function "?=" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector and -- R is a nonnegative INTEGER. -- Id: C.78 function "?=" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector and -- R is an INTEGER. --============================================================================ -- Id: C.79 function "?/=" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.80 function "?/=" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L and R are UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vectors possibly -- of different lengths. -- Id: C.81 function "?/=" (L : NATURAL; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L is a nonnegative INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector. -- Id: C.82 function "?/=" (L : INTEGER; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L is an INTEGER and -- R is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector. -- Id: C.83 function "?/=" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : NATURAL) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector and -- R is a nonnegative INTEGER. -- Id: C.84 function "?/=" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : INTEGER) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L is an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector and -- R is an INTEGER. --============================================================================ -- Shift and Rotate Functions --============================================================================ -- Id: S.1 function SHIFT_LEFT (ARG : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; COUNT : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Performs a shift-left on an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector COUNT times. -- The vacated positions are filled with '0'. -- The COUNT leftmost elements are lost. -- Id: S.2 function SHIFT_RIGHT (ARG : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; COUNT : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Performs a shift-right on an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector COUNT times. -- The vacated positions are filled with '0'. -- The COUNT rightmost elements are lost. -- Id: S.3 function SHIFT_LEFT (ARG : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; COUNT : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Performs a shift-left on an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector COUNT times. -- The vacated positions are filled with '0'. -- The COUNT leftmost elements are lost. -- Id: S.4 function SHIFT_RIGHT (ARG : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; COUNT : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Performs a shift-right on an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector COUNT times. -- The vacated positions are filled with the leftmost -- element, ARG'LEFT. The COUNT rightmost elements are lost. --============================================================================ -- Id: S.5 function ROTATE_LEFT (ARG : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; COUNT : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Performs a rotate-left of an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector COUNT times. -- Id: S.6 function ROTATE_RIGHT (ARG : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; COUNT : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Performs a rotate-right of an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector COUNT times. -- Id: S.7 function ROTATE_LEFT (ARG : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; COUNT : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Performs a logical rotate-left of an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED -- vector COUNT times. -- Id: S.8 function ROTATE_RIGHT (ARG : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; COUNT : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Performs a logical rotate-right of an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED -- vector COUNT times. --============================================================================ --============================================================================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function S.9 is not compatible with IEEE Std 1076-1987. Comment -- out the function (declaration and body) for IEEE Std 1076-1987 compatibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: S.9 function "sll" (ARG : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; COUNT : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: SHIFT_LEFT(ARG, COUNT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function S.10 is not compatible with IEEE Std 1076-1987. Comment -- out the function (declaration and body) for IEEE Std 1076-1987 compatibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: S.10 function "sll" (ARG : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; COUNT : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: SHIFT_LEFT(ARG, COUNT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function S.11 is not compatible with IEEE Std 1076-1987. Comment -- out the function (declaration and body) for IEEE StdL 1076-1987 compatibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: S.11 function "srl" (ARG : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; COUNT : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: SHIFT_RIGHT(ARG, COUNT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function S.12 is not compatible with IEEE Std 1076-1987. Comment -- out the function (declaration and body) for IEEE Std 1076-1987 compatibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: S.12 function "srl" (ARG : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; COUNT : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(SHIFT_RIGHT(UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(ARG), COUNT)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function S.13 is not compatible with IEEE Std 1076-1987. Comment -- out the function (declaration and body) for IEEE Std 1076-1987 compatibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: S.13 function "rol" (ARG : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; COUNT : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: ROTATE_LEFT(ARG, COUNT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function S.14 is not compatible with IEEE Std 1076-1987. Comment -- out the function (declaration and body) for IEEE Std 1076-1987 compatibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: S.14 function "rol" (ARG : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; COUNT : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: ROTATE_LEFT(ARG, COUNT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function S.15 is not compatible with IEEE Std 1076-1987. Comment -- out the function (declaration and body) for IEEE Std 1076-1987 compatibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: S.15 function "ror" (ARG : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; COUNT : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: ROTATE_RIGHT(ARG, COUNT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function S.16 is not compatible with IEEE Std 1076-1987. Comment -- out the function (declaration and body) for IEEE Std 1076-1987 compatibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: S.16 function "ror" (ARG : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; COUNT : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: ROTATE_RIGHT(ARG, COUNT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function S.17 is not compatible with IEEE Std 1076-1987. Comment -- out the function (declaration and body) for IEEE Std 1076-1987 compatibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: S.17 function "sla" (ARG : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; COUNT : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: SHIFT_LEFT(ARG, COUNT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function S.18 is not compatible with IEEE Std 1076-1987. Comment -- out the function (declaration and body) for IEEE Std 1076-1987 compatibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: S.18 function "sla" (ARG : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; COUNT : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: SHIFT_LEFT(ARG, COUNT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function S.19 is not compatible with IEEE Std 1076-1987. Comment -- out the function (declaration and body) for IEEE Std 1076-1987 compatibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: S.19 function "sra" (ARG : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; COUNT : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: SHIFT_RIGHT(ARG, COUNT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function S.20 is not compatible with IEEE Std 1076-1987. Comment -- out the function (declaration and body) for IEEE Std 1076-1987 compatibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: S.20 function "sra" (ARG : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; COUNT : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: SHIFT_RIGHT(ARG, COUNT) --============================================================================ -- RESIZE Functions --============================================================================ -- Id: R.1 function RESIZE (ARG : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; NEW_SIZE : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(NEW_SIZE-1 downto 0) -- Result: Resizes the UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector ARG to the specified size. -- To create a larger vector, the new [leftmost] bit positions -- are filled with the sign bit (ARG'LEFT). When truncating, -- the sign bit is retained along with the rightmost part. -- Id: R.2 function RESIZE (ARG : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; NEW_SIZE : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(NEW_SIZE-1 downto 0) -- Result: Resizes the UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector ARG to the specified size. -- To create a larger vector, the new [leftmost] bit positions -- are filled with '0'. When truncating, the leftmost bits -- are dropped. function RESIZE (ARG, SIZE_RES : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED (SIZE_RES'length-1 downto 0) function RESIZE (ARG, SIZE_RES : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED (SIZE_RES'length-1 downto 0) --============================================================================ -- Conversion Functions --============================================================================ -- Id: D.1 function TO_INTEGER (ARG : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return NATURAL; -- Result subtype: NATURAL. Value cannot be negative since parameter is an -- UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector. -- Result: Converts the UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector to an INTEGER. -- Id: D.2 function TO_INTEGER (ARG : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return INTEGER; -- Result subtype: INTEGER -- Result: Converts an UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector to an INTEGER. -- Id: D.3 function TO_UNSIGNED (ARG, SIZE : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0) -- Result: Converts a nonnegative INTEGER to an UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED vector with -- the specified SIZE. -- Id: D.4 function TO_SIGNED (ARG : INTEGER; SIZE : NATURAL) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0) -- Result: Converts an INTEGER to a UNRESOLVED_SIGNED vector of the specified SIZE. function TO_UNSIGNED (ARG : NATURAL; SIZE_RES : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(SIZE_RES'length-1 downto 0) function TO_SIGNED (ARG : INTEGER; SIZE_RES : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(SIZE_RES'length-1 downto 0) --============================================================================ -- Logical Operators --============================================================================ -- Id: L.1 function "not" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Termwise inversion -- Id: L.2 function "and" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector AND operation -- Id: L.3 function "or" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector OR operation -- Id: L.4 function "nand" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector NAND operation -- Id: L.5 function "nor" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector NOR operation -- Id: L.6 function "xor" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector XOR operation -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Note: Function L.7 is not compatible with IEEE Std 1076-1987. Comment -- out the function (declaration and body) for IEEE Std 1076-1987 compatibility. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Id: L.7 function "xnor" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector XNOR operation -- Id: L.8 function "not" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Termwise inversion -- Id: L.9 function "and" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector AND operation -- Id: L.10 function "or" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector OR operation -- Id: L.11 function "nand" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector NAND operation -- Id: L.12 function "nor" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector NOR operation -- Id: L.13 function "xor" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector XOR operation -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Note: Function L.14 is not compatible with IEEE Std 1076-1987. Comment -- out the function (declaration and body) for IEEE Std 1076-1987 compatibility. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Id: L.14 function "xnor" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector XNOR operation -- Id: L.15 function "and" (L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Scalar/Vector AND operation -- Id: L.16 function "and" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : STD_ULOGIC) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector/Scalar AND operation -- Id: L.17 function "or" (L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Scalar/Vector OR operation -- Id: L.18 function "or" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : STD_ULOGIC) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector/Scalar OR operation -- Id: L.19 function "nand" (L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Scalar/Vector NAND operation -- Id: L.20 function "nand" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : STD_ULOGIC) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector/Scalar NAND operation -- Id: L.21 function "nor" (L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Scalar/Vector NOR operation -- Id: L.22 function "nor" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : STD_ULOGIC) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector/Scalar NOR operation -- Id: L.23 function "xor" (L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Scalar/Vector XOR operation -- Id: L.24 function "xor" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : STD_ULOGIC) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector/Scalar XOR operation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function L.25 is not compatible with IEEE Std 1076-1987. Comment -- out the function (declaration and body) for IEEE Std 1076-1987 compatibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: L.25 function "xnor" (L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Scalar/Vector XNOR operation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function L.26 is not compatible with IEEE Std 1076-1987. Comment -- out the function (declaration and body) for IEEE Std 1076-1987 compatibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: L.26 function "xnor" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; R : STD_ULOGIC) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector/Scalar XNOR operation -- Id: L.27 function "and" (L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Scalar/Vector AND operation -- Id: L.28 function "and" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : STD_ULOGIC) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector/Scalar AND operation -- Id: L.29 function "or" (L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Scalar/Vector OR operation -- Id: L.30 function "or" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : STD_ULOGIC) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector/Scalar OR operation -- Id: L.31 function "nand" (L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Scalar/Vector NAND operation -- Id: L.32 function "nand" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : STD_ULOGIC) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector/Scalar NAND operation -- Id: L.33 function "nor" (L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Scalar/Vector NOR operation -- Id: L.34 function "nor" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : STD_ULOGIC) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector/Scalar NOR operation -- Id: L.35 function "xor" (L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Scalar/Vector XOR operation -- Id: L.36 function "xor" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : STD_ULOGIC) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector/Scalar XOR operation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function L.37 is not compatible with IEEE Std 1076-1987. Comment -- out the function (declaration and body) for IEEE Std 1076-1987 compatibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: L.37 function "xnor" (L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Scalar/Vector XNOR operation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function L.38 is not compatible with IEEE Std 1076-1987. Comment -- out the function (declaration and body) for IEEE Std 1076-1987 compatibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: L.38 function "xnor" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; R : STD_ULOGIC) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0) -- Result: Vector/Scalar XNOR operation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function L.39 is not compatible with editions of IEEE Std 1076 from -- 1987 through 2002. Comment out the function (declaration and body) for -- compatibility with these editions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: L.39 function "and" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC. -- Result: Result of and'ing all of the bits of the vector. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function L.40 is not compatible with editions of IEEE Std 1076 from -- 1987 through 2002. Comment out the function (declaration and body) for -- compatibility with these editions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: L.40 function "nand" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC. -- Result: Result of nand'ing all of the bits of the vector. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function L.41 is not compatible with editions of IEEE Std 1076 from -- 1987 through 2002. Comment out the function (declaration and body) for -- compatibility with these editions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: L.41 function "or" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC. -- Result: Result of or'ing all of the bits of the vector. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function L.42 is not compatible with editions of IEEE Std 1076 from -- 1987 through 2002. Comment out the function (declaration and body) for -- compatibility with these editions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: L.42 function "nor" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC. -- Result: Result of nor'ing all of the bits of the vector. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function L.43 is not compatible with editions of IEEE Std 1076 from -- 1987 through 2002. Comment out the function (declaration and body) for -- compatibility with these editions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: L.43 function "xor" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC. -- Result: Result of xor'ing all of the bits of the vector. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function L.44 is not compatible with editions of IEEE Std 1076 from -- 1987 through 2002. Comment out the function (declaration and body) for -- compatibility with these editions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: L.44 function "xnor" (L : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC. -- Result: Result of xnor'ing all of the bits of the vector. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function L.45 is not compatible with editions of IEEE Std 1076 from -- 1987 through 2002. Comment out the function (declaration and body) for -- compatibility with these editions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: L.45 function "and" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC. -- Result: Result of and'ing all of the bits of the vector. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function L.46 is not compatible with editions of IEEE Std 1076 from -- 1987 through 2002. Comment out the function (declaration and body) for -- compatibility with these editions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: L.46 function "nand" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC. -- Result: Result of nand'ing all of the bits of the vector. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function L.47 is not compatible with editions of IEEE Std 1076 from -- 1987 through 2002. Comment out the function (declaration and body) for -- compatibility with these editions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: L.47 function "or" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC. -- Result: Result of or'ing all of the bits of the vector. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function L.48 is not compatible with editions of IEEE Std 1076 from -- 1987 through 2002. Comment out the function (declaration and body) for -- compatibility with these editions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: L.48 function "nor" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC. -- Result: Result of nor'ing all of the bits of the vector. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function L.49 is not compatible with editions of IEEE Std 1076 from -- 1987 through 2002. Comment out the function (declaration and body) for -- compatibility with these editions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: L.49 function "xor" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC. -- Result: Result of xor'ing all of the bits of the vector. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note: Function L.50 is not compatible with editions of IEEE Std 1076 from -- 1987 through 2002. Comment out the function (declaration and body) for -- compatibility with these editions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Id: L.50 function "xnor" (L : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STD_ULOGIC; -- Result subtype: STD_ULOGIC. -- Result: Result of xnor'ing all of the bits of the vector. --============================================================================ -- Match Functions --============================================================================ -- Id: M.1 function STD_MATCH (L, R : STD_ULOGIC) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: terms compared per STD_LOGIC_1164 intent -- Id: M.2 function STD_MATCH (L, R : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: terms compared per STD_LOGIC_1164 intent -- Id: M.3 function STD_MATCH (L, R : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: terms compared per STD_LOGIC_1164 intent -- Id: M.5 function STD_MATCH (L, R : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: terms compared per STD_LOGIC_1164 intent --============================================================================ -- Translation Functions --============================================================================ -- Id: T.1 function TO_01 (S : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; XMAP : STD_ULOGIC := '0') return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(S'RANGE) -- Result: Termwise, 'H' is translated to '1', and 'L' is translated -- to '0'. If a value other than '0'|'1'|'H'|'L' is found, -- the array is set to (others => XMAP), and a warning is -- issued. -- Id: T.2 function TO_01 (S : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; XMAP : STD_ULOGIC := '0') return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(S'RANGE) -- Result: Termwise, 'H' is translated to '1', and 'L' is translated -- to '0'. If a value other than '0'|'1'|'H'|'L' is found, -- the array is set to (others => XMAP), and a warning is -- issued. -- Id: T.3 function TO_X01 (S : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(S'RANGE) -- Result: Termwise, 'H' is translated to '1', 'L' is translated to '0', -- and values other than '0'|'1'|'H'|'L' are translated to 'X'. -- Id: T.4 function TO_X01 (S : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(S'RANGE) -- Result: Termwise, 'H' is translated to '1', 'L' is translated to '0', -- and values other than '0'|'1'|'H'|'L' are translated to 'X'. -- Id: T.5 function TO_X01Z (S : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(S'RANGE) -- Result: Termwise, 'H' is translated to '1', 'L' is translated to '0', -- and values other than '0'|'1'|'H'|'L'|'Z' are translated to 'X'. -- Id: T.6 function TO_X01Z (S : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(S'RANGE) -- Result: Termwise, 'H' is translated to '1', 'L' is translated to '0', -- and values other than '0'|'1'|'H'|'L'|'Z' are translated to 'X'. -- Id: T.7 function TO_UX01 (S : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED(S'RANGE) -- Result: Termwise, 'H' is translated to '1', 'L' is translated to '0', -- and values other than 'U'|'0'|'1'|'H'|'L' are translated to 'X'. -- Id: T.8 function TO_UX01 (S : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNRESOLVED_SIGNED(S'RANGE) -- Result: Termwise, 'H' is translated to '1', 'L' is translated to '0', -- and values other than 'U'|'0'|'1'|'H'|'L' are translated to 'X'. -- Id: T.9 function IS_X (S : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: TRUE if S contains a 'U'|'X'|'Z'|'W'|'-' value, FALSE otherwise. -- Id: T.10 function IS_X (S : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return BOOLEAN; -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN -- Result: TRUE if S contains a 'U'|'X'|'Z'|'W'|'-' value, FALSE otherwise. --============================================================================ -- string conversion and write operations --============================================================================ -- the following operations are predefined -- function to_string (value : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STRING; -- function to_string (value : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STRING; -- explicitly defined operations alias to_bstring is to_string [UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED return STRING]; alias to_bstring is to_string [UNRESOLVED_SIGNED return STRING]; alias to_binary_string is to_string [UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED return STRING]; alias to_binary_string is to_string [UNRESOLVED_SIGNED return STRING]; function to_ostring (value : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STRING; function to_ostring (value : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STRING; alias to_octal_string is to_ostring [UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED return STRING]; alias to_octal_string is to_ostring [UNRESOLVED_SIGNED return STRING]; function to_hstring (value : UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED) return STRING; function to_hstring (value : UNRESOLVED_SIGNED) return STRING; alias to_hex_string is to_hstring [UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED return STRING]; alias to_hex_string is to_hstring [UNRESOLVED_SIGNED return STRING]; procedure READ(L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; GOOD : out BOOLEAN); procedure READ(L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED); procedure READ(L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; GOOD : out BOOLEAN); procedure READ(L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_SIGNED); procedure WRITE (L : inout LINE; VALUE : in UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; JUSTIFIED : in SIDE := right; FIELD : in WIDTH := 0); procedure WRITE (L : inout LINE; VALUE : in UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; JUSTIFIED : in SIDE := right; FIELD : in WIDTH := 0); alias BREAD is READ [LINE, UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED, BOOLEAN]; alias BREAD is READ [LINE, UNRESOLVED_SIGNED, BOOLEAN]; alias BREAD is READ [LINE, UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED]; alias BREAD is READ [LINE, UNRESOLVED_SIGNED]; alias BINARY_READ is READ [LINE, UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED, BOOLEAN]; alias BINARY_READ is READ [LINE, UNRESOLVED_SIGNED, BOOLEAN]; alias BINARY_READ is READ [LINE, UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED]; alias BINARY_READ is READ [LINE, UNRESOLVED_SIGNED]; procedure OREAD (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; GOOD : out BOOLEAN); procedure OREAD (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; GOOD : out BOOLEAN); procedure OREAD (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED); procedure OREAD (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_SIGNED); alias OCTAL_READ is OREAD [LINE, UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED, BOOLEAN]; alias OCTAL_READ is OREAD [LINE, UNRESOLVED_SIGNED, BOOLEAN]; alias OCTAL_READ is OREAD [LINE, UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED]; alias OCTAL_READ is OREAD [LINE, UNRESOLVED_SIGNED]; procedure HREAD (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; GOOD : out BOOLEAN); procedure HREAD (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; GOOD : out BOOLEAN); procedure HREAD (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED); procedure HREAD (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_SIGNED); alias HEX_READ is HREAD [LINE, UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED, BOOLEAN]; alias HEX_READ is HREAD [LINE, UNRESOLVED_SIGNED, BOOLEAN]; alias HEX_READ is HREAD [LINE, UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED]; alias HEX_READ is HREAD [LINE, UNRESOLVED_SIGNED]; alias BWRITE is WRITE [LINE, UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED, SIDE, WIDTH]; alias BWRITE is WRITE [LINE, UNRESOLVED_SIGNED, SIDE, WIDTH]; alias BINARY_WRITE is WRITE [LINE, UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED, SIDE, WIDTH]; alias BINARY_WRITE is WRITE [LINE, UNRESOLVED_SIGNED, SIDE, WIDTH]; procedure OWRITE (L : inout LINE; VALUE : in UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; JUSTIFIED : in SIDE := right; FIELD : in WIDTH := 0); procedure OWRITE (L : inout LINE; VALUE : in UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; JUSTIFIED : in SIDE := right; FIELD : in WIDTH := 0); alias OCTAL_WRITE is OWRITE [LINE, UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED, SIDE, WIDTH]; alias OCTAL_WRITE is OWRITE [LINE, UNRESOLVED_SIGNED, SIDE, WIDTH]; procedure HWRITE (L : inout LINE; VALUE : in UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED; JUSTIFIED : in SIDE := right; FIELD : in WIDTH := 0); procedure HWRITE (L : inout LINE; VALUE : in UNRESOLVED_SIGNED; JUSTIFIED : in SIDE := right; FIELD : in WIDTH := 0); alias HEX_WRITE is HWRITE [LINE, UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED, SIDE, WIDTH]; alias HEX_WRITE is HWRITE [LINE, UNRESOLVED_SIGNED, SIDE, WIDTH]; end package NUMERIC_STD;