# EMACS settings: -*-	tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
# vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
# kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
# ==============================================================================
#	PowerShell Script:	Script to compile GHDL for Windows
#	Authors:						Patrick Lehmann	(ported batch file to PowerShell)
#											Brian Davis			(contributions to the batch file)
#											Tristan Gingold	(initial batch file for compilations on Windows)
# Description:
# ------------------------------------
#	This is a PowerShell script (executable) which:
#		- compiles GHDL and GHDLFilter
#		- analyses VHDL libraries
#		- installs GHDL into a directory (xcopy deploiment)
# ==============================================================================
#	Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
#	GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
#	the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
#	Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
#	version.
#	GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
#	WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
#	FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
#	for more details.
#	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#	along with GHDL; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
#	Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
#	02111-1307, USA.
# ==============================================================================
		GHDL for Windows - GHDL compile script
		Use 'winbuild.ps1 -Help' to see the integrated help page
		# Normal flow
		PS> .\winbuild.ps1 -Clean
		PS> .\winbuild.ps1 -Compile
		PS> .\winbuild.ps1 -Install -InstallPath "C:\Tools\GHDL"

		# Create a zip-file
		PS>.\winbuild.ps1 -CreatePackage -Zip 

		# combine all commands in a single call
		PS>.\winbuild.ps1 -Clean -Compile -Install -InstallPath "C:\Tools\GHDL"

# define script parameters
	# compile GHDL
	# clean up all files and directories

	# create an installer package
		# creates a zip-file for xcopy deployment
		# creates a exe-file (installer generated by NSIS)
	# install all files into a directory (xcopy deployment)
		# Installation directory
	# uninstall all files from a directory
	# display this help"

# configure script here
$Script_RelPathToRoot =	"..\.."

# save parameters and current working directory
$Script_Parameters =		$args
$Script_ScriptDir =			$PSScriptRoot
$Script_WorkingDir =		Get-Location
$GHDLRootDir_AbsPath =	Convert-Path (Resolve-Path ($PSScriptRoot + "\" + $Script_RelPathToRoot))

# configure some variables: paths, executables, directory names, ...
$WindowsDirName =				"dist\mcode\windows"
$BuildDirName =					"dist\mcode\build"
$LibraryDirName =				"dist\mcode\lib"
$ZipPackageDirName =		"dist\mcode\zip"
$ZipPackageFileName =		"dist\mcode\ghdl-install.zip"

# construct directories
$GHDLWindowsDir =			$GHDLRootDir_AbsPath + "\" + $WindowsDirName
$GHDLBuildDir =				$GHDLRootDir_AbsPath + "\" + $BuildDirName
$GHDLLibraryDir =			$GHDLRootDir_AbsPath + "\" + $LibraryDirName
$GHDLZipPackageDir =	$GHDLRootDir_AbsPath + "\" + $ZipPackageDirName
$GHDLZipPackageFile =	$GHDLRootDir_AbsPath + "\" + $ZipPackageFileName

# set default values
$Script_ExitCode = 			0
if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent) 		{	$Script_EnableDebug =		$true	}
if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent)	{	$Script_EnableVerbose =	$true	}

# Author:	Ed Wilson
# Source:	http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2011/07/23/use-powershell-to-modify-your-environmental-path.aspx
function Add-Path
	(	[parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$True,Position=0)]
# function body
	{	# Get the current search path from the environment keys in the registry.
		$OldPath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" -Name PATH).Path

		# See if a new folder has been supplied.
		if (!$AddedFolder)
			{	return "No Folder Supplied. $ENV:PATH Unchanged"	}

		# See if the new folder exists on the file system.
		if (!(Test-Path $AddedFolder))
			{	return "Folder Does not Exist, Cannot be added to $ENV:PATH"	}

		# See if the new Folder is already in the path.
		if ($ENV:Path | Select-String -SimpleMatch $AddedFolder)
			{	return "Folder already within $ENV:PATH"	}

		# Set the New Path
		$NewPath = $OldPath + ";" + $AddedFolder

		Set-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" -Name PATH -Value $NewPath

# Author:	Ed Wilson
# Source:	http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2011/07/23/use-powershell-to-modify-your-environmental-path.aspx
function Remove-Path
	(	[parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$True,Position=0)]
# function body
	{	# Get the Current Search Path from the environment keys in the registry
		$OldPath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" -Name PATH).Path

		# Find the value to remove, replace it with $NULL. If it’s not found, nothing will change.
		$NewPath = $OldPath -replace $RemovedFolder,$Null

		# Update the Environment Path
		Set-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" -Name PATH -Value $NewPath

if ($Help)
	{	Write-Host "Usage:"
		Write-Host "  compile.ps1 [-Verbose] [-Debug] (-Help|-Compile|-Clean|-CreatePackage|-Install|-Uninstall)" -ForegroundColor Gray
		Write-Host "Options:"
		Write-Host "  -Verbose    enable detailed messages"
		Write-Host "  -Debug      enable debug messages"
		Write-Host "Commands:"
		Write-Host "  -Help             display this help"
		Write-Host "  -Compile          compile all library files"
		Write-Host "  -Clean            clean up all files and directories"
		Write-Host "  -CreatePackage    create an installer package"
		Write-Host "  -Install          install all files into a directory (xcopy deployment)"
		Write-Host "  -Uninstall        uninstall all files from a directory"
		Write-Host "Options for -CreatePackage:"
		Write-Host "  -Zip              creates a zip-file for xcopy deployment"
		Write-Host "Options for -Install:"
		Write-Host "  -InstallPath <dir>  directory into which GHDL will be installed"
		Write-Host "Examples:"
		Write-Host "  # Normal flow"
		Write-Host "  PS>.\winbuild.ps1 -Clean" -ForegroundColor Gray
		Write-Host "  PS>.\winbuild.ps1 -Compile" -ForegroundColor Gray
		Write-Host "  PS>.\winbuild.ps1 -Install -InstallPath `"C:\Tools\GHDL`"" -ForegroundColor Gray
		Write-Host "  # Create a zip-file"
		Write-Host "  PS>.\winbuild.ps1 -CreatePackage -Zip" -ForegroundColor Gray
		Write-Host "  # combine all commands in a single call"
		Write-Host "  PS>.\winbuild.ps1 -Clean -Compile -Install -InstallPath `"C:\Tools\GHDL`"" -ForegroundColor Gray
elseif ($Uninstall)
	{	Write-Host "Uninstalling GHDL $GHDLVersion for Windows"

		Write-Host "This command is not implemented" -ForegroundColor Red
		$Script_ExitCode = 1
		if ($Script_ExitCode -eq 0)
			{	Write-Host
				Write-Host "Uninstall " -NoNewline
				Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green
	}	# Uninstall
	{ $Script_ExitCode = -1
		if ($Clean)
			{	$Script_ExitCode = 0
				Write-Host "Removing all created files and directories..."
				if ($Script_ExitCode -eq 0)
					{	$Script_Path = 				$GHDLWindowsDir + "\compile.ps1"
						$Script_Parameters =	@('-Clean')
						#$Script_Parameters +=	'-Clean'
						if ($Script_EnableVerbose -eq $true)	{	$Script_Parameters += '-Verbose'	}
						if ($Script_EnableDebug -eq $true)		{	$Script_Parameters += '-Debug'		}
						Write-Host "Running compile.ps1 ..."
						Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
						Invoke-Expression "$Script_Path $($Script_Parameters -join " ")"
						if ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
							{	$Script_ExitCode = 1
								Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
								Write-Host "ERROR while executing 'compile.ps1 $($Script_Paramters -join " ")'" -ForegroundColor Red
							{	Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
								Write-Host "Completed [SUCCESSFUL]"
				if ($Script_ExitCode -eq 0)
					{	$Script_Path = 				$GHDLWindowsDir + "\compile.ps1"
						$Script_Parameters =	@()
						$Script_Parameters +=	'-Clean'
						if ($Script_EnableVerbose -eq $true)	{	$Script_Parameters += '-Verbose'	}
						if ($Script_EnableDebug -eq $true)		{	$Script_Parameters += '-Debug'		}
						Write-Host "Running complib.ps1 ..."
						Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
						Invoke-Expression "$Script_Path $($Script_Parameters -join " ")"
						if ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
							{	$Script_ExitCode = 1
								Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
								Write-Host "ERROR while executing 'complib.ps1 $($Script_Paramters -join " ")'" -ForegroundColor Red
							{	Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
								Write-Host "Completed [SUCCESSFUL]"
				if ($Script_ExitCode -eq 0)
					{	Write-Host "Removing installer packages and temporary directories..."
						Write-Host "  $GHDLZipPackageDir"
						Remove-Item $GHDLZipPackageDir -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
						Write-Host "  $GHDLZipPackageFile"
						Remove-Item $GHDLZipPackageFile -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
				if ($Script_ExitCode -eq 0)
					{	Write-Host
						Write-Host "Clean " -NoNewline
						Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green
			}	# Clean
		if ($Compile)
			{	$Script_ExitCode = 0
				Write-Host "Compiling GHDL $GHDLVersion for Windows"
				if ($Script_ExitCode -eq 0)
					{	$Script_Path = 				$GHDLWindowsDir + "\compile.ps1"
						$Script_Parameters =	@()
						$Script_Parameters +=	'-Compile'
						if ($Script_EnableVerbose -eq $true)	{	$Script_Parameters += '-Verbose'	}
						if ($Script_EnableDebug -eq $true)		{	$Script_Parameters += '-Debug'		}
						Write-Host "Running compile.ps1 ..."
						Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
						Invoke-Expression "$Script_Path $($Script_Parameters -join " ")"
						if ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
							{	$Script_ExitCode = 1
								Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
								Write-Host "ERROR while executing 'compile.ps1 $($Script_Paramters -join " ")'" -ForegroundColor Red
							{	Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
								Write-Host "Completed [SUCCESSFUL]"
				if ($Script_ExitCode -eq 0)
					{	$Script_Path = 				$GHDLWindowsDir + "\complib.ps1"
						$Script_Parameters =	@()
						$Script_Parameters +=	'-Compile'
						if ($Script_EnableVerbose -eq $true)	{	$Script_Parameters += '-Verbose'	}
						if ($Script_EnableDebug -eq $true)		{	$Script_Parameters += '-Debug'		}
						Write-Host "Running complib.ps1 ..."
						Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
						Invoke-Expression "$Script_Path $($Script_Parameters -join " ")"
						if ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
							{	$Script_ExitCode = 1
								Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
								Write-Host "ERROR while executing 'complib.ps1 $($Script_Paramters -join " ")'" -ForegroundColor Red
							{	Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
								Write-Host "Completed [SUCCESSFUL]"
				if ($Script_ExitCode -eq 0)
					{	Write-Host
						Write-Host "Compile " -NoNewline
						Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green
			}	# Compile
		if ($CreatePackage)
			{	$Script_ExitCode = 0
				Write-Host "Creating an installation package for GHDL $GHDLVersion for Windows"

				if ($Zip)
					{	if ((Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where {$_.Name -like "PSCX"}).Version -ge "")
							{	Write-Host "Loading PowerShell Community Extensions (PSCX) " -NoNewline
								Import-Module Pscx
								Write-Host "[Done]" -ForegroundColor Green
							{	$Script_ExitCode = 1
								Write-Host "[FAILED]" -ForegroundColor RED	
				# create zip-file
				if (($Script_ExitCode -eq 0) -and $Zip)
					{	Write-Host "Output format: zip-file"
						Write-Host "  Removing old directory '$GHDLZipPackageDir'."
						Remove-Item $GHDLZipPackageDir -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
						Write-Host "  Creating directory '$GHDLZipPackageDir'."
						[void](New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $GHDLZipPackageDir				-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
						[void](New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$GHDLZipPackageDir\bin"	-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
						Copy-Item "$GHDLBuildDir\ghdl.exe"				"$GHDLZipPackageDir\bin\ghdl.exe"				-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
						Copy-Item "$GHDLBuildDir\ghdlfilter.exe"	"$GHDLZipPackageDir\bin\ghdlfilter.exe"	-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

						Copy-Item $GHDLLibraryDir -Recurse				$GHDLZipPackageDir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

						Write-Host "  Compressing files into '$GHDLZipPackageFile'"
						$file = Get-ChildItem $GHDLZipPackageDir -Recurse | Write-Zip -IncludeEmptyDirectories -EntryPathRoot $GHDLZipPackageDir -OutputPath $GHDLZipPackageFile
						Write-Host "  $([math]::round(($file.Length / 1MB), 3)) MiB written to disk"
				elseif (($Script_ExitCode -eq 0) -and $Nsis)
					{	Write-Host "Output format: exe-file (created by NSIS)"
						$Script_ExitCode = 1
						Write-Host "ERROR: Not Implemented." -ForegroundColor RED	
					{	$Script_ExitCode = 1
						Write-Host "No package format selected." -ForegroundColor Red
						Write-Host "Possible formats:"
						Write-Host "  - zip-file (-Zip)"
				if ($Script_ExitCode -eq 0)
					{	Write-Host
						Write-Host "Create Package " -NoNewline
						Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green
			}	# CreatePackage
		if ($Install)
			{	$Script_ExitCode = 0
				Write-Host "Installing GHDL $GHDLVersion for Windows"

				if ($InstallPath -eq "")
					{	$Script_ExitCode = 1
						Write-Host "Missing argument -InstallPath" -ForegroundColor Red
					{	if (Test-Path -Path $InstallPath)
							{	$Script_ExitCode = 1
								Write-Host "  Directory '$InstallPath' already exists." -ForegroundColor Red
				if ($Script_ExitCode -eq 0)
					{	Write-Host "  Install directory: $InstallPath"
						Write-Host "  Creating directory '$InstallPath'."
						[void](New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $InstallPath				-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
						[void](New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$InstallPath\bin"	-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
						Copy-Item "$GHDLBuildDir\ghdl.exe"				"$InstallPath\bin\ghdl.exe"				-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
						Copy-Item "$GHDLBuildDir\ghdlfilter.exe"	"$InstallPath\bin\ghdlfilter.exe"	-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

						Copy-Item $GHDLLibraryDir -Recurse				$InstallPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
				if ($Script_ExitCode -eq 0)
					{	Write-Host "  Registering installation directory in system PATH"
						Add-Path "$InstallPath\bin"
				if ($Script_ExitCode -eq 0)
					{	Write-Host
						Write-Host "Install " -NoNewline
						Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green
			}	# Install

		if ($Script_ExitCode -eq -1)
			{	Write-Host "ERROR: missing argument(s)" -ForegroundColor Red
				Write-Host "Usage:"
				Write-Host "  winbuild.ps1 [-Verbose] [-Debug] (-Help|-Compile|-Clean|-CreatePackage|-Install|-Uninstall)" -ForegroundColor Gray
			}	# Unknown

# restore working directory if changed
Set-Location $Script_WorkingDir

# return exit status
exit $Script_ExitCode